How to entertain a child

Games that are held with the baby in a timely manner, that is, from a very young age, will certainly become the key to his wonderful, successful future, since they mean a lot to children's development.

When a problem arises than to keep the child busy, it is better to give preference to such exercises that not only entertain him, but also teach something, train thinking, memory, speech, logic. And it’s scary if a game with a two or three year old baby takes only a few minutes, the main thing is the result.

So, what to do with a baby of 12-15 months, so that it is both fun and useful? Such kids, as a rule, like to push a toy (for example, a toy car). You just need to show them how to do it: "One, two, three - push!". They enjoy realizing that they themselves have become the cause of the movement of the subject and at the same time develop coordination of movements and self-confidence in this way.

With older children, you need to conduct games that develop attention, memory, and logical thinking. It is not necessary to carefully look for what to do with the child, it is quite possible to use the games that he already has, pictures, or any objects. For example, if there are cards with painted objects, you need to offer to arrange them into groups according to some criteria or remove a picture that does not fit into the topic. It is advisable that the child justify their actions and decisions aloud. Such an exercise will help him further think logically and in other situations.

Choosing what to do with your child at home, you can stop at the home theater unfairly forgotten today. It is ideal to use a glove doll for him, since the baby perceives her, dressed in her hand, as the embodiment of her own personality. Speaking on behalf of the toy, it is easier for him to talk about his feelings, fears, to show his hidden sides.

When pondering what to do with a child, one should not forget about the world around him. After all, no matter how wonderful the games in the room and smart books are, there is no less interesting space for the baby - this is the street. Any walk or trip with the right approach from the side of the elders can be a great developing activity. With very young children, you can arrange jogging, play hide and seek, and comment on everything he sees. Starting from two years, babies are able to pay attention to the birds singing, the sound of the wind, to changes in nature associated with the time of year.

Fortunately, you have less to puzzle than to occupy a child in the summer. A huge number of outdoor games for all ages will come to the rescue. In addition, they not only develop the physical strength of the baby, but also the eye, the sense of rhythm, the ability to respond quickly, show dexterity, accurately calculate their actions. Outdoor games help the child to join the team, learn to cooperate, actively and at the same time communicate peacefully with their peers.

For children from birth to one year of age, such classes are mainly limited to gymnastics, learning to crawl, swim, stand, and then walk.

Kids from one to two years will enjoy dancing to music, overcome the obstacle course arranged in the room of things, play catch-up, hide-and-seek, finger games, accompanied by interesting rhymes.

That is, the older the child, the wider the range of various exercises.

Whatever form of activity the parents choose, they must remember that through the game the kid learns the world. With its help, he gets a therapeutic effect, through it he expresses himself in the same way as adults express themselves through speech. If the child’s condition is understood correctly, accepted by the elders, the therapeutic effect of the game is enhanced many times over, internal conflicts are overcome, the state of neurosis passes, its growth and development accelerates.


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