French foreign legion: history and modernity

After listening to stories of military romance and the big money that legionnaires get for their service, some men think about the French legion. How to get into it? To understand how everything really is in it, you need to carefully understand it and before sending it to a recruitment center, weigh the pros and cons well.

The history of the creation of the French Legion

The French foreign legion was founded by the King of France Louis-Philippe I of Orleans on 09.03.1831. The base of the military formation was the infantry and cavalry regiments that existed earlier. The Legion was staffed mainly by foreign nationals of various nationalities. In August 1914, there were 42,883 people in it, who were representatives of 52 nations and nationalities. In 2009, about 7.5 thousand people from 136 countries of the world served in eleven regiments.

France needed additional military formations, as the colonization of Algeria was planned. In addition to military tasks, the foreign legion helped to cope with internal issues. So, for example, the problem of overcrowding in the country and a reduction in the number of “undesirable” sections of the population, such as immigrants from the colonies and criminal elements, was solved. The king signed a decree on the use of the legion exclusively outside of France.

Legion Composition and Motto

The leadership of the compound was created from officers of the army of Napoleon. The soldiers recruited natives of Spain, Italy, Switzerland and residents of other European countries, as well as the French, who had problems with the law. It was at this time that the tradition appeared - not to ask for a name from a new soldier.

King Louis Philip I

The motto of the French foreign legion is: "The Legion is our Fatherland." In order for recruits to be more loyal to him, they are completely limited from contacts with the outside world for 5 years. After which the military formation itself becomes for the soldiers both a home and a family.

Red and green are the official colors of the legion. Red symbolizes blood, and green - France. When a unit carries out military operations, its pennant is hung upside down, which means "Blood on the Country."

Legion form and symbolism

Legionnaires can easily be recognized by the white headdress that ordinary soldiers have. The beret of the French foreign legion is green and is worn by all fighters. Both recruits and command personnel wear the legendary Rangers boots. The grenade and seven flames are the emblem of the formation. Symbols, awards and decals have not changed since their introduction and are used today.

Legionnaire Insignia

The form of the French foreign legion is divided into a front and a weekend. Both are gray and differ from each other only in that epaulettes and a blue waist belt made of fabric are used in the front instead of epaulets.

A special feature of the unit is the official march, which is performed in a standing position at attention, except when it is sung during the march. Another feature is marching itself. Other army units go at a speed of 120 steps per minute, here it is only 88 steps. This is due to the fact that the legion often participated in military campaigns in African countries, where there was sandy soil in the areas where the units were located, which made movement difficult.

French Legion Campaigns at the Beginning of the 19th Century

In the 19th century, the French Legion conducted eleven military companies in various countries.

Legionnaires of the XIX century

Here are some of them:

  • From 1831 to 1882 there was a campaign called "French Algeria". About 35 thousand soldiers were sent to the territory of this state, and after half a century of battles the country was occupied by France.
  • From 1835 to 1839, the French army conducted a military campaign in Spain. She participates in the so-called Carlist War.
  • From 1853 to 1856, the Legion was a participant in the Crimean War together with its allies - the British and Ottoman Empires, as well as the Sardinian Kingdom - against Russia. In this campaign, the French were killed most of all, almost 100 thousand people.
  • In 1859, the legion takes part in the Austro-Italian-French war, in which it triumphs, and the territories of the kingdom of Sardinia withdraw from France.

Participation in the wars that took place in the late XIX - early XX century

In this list, you should definitely pay attention to:

  • In the years 1861-1867, the French army and legionnaires carried out the intervention of Mexico. The Franco-Mexican war begins, which ended with the victory of the local government under the leadership of Benito Juarez.
  • From 1882 to 1907, the second Algerian campaign in South Oran lasts, in which the French legion takes part.
  • In Vietnam (Tonkin) from 1883 to 1910, the legionnaires of the French foreign legion took part in numerous hostilities.
  • In 1885, a foreign formation invades Taiwan - the so-called Formosa campaign (one of the island's names).
  • From 1892 to 1894, an occupation military operation was carried out in the kingdom of Dahomey (the current territory of Benin and Togo).
  • In the Sudan, from 1893 to 1894, the legionnaires took military action, which, inter alia, resulted in the division of the country into two parts (Sudan and South Sudan).
  • From 1895 to 1901, foreign recruits fight on the island of Madagascar. After that, in 1897 the island became a French colony.

Military operations at the beginning of the 20th century

This period was marked by such incidents:

  • From 1907 to 1914, the French foreign legion fought with the Spanish, British and German forces for the possession of the territories of Morocco. As a result, France became the owner of most of the Moroccan lands.
  • In the First World War of 1914-1918, the French military opposed the armies of Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The result of the war was German and Austro-Hungarian surrender.
  • From 1914 to 1918, legionnaires participated in military clashes in the Middle East for influence in the region and the definition of new borders of the Ottoman Empire.
  • From 1914 to 1940, formation forces occupied Tonkin (Vietnam), as well as part of Laos and Cambodia. In the sphere of influence of France, these territories were included until the very beginning of World War II and were called French Indochina.
  • From 1920 to 1935, foreign legionnaires again invade Morocco and expand the territory of French possessions.
  • In Syria in 1925, a national liberation uprising begins against the French troops. Initially, the Syrian rebels are making progress, but after the strengthening of military forces in 1927, the uprising was completely suppressed, and Syria became almost a colony of France.

Operations carried out in the middle of the 20th century

Among them, special attention should be paid to the following:

  • The armed forces of France, including the legion, took part in the Second World War from 1939 to 1945. They were part of the anti-Hitler coalition, but at the same time, the French government of Vichy was puppet and completely dependent on Nazi Germany.
Africa Campaign 1950
  • In the Indochina War, which lasted from 1945 to 1954, also known as the Resistance War, the forces of the foreign legion and the regular army of France fought with the Vietnamese for the preservation of the colonies.
  • From 1