What should be the daily regimen for a newborn?

With the advent of the baby, life in the family begins to go differently. This can cause some difficulties. However, parents must adhere to certain rules in the process of caring for the baby. The regimen of the day of the newborn allows you to make the life of all family members as comfortable as possible. It will be discussed further.

The benefits of establishing a routine

What should be the daily regimen for a newborn? This question is often asked by parents. Some of them are of the opinion that it is not necessary to feed and put the baby to bed at the appointed time, but only when the baby expresses a desire. Scientists have proved that such freedom of action has a bad effect on the well-being of not only all family members, but also the newborn. So is it worth experimenting? The old, conservative methods of constructing the regime of the day do not lose their relevance today.

The first days of a newborn’s life

With a properly organized routine, the whole family gets a lot of advantages. First of all, it is worth considering that the baby's activity can be predicted almost throughout the day. This allows young parents to adjust their lives as comfortably as possible under the new conditions. You can make plans for what time to relax and what time to go about your business.

With a well-established regimen of the day, even in unforeseen circumstances (trip, guests arrived, urgent matters arose) neither parents nor little ones will feel discomfort. In this case, the baby will experience all life situations that have arisen in the family, calmer.

With the correct daily routine, the young mother will be able to pay sufficient attention not only to the baby, but also to household matters, personal care or a favorite hobby. Some women even manage to take a part-time job, getting a job on any remote job.

In order to properly build a schedule of feeding, sleeping and waking the baby, you need to know what daily regimen is considered normal in a newborn. Following simple rules, you can discipline not only the crumbs, but also yourself. A child in such conditions grows more calm, healthy.

Features of establishing the daily routine

The regimen of the day of the newborn in the first month may be different. Each child is unique. Parents should consider this. Paying attention to the features and preferences of their baby, they must work out an optimal schedule. It should be present not only sleep and feeding. The child must be awake, play. As he grows up, the schedule will gradually change, adapting to the natural physiology of the crumbs.

First month day mode

It will take some time to establish the correct daily routine. Therefore, do not hope that the schedule will be determined from the first day of life of the crumbs. Nothing good will come about if the child is constantly awakened, fed with an accuracy of a minute, etc. The individuality of the crumbs must be taken into account when drawing up the schedule.

With patience, parents should work out a comfortable schedule for the baby and all family members. So, each child is individual. There are children who can withstand an interval between feedings of 4 hours. Other babies after 2 hours begin to loudly express their desire to eat.

There are also newborns who like to sleep longer. However, some babies like to get up early. Some sleep for a long time, while others do not need large amounts of sleep. Starting to build a schedule, parents observe the behavior of the crumbs. You can record all events in a log. Then daily adjust some components of the schedule. For example, sleep is shifted for 10-15 minutes in the right direction. After a week, the result needs to be fixed at the established position.

It is also worth considering that the daily regimen of a newborn up to 1 month may differ slightly from the schedule according to which he will live in 30 days.

General recommendations

The mode of the newborn in the first days of his life needs to be observed. No action should be taken at this time. It is necessary to record at what time the baby woke up, ate when there were walks, etc. If the spread is too large, you need to find the reason why the baby could not fall asleep for a long time or did not want to eat. You may need to consult a pediatrician.

When the baby begins to perform some actions at a certain time, this must be taken into account and taken as a rule. Based on such data, you can start planning a day crumbs. So, if the baby sleeps too long, he can be awakened. This helps to establish a sense of time; a habit is developed to eat and sleep at the same time.

Feeding a baby in the first month of life

The regimen of the day of the newborn in the first days of life can be somewhat chaotic. However, the system must still be present in this. Parents should try to build their schedule so that at the time of waking crumbs to give him maximum attention. In those periods when the baby does not sleep and does not eat, you can go for a walk with him or play. In this case, you need to communicate with the crumbs.

It is important to develop a habit in the baby to fall asleep quickly. Therefore, before going to bed, you need to perform the same actions. For example, 10 minutes before the baby falls asleep, you can ventilate the room. 3-4 minutes the baby can be rocked in his arms, sing him a lullaby. This will be a definite signal for the crumbs that it is time to sleep.

