Entrance door for a private house: principles of choice

When arranging a private country house, it is customary to pay a considerable role to the safety of housing. Such an important parameter in its implementation is extremely dependent on the front door used, the choice of which must be treated very responsibly. This article is devoted to this topic.

entrance door for a private house
Firstly, you should clearly understand what criteria an entrance door for a private home should meet. It should not only provide an acceptable level of heat and sound insulation of the room, but also be sufficiently resistant to attempts to crack it. Naturally, metal doors, which have long been in stable demand among domestic buyers, meet these requirements better than others.

As we have already said, resistance to the actions of criminal elements should be in one of the first places. So, a high-quality entrance door for a private house must necessarily be equipped with two locks (cylinder and level locks), which greatly increase its chances of withstanding the attack when trying to break in. Class - not lower than third. Note that quality steel should be used as the material, the thickness of which should be at least two millimeters.

To make it more difficult for potential attackers to do something with the door, it is equipped with hidden hinges or special anti-release mechanisms.

entrance doors for a private house
As for thermal insulation, in recent years a lot of models with a heater inside appeared on the market. As a rule, mineral wool or its analogues are used for this purpose. But! No front door for a private house made of metal can provide complete insulation of your apartment from winter temperatures.

You won’t go against physics, and therefore metal is an excellent bridge of the cold, but not a complete barrier for it. Given this circumstance, never succumb to the persuasion of nosy sellers who zealously talk about "incredible heat-insulating materials."

Do not overpay - the metal entrance door for a private house must be combined with an ordinary wooden one. In this case, even in the most severe frosts, it will not freeze.

If your hallway simply does not have a place for such space β€œgateways”, then you can glue the metal surface with wood veneer. Unfortunately, such measures will not give a normal effect. Perhaps such entrance doors for a private house will not be so icy and condensed, but you should not wait for a full warming.

how to install the front door

What to do in this case? The only way out may be the equipment of an insulated vestibule. In this case, the temperatures will equalize, and therefore the metal will cease to ice. Since it is difficult to install the front door in accordance with all the rules, it will be better to contact specialized companies for help. Remember: high-quality installation will save not only your time, but also your money!

And finally. Many still believe that metal doors look dull and too "heavy." This has long been wrong! A variety of modern materials and finishing methods allow manufacturers to create real works of art.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E702/

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