Where are the dining rooms of St. Petersburg? Photos and reviews

The northern capital attracts millions of domestic and foreign travelers. In order for them to enjoy amazing monuments of architecture, they need strength. Therefore, it is important to know which dining rooms in St. Petersburg are affordable and where they are located.

Dining rooms St. Petersburg

Chain of canteens "Copeck"

“Dining room number 1” (St. Petersburg) is known not only in the city itself, but also far beyond its borders. This food service network has been operating for more than eight years. The idea of ​​creating an inexpensive cafe-dining room with a name reminiscent of the times of the Soviet Union arose among entrepreneurs from Vladivostok. It was there that the first canteen “Kopeyka” appeared. St. Petersburg picked up this idea, and today in the city on the Neva there are ten such places, acceptable in terms of price range. Similar institutions can be found in Novosibirsk, Moscow.

Dining room 1 St. Petersburg

Network features

Only at first glance, the sign “Dining Room No. 1” is associated with hungry students. St. Petersburg is a tourist city, so there should be enough places for tasty and safe food. The Kopeyka network has its own kitchen workshop, where chefs offer hot dishes, desserts, pastries from different cuisines of the world. Avid St. Petersburg bachelors who don’t want to spend time preparing food come here for breakfast. Pensioners, parents with children, middle managers choose such dining rooms in St. Petersburg for a full lunch and tasty dinner. Everyone will be able to choose a dish to their taste at affordable prices.

Gourmet Menu

For breakfast, visitors are offered pancakes, cheesecakes, delicious milk porridge. For lunch, the food network has salads, delicious meat dishes, soups, various side dishes. In an excellent assortment of pastries, coffee, tea. For lovers of Japanese cuisine, chefs offer delicious sushi and rolls made in full compliance with technology.

Dining room number 1 St. Petersburg

Addresses of the Kopeyka network

Where is such an attractively priced dining room located (St. Petersburg)? Network addresses are presented below:

  • Ligovsky Prospekt 10, metro station Ploschad Vosstaniya;
  • st. Marat, 1, Art. m. "Mayakovskaya";
  • Nevsky Prospect, 25, Art. m. "Nevsky Prospect";
  • Vladimirsky Avenue, 23a, Art. m. "Dostoevskaya";
  • Nevsky Prospect, 54, Art. m. "Gostiny Dvor";
  • Griboedov Canal Embankment, 14, Art. m. "Nevsky Prospect";
  • Staro-Peterhof prospect, 43/45, st. m. "Narva";
  • Sennaya square, 6, art. m. "Sadovaya";
  • Finland Station; Art. m. "Lenin Square";
  • Vasilievsky Island, Middle Ave., 36 / 40a, Art. m. "Vasileostrovskaya".

All catering points of this network operate around the clock, so there is no need to fear that you will not have time to have dinner after a long working day.

Dining room St. Petersburg addresses

Work specifics

Such canteens in St. Petersburg operate on a self-service basis. The visitor takes a tray for himself, goes to the counter with the offered dishes, selects from them the one that he liked the most. Then the client goes to the cashier and pays for the selected order. There is a second distribution option, which is preferred by office workers who come to dine in the canteens of St. Petersburg. Complex lunches offered on the net include soup, a delicious salad, a second dish, as well as a pie or dessert with tea (coffee).

A similar option would be inexpensive, tasty and healthy. Also among the advantages of choosing a comprehensive lunch, we note the speed of service. The client will need only a few minutes to receive and pay for his order at the box office. Considering the short lunch time, this detail makes the Kopeyka network popular among office managers.

Dining penny St. Petersburg

Interior Features

What interior design does the cafeteria (St. Petersburg) have? The developers of this project made sure that visitors were comfortable drinking coffee while enjoying the unusual interiors. There are no distinct interior styles in this network, but there is a general tendency to create an atmosphere of the Soviet era. Comfortable benches and tables are offered for customers; some cafes even have cozy sofas in red or black.

A variety of posters, popular during the existence of the Soviet Union, are hung on the walls. The decoration of the hall itself is made in red and white style. An unusual design complements soft and warm lighting.

dinner plate st petersburg

Dining room on Sadovaya

For example, the dining room, located on Sadovaya Street, has serious differences in interior decoration from other similar establishments of the network. Visitors can have lunch or drink coffee with friends in one of the four rooms, decorated with a marble staircase, beautiful chandeliers, huge mirrors. Looking at the decor elements that give the room a sophisticated look, it seems that you find yourself not in an ordinary dining room, but in a luxurious restaurant. What is the secret of such luxury in the interior? The fact is that before the opening of the Kopeyka dining room, an elite jewelry store was located in the building.

Cost and location

Dining room "Plate" (St. Petersburg), as well as "Kopeyka", is available at the cost of dishes. On average, you can have a great lunch, taking at least three dishes, paying a rather small amount. The cost of dinner and breakfast will be even less.

Catering chains have already found their true fans, because you can find them in different places of the city on the Neva. But not only in St. Petersburg there is "Kopeyka", "Sketch", now similar canteens and cafes are found in many Russian regions.

This network managed to win the success of citizens and numerous domestic and foreign tourists thanks to its flexible pricing policy, comfortable environment, and hospitality of employees.

The equipment that this catering network is equipped with is made by the best foreign manufacturers. This guarantees the high quality of the dishes offered, their variety, complete safety for health.

Canteen No. 1 (Kopek) has now become an all-Russian network of food outlets that are accessible to a wide range of people.

An excellent correlation between quality and price satisfies the taste of not only hungry students, but also an accountant rushing to work, a tourist who is tired after an excursion, and dreams of eating not only tasty, but also inexpensive.

Visitors to the dining room are invited to choose a delicious dessert in the cafeteria, to relax from the daily rush with friends and family over a cup of coffee. The creators of the network, choosing premises for cafeteria-cafes, made sure that they were within walking distance of the metro. Such a favorable location has already been appreciated by the townspeople and guests of the northern capital.

cafe dining room saint petersburg


The currently fashionable version of Soviet retro in the interior, classic Russian cuisine, Italian, Japanese, Caucasian dishes attract visitors to the Kopeyka dining room.

The reviews left by those who have already enjoyed aromatic coffee, tasted delicious pastries, confirm the high quality of the offered food products. Customers of this catering network also note the high level of culture of the staff.

Despite the reasonable cost of dishes, a cozy stop created for visitors, the Kopeyka cafe-canteens are associated with European quality products and services.

The entire range of dishes is prepared in the dining room itself. Immediately after cooking soups, main dishes are served on the distribution line. Such a comprehensive service option eliminates food poisoning, the sale of poor-quality pastries, desserts.

This large-scale project was developed in 2003 by Algos Foods and was immediately put into practice. Consumers call the chain of canteens "Cents", turning it into a real brand.

The reviews of all visitors, which can be read in the dining room itself, prove the relevance of the institution, the high quality of the culture of its employees. At the moment, there are about 19 cafe-canteens of the Kopeyka network, which can be found throughout our country.

There is no such person in the city on the Neva who would not visit such canteens of St. Petersburg, would not indulge in delicious puff pastries, coffee, tea with unique additives. Such places are also popular among tourists who came to St. Petersburg to explore local attractions.


A tasty and satisfying dinner, unusual and interesting decor elements, comfortable furniture, friendly sellers and cooks - all this, judging by the reviews of visitors, is the main secret of the attractiveness and demand of the Kopeyka catering chain.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E6993/

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