When feeding, there may be some difficulties, because the baby may ask for a meal at different times. This is especially noticeable at night. It is difficult to refuse him at such moments. However, you need to make the baby eat at the same time. If the baby is breastfeeding, but at the same time he is constantly hungry, you need to check the quality and quantity of milk from the mother. You may need to switch to a mixed diet.

Day and night

The regimen of the day of the newborn in the first days of life must be carefully monitored. However, for some reason, the baby can mix up day and night. Most often this happens if the baby could not get enough sleep at night. For example, he was tormented by colic, neighbors were noisy, etc. In this case, it would be necessary to normalize the schedule, bringing it into the correct form.

Sleep newborn

To avoid the confusion of day and night, the baby needs to be woken up in the morning. During the day, you need to pay attention to him, forcing him to be active. In some hours, the child, of course, must sleep (in accordance with the developed regime). In the evening, do everything so that the child is comfortable falling asleep. It is necessary to ventilate the room, to conduct all the rituals to which the baby is used to bedtime.

In the evening, activity must be reduced. You can’t play too noisy. On the contrary, time should be spent calmly. You should talk quietly, you can sing a calm song. Returning the mode to its previous form is not so difficult. It will take patience. Everything must be done so that the nights of the child are not sleepless.

Some elements of the daily routine

So, the week has passed for the newborn. The daily regimen should be built in accordance with the physiological characteristics of children of this age. Awakening of the mother should ideally occur earlier than in the child. In this case, she can calmly have breakfast, put herself in order.

Waking newborn

The feeding process can be from 7 to 20 minutes. In the morning it is also useful to do massage. The procedure is performed 20 minutes after eating. It is also worth accustoming the baby to the fact that he must lie down for several minutes awake in the crib. He is not picked up. You can put it on a sofa, on a blanket, so that the newborn just lay down. Perhaps he will be calmer if he sees his parents nearby. But you don’t need to take it in your hands at this time. The baby should be well fed.

Do not think that the baby himself will fall asleep after feeding. This happens only with a small number of children. Most often, crumbs need help with this. Wakefulness is only a few hours a day. These periods should last no more than an hour. Then the baby falls asleep. To help the baby, you need to give him a nipple, shake it in his arms, sing a lullaby. If the baby’s dream is chaotic, he sleeps all day, then only 40 minutes, it is better to contact a pediatrician.

You also need to teach your child to fall asleep not in his arms. They put him in a crib and wiggle, singing the usual lullaby. Sleep lasts about 1 hour and 20 minutes. If the child wakes up after 40 minutes, you need to help the baby to fall asleep again. They shake it without taking it out of the cradle.

Food and bathing

The regimen of the day of the newborn in the first month is significantly different from subsequent periods of its development. It largely depends on the type of feeding the crumbs. Those babies who are breast-fed are not amenable to the regimen in the first weeks. They need to be fed on demand. The interval can be 1-3 hours.

Newborns who are on artificial feeding, get used to the schedule faster. Using a bottle, parents can measure the right amount of milk. In this case, artificial mixtures are longer digested in the stomach. As a result, the baby is fed strictly every 3 hours.

Bathing a newborn

The regimen of the day of the newborn includes swimming, massage, games and socializing. Outdoor walks are also important. The listed elements of the daily regimen should also occur at the same time.

Swimming is carried out in the evening. Water procedures are most often liked by babies. It is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature of the water. You can use different accessories so that water does not get crumbs into the eyes, and the head does not sink. In this case, it will be easier to keep the child. Bathing is carried out before evening feeding. This contributes to a healthy, healthy baby sleep. Daily carrying out such a procedure will allow him to fall asleep easier and faster.

Games, walks

Considering the features of the regimen of the day of the newborn for months, it should be noted that great attention should be paid to walks and games. Of great importance in the schedule of the day is communication with the baby. It may seem to some parents that this is not required in the first month of life. This is far from the case. This is an essential element in the proper development of a newborn, like food or sleep.

The more he hears his parents' speech, understands that they are addressing him, the more harmoniously and faster his development will occur. You can read poems, children's books, just talk with the crumbs. The voice of parents should be gentle, you need to express your love and tenderness for the baby.

