Dual citizenship in Russia: with which countries is allowed, the procedure for registration

Is it possible to dual citizenship in Russia, with which countries the procedure for obtaining passports is legitimate - relevant issues for many residents of the world. Some citizens born in the Soviet Union have 2 homelands: the republic that raised them, and the state where they now live. The move took place by chance or by the need - now it does not matter. How to obtain dual citizenship in Russia, with which countries friendly relations have remained - that is what worries us during the constant innovations and legal transformations in the world.

which countries give dual citizenship with Russia

Legal basis

Not only with kinship roots or nostalgic memories there is a need for two identities. Expansion of international commercial relations, established business, open accounts in foreign banks require constant travel from merchants, presence at subsidiaries for their successful development.

Free movement becomes the reason for obtaining dual citizenship in Russia, with which countries there will be no delay. Such principles do not apply in all states, many set the conditions: abandon their legal status when accepting a new one.

Russian law is relatively loyal in this matter. The main legal guide, on the basis of which all bills are developed and laws are approved, is the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Article 62 clearly prescribes permits for dual citizenship in Russia, with which countries relations arise, lawmakers do not particularly focus.

What is required from a foreigner at the constitutional level?

Despite the apparent permissiveness, one should not neglect the foreign nationals of the requirements that unobtrusively surround each permissive clause of the law of an important legal guide - the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

  • compliance with federal legislation and international treaties of the Russian Federation;
  • upon receipt of rights due to another citizenship, the obligations to his country remain in full;
  • foreigners and persons who do not have any citizenship have equal rights with Russian citizens.

The last paragraph contains a reservation: all foreign citizens are endowed with equal rights in the Russian Federation, if this does not contradict our national interests, laws and is consistent with an international agreement.

Which countries does Russia have dual citizenship with?

Distinctive features between similar terms

Two almost identical expressions have different meanings: dual and second citizenship.

A person can have any number of passports. But if Russia does not have international treaties with these states, he remains a citizen of his country, fulfills all obligations received from birth, and obeys the laws of the Russian Federation. Such a resident is given the status of โ€œwith a second citizenshipโ€ - there seems to be another document, but the main one is Russian.

Itโ€™s a completely different situation when, before making out, they find out which countries allow dual citizenship with Russia, which means they have international relations at the contract level. Together with the passport of another state, all obligations to it are given and remain before Russia.

A person must become a law-abiding citizen in both powers:

  • to serve in the army in one of the countries;
  • pay taxes to the treasury in the territory where it receives income.

Although no one accepts violators of the law, if they are not the bearer of secrets and keepers of state secrets.

What does a citizen get in return?

Those countries that allow dual citizenship with Russia provide:

  • full rights, they remain in the homeland;
  • free entry and exit without visas;
  • diplomatic support;
  • benefits and material assistance provided in the region of residence.

Despite criticism from all sides of our cruel world, it is Russia that is most liberal with immigrants in comparison with other world actors. The national legislation of many states has been created with such a restrictive framework that sometimes it is impossible to overcome them all, unless, of course, there are millions, plants and ships. When our people find out at the embassy which countries recognize dual citizenship with Russia, they are extremely surprised and disappointed that only Tajikistan has decided on such powers.

which countries allow dual citizenship with Russia

Actual situation

Citizenship has many shades, it has a clean look and not quite. It can be legal and fictitious, bought near the metro station. You can legally receive passports for services in different countries. So with which countries does Russia have dual citizenship? This is now only possible in 2 cases.

Tajikistan signed an international treaty back in 1995, has not canceled the agreement, it is still valid. Under the terms of international law, free movement without restrictions between such states is possible; two official passports are acceptable.

An incident occurred with Turkmenistan, the term of the international treaty ended in 1993, and the country's leaders did not renew it. On the contrary, in 2003 they signed a stopping document on all issues of this level. If there are residents who managed to obtain dual citizenship in Russia, and the list of countries by this time has not been reduced to a minimum, they will remain in their status, they will not be deprived of any of the passports along with their rights and freedoms.

How to legitimize your position?

If people officially formalized their civil status in two countries, they are called bipatrides, except for Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. It is interesting that as soon as such a person moves to another territory, he falls under its jurisdiction and is relieved of duties to the state that he left.

