Disability pension supplement for child: details

In July 2017, the PF of the Russian Federation clarified the so-called “supplement to pension for a child”. Many pensioners, who before this had independently applied to the Pension Fund on this issue, already receive a premium. This led to the formation of queues in the departments and forced to publish detailed official explanations in the media and on the official website of the structure.

supplement for a child to retirement

Recalculation of pensions under the new rules

The rules for calculating monthly retirement benefits are constantly changing. In 2015, a law was passed according to which the so-called non-insurance periods now affect the size of monthly pension payments. These include, in particular, caring for a child under 1.5 years of age.

Women who retired two years ago and later do not need to apply for recalculation. The most profitable option has already been assigned to them for payment. The pension is recalculated only if the pensioner has non-insurance periods that were not taken into account when assigning the pension earlier, i.e. until 2015, or were taken into account, but according to the old rules.

Women who receive old-age payments, are not recipients of state pensions, and do not receive a survivor's pension, may receive a supplement. Supplement for children to disability pension and length of service.

disability pension supplement for a child

The size of the allowance is purely individual and is not guaranteed for any pensioner with children. In some cases, replacing a seniority with a non-insurance period for caring for a child will simply not be profitable and the pension will be “minus” when recalculated. Even if such a situation takes place, payments will not be reduced, the pension will remain the same as before recalculation.

Who can’t get a supplement for children?

There are several categories of pensioners who cannot receive a supplement for a child to retire:

  1. Persons receiving early retirement pension (teachers, doctors, military) and at the time of applying for recalculation do not work and have not yet reached the general age, retirement. In this case, recalculation may cause the fact that, due to the replacement of seniority with a non-insurance period, they may lose their right to receive a pension ahead of schedule.
  2. Persons receiving state pensions in the prescribed amount (including for the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident or living in areas affected by the disaster).
  3. Persons receiving insurance payments for the loss of the sole breadwinner, if the pensioner himself is a disabled person.

Thus, not all persons with disabilities are entitled to a supplement for a child to a disability pension. Those with disabilities who receive a pension, including those with preferential length of service, those who belong to the category of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident or persons affected by the disaster, as well as disabled pensioners who are paid by the loss of a breadwinner, cannot receive an additional payment.

disability pension supplement for children

Special cases of receiving supplements to retirement

In some cases, there is a right to a surcharge for a child, but recalculation is simply unprofitable, since the final amount of the increase may be negative. So, recalculation of payments, most likely, will not give an increase in payments in the following cases:

  1. If a pensioner has one child.
  2. If there is a long working experience, including during the period of childcare.
  3. If the pension was originally assigned based on a high salary.

Recalculation in such situations will be beneficial:

  1. If a pensioner has two or more children, whom a woman has looked after before they reach the age of 1.5 years.
  2. If several children were born from one or several pregnancies.
  3. If, during the period of caring for a newborn, mother was not officially employed.
  4. If a woman has retired with minimal experience.
  5. If the pension was calculated on the basis of average or low earnings.
  6. If a woman is paid a minimum pension.

Particular cases for children's disability pension allowances are the same as for old-age pensions, length of service, and so on.

How many points are awarded for each child?

According to current legislation, periods of child care are taken into account in the number of pension points, but not more than six years. In this case, the points that are awarded for children will be different depending on the order of birth of the child.

disability pension supplement for children

For the care of the first baby for one year, 1.8 points are accrued, for 1.5 years - 2.7 points. For the second child, respectively, 3.6 and 5.4 points, for the third, fourth and subsequent - 5.4 and 8.1. For four children, a maximum of 16.2 points can be obtained if care has been taken for one year, or 24.3 points for care for 1.5 years.

The maximum increase sizes are indicated. The number of points will decrease if the woman was in an employment relationship while caring for the child or if these periods were already taken into account when assigning the pension.

How much is the pension supplement?

The cost of one pension point for the current year is set at 78.58 rubles. Thus, the increase can be from 141.4 rubles to 1909.5 or more.

Caring for the first baby for 1 year - 141.4 rubles, for 1.5 years - 212.2 rubles. For the second during the year - 298.6 rubles, 1.5 years - 424.3 rubles. For the third and subsequent children - 424.3 rubles. and 636.5 rubles. respectively.

Thus, if a woman has three children, each of whom she has been courting for 1.5 years, and has not been in a labor relationship, the pensioner can count on an increase of 1273 rubles. If a disabled woman is the mother of five children, the last two of whom have been cared for during the year, the others - for 1.5 years, and receive seniority benefits, then the surcharge for children with a disability pension (size) will be 2121, 6 rubles.

A woman who has been caring for her only child for a year and a half, but at the same time officially employed at that time, can only rely on 212.2 rubles at best. Given the seniority in the same year and a half, it is possible that the pension without taking into account the non-insurance period will be higher than taking into account the supplement for the child, so when assigning the supplement, the work experience in the same period will no longer be taken into account.

disability pension allowance for children

What documents are required for recalculation?

To recalculate a pension, you will need these papers:

  1. Statement by a pensioner who provided child care. By law, a premium can only be assigned to one of the parents. As a rule, the mother applies for additional payments. The application form is provided at the Pension Fund.
  2. Internal passport.
  3. SNILS.
  4. Birth certificates or (if there are no certificates for any reason) birth certificates of children from the registry office.
  5. Any document confirming that the child has reached the age of 1.5 years (diploma, certificate, military ID, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, any paper that was issued to the child at a later age).

supplement to pension for children

The last two documents are additional, they need to be provided if the FIU records do not contain data on children and the period of care for them. The need to prepare additional documents should be taken separately, as this is an individual issue.

Making a pension supplement

To receive an increase in the pension for children, you must personally apply to the Pension Fund (you can pre-register it electronically through the website so that you do not have to wait a long time) or at the International Financial Center (now “My Documents”) in large regions of the country. You can contact the FIU for recalculating pension payments via the Internet, using the State Services portal, or by mail (by registered mail). It is important that sending original documents by mail is not recommended. It is necessary to make copies of them and notarize.

You can submit papers via the Internet and bring all the missing documents within the next five business days - this will not be considered a violation of the procedure for completing the supplement. If the documents are not provided, the electronic application will not be considered at all.

Application deadlines

The deadline for submitting applications is not limited, you can prepare documents and bring them at any convenient time. If a decision on the accrual of an additional amount is made, the premium will be charged from the next month.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E6992/

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