Walking also cannot be ruled out for children of any age. They are included in the regime from the 10th day of the baby's life. If it is winter, the walk lasts no more than 10 minutes. In summer, you can walk for 20 minutes. In this case, it is worth looking at the readings of the thermometer. If the temperature is very low, it is better to give up walking temporarily.

Fresh air is very good for babies. The skin of the newborn receives the necessary amount of ultraviolet radiation, which is necessary for the production of vitamin D. This is important for the prevention of rickets, the proper development of bone tissue. On a hot summer day, you need to protect the baby’s delicate skin from sunlight, otherwise burns may occur. Children who are taken out for daily walks sleep better and eat better.


The daily regimen of the newborn includes massage. This strengthens the immune system, contributes to the proper development of crumbs. Massage includes light stroking the baby's head, arms and legs. You also need to pay attention to the back and tummy. In the area of ​​the navel, light circular strokes should be performed clockwise. This stimulates the proper functioning of the digestive system, minimizes such unpleasant phenomena as constipation or colic.

Massage for the newborn

Next, you need to perform gymnastic exercises. To do this, smoothly bend and unbend the arms and legs of the crumbs. You can offer the baby to grab the thumbs on the hands of mom or dad, and then raise the child a little. Toddlers of this age like exercises that resemble pull-ups.

These procedures are performed in the morning. This can be done half an hour before feeding or after it (after 20-30 minutes) if the baby is not sleeping.

Hourly chart

For example, you can consider the daily routine for the newborn by the clock. The schedule may slightly differ from the classic version, however, the general principle is usually maintained.



7 a.m. - 7.30 a.m.

Awakening. It is necessary to carry out water procedures. After this, the baby should be fed

Until 9:00

The baby must still sleep

9 a.m.

It's time to eat

9: 20-10: 50

Morning sleep time

10: 50-11: 30

The baby wakes up, with a child you need to play, do a massage. After that, he can play in the crib.


It's time to eat

11: 30-13: 00

Sleep (including in a stroller for a walk)


It's time to eat

13: 00-13: 30

The kid can play a little, mom and dad talk to him, read fairy tales.

13: 30-15: 00

Sleep walking in a stroller on the street.

3 p.m.

It's time to eat

15: 20-15: 40

The kid woke up. You need to communicate with him, tell tales

15: 40-17: 00

Evening dream

5 p.m.

It's time to eat

17: 20-18: 40

Second evening dream

18: 40-19: 00

Calm pastime


It's time to eat

19: 20-20: 30

Calm communication with parents



9 p.m.

Feeding, night sleep

To get up at night will be required no more than once every 4 hours. This must be strictly monitored. Do not be afraid to make adjustments in the specified schedule. It should take into account the individuality of the child, as well as the daily routine of the whole family.

Changes in the second month of life

The daily regimen of a newborn at 2 months may differ slightly from the original schedule. The first morning sleep may be absent altogether. Therefore, the baby will sleep only 4 times for 2 hours. Many parents teach their baby to sleep on the street in a stroller. This allows you to develop a daily routine. However, in winter, the walk should not be more than an hour.

Over time, the baby will need more milk. The mother’s body will be rebuilt to meet the new needs of the baby during breastfeeding. However, during this period, a more frequent feeding schedule may be required. Over time, it may seem that there is not enough milk. This question needs to be kept under control. In some cases, you have to switch to mixed feeding.

Activity in the second month is gradually increasing. It will take more time to devote to communication and games. At this time, you can take care of the crumbs with toys. He will learn to hold them in his hands. At this age, the baby already recognizes not only mom and dad, but also the next of kin, acquaintances.

Bathing can be extended if the baby likes this activity. If he does not like the procedure, it is better to do all the manipulations promptly. You need to purchase special bathing toys. This will make the process more fun and enjoyable for everyone. Exercise and massage should also not be excluded from the schedule.

Having considered the features of establishing the correct regimen for a newborn's day, you can work out an optimal life schedule not only for the crumbs, but also for the whole family.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E701/

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