Federal Law No. 62, adopted in 2002 as amended on June 4, 2014, obliged bipatrides to inform the Ministry of Internal Affairs about their changes in status within 2 months. For violation of this provision, liability is imposed up to criminal punishment with large fines (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation under Article 320). So dual citizenship in the CIS countries was allowed only by Tajikistan, Turkmenistan refused to extend the international treaty.

which countries allow dual citizenship with Russia

Russian bans

The Russian Federation does not limit its citizens in obtaining additional identity cards, except for officials. If a person has been abroad for a long time and is not opposed to his residence, he has relatives and sufficient material support - there are no prohibitions for them at all.

The authorities do not control which countries allow dual citizenship with Russia in a given period, it is only necessary to notify the authorities that they received it.

Do not have the right to such a privilege:

  • persons holding positions in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens participating in election commissions;
  • Media employees
  • civil servants.

The list can be continued by specialists who gave a subscription on non-disclosure of the country's secrets, if they had access to state scientific developments and other secrets.

A national of another state cannot:

  • to be elected to the State Duma;
  • work in the prosecutor's office;
  • hold the position of judge;
  • serve in the police or the FSB.

Such restrictions were introduced by lawmakers to ensure that people with pure thoughts work in power structures.

which countries recognize dual citizenship with Russia

Content of an international treaty

The relation to dual citizenship in Russia is considered. Which countries are allowed to have stable relations with in 2018 to get a passport? No new international agreements have been signed yet.

Our government will begin to conclude an agreement with any country, provided that it is guaranteed:

  • observance of the rights to acquire a new status while maintaining their citizenship;
  • the provision of residence in another state with the full scope of rights and obligations to the country;
  • lack of requirements to re-draft in the army after serving in the Russian troops;
  • providing children with citizenship of both countries, so that they freely choose a place of residence when they reach adulthood.

It should be noted that violators of the law, criminals will not be able to evade responsibility. The second passport does not serve as a cover, it does not give additional rights and opportunities.

dual citizenship in Russia with which countries is allowed in 2018

Where more often move to a permanent place of residence?

Which countries give dual citizenship with Russia? And this means that people can get a different identity card and they will not be required to return the first passport? There is a whole list of states where people tend to move because of their high economic development, decent pay - each has its own reasons.

With dual citizenship it is not forbidden to be in the states and republics:

  • Turkey
  • Belarus;
  • Israel
  • Latvia and Lithuania;
  • Argentina
  • Greece
  • Brazil
  • Spain
  • Ireland
  • Chile;
  • Canada
  • Cyprus.

Many settlements - large and small territories - are not particularly demanding on paperwork, the presence of large capital is important for them.

dual citizenship in Russia list of countries

Tight States

They are not allowed to relate to another power, and if they grant them civil status, then on the condition that they abandon the Russian one, in countries such as:

  • Mexico;
  • France;
  • Philippines;
  • Netherlands;
  • Japan;
  • Sweden;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Uruguay;
  • America.

There are no international agreements with any of these countries, there can be no talk of dual citizenship, but only of the second, third - in any order, depending on the number of passports.

dual citizenship in cis countries

Features of acquiring bipatrid status

If a person has set himself the goal of leaving to live or study on another continent, he will certainly achieve what he wants. There are many proven ways to get a second passport. Each state has its own requirements and conditions for immigrants. The main methods that people who have gone through one of the ways offer:

  • entered into an official marriage, waited for the end of the assigned trial period;
  • used the birth right in a certain territory, which is called the sign of "soil";
  • moved to the homeland of their ancestors;
  • sought a call from close relatives;
  • proved professional abilities.

The most effective way to obtain citizenship in many countries is to make substantial contributions to the country's budget. The authorities attract wealthy businessmen with various promises, this causes an outflow of capital from the Russian economy, which negatively affects it.

States that accept contributions with pleasure include:

  • Cyprus;
  • Spain;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Austria.

Great experience has been accumulated in judicial practice from persons who misunderstand the interpretation of dual citizenship. You should not evade taxes, no matter how burdensome they are, you will have to pay them everywhere. International law has already made concessions to immigrants, they are responsible for payments only to one budget where they live and work.

Violators of laws in any country will face moral or criminal conviction. There is a belief that traitors are not loved anywhere. They are respected until a certain moment, as long as there is something to receive from them: intellectual, material or secret.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E6988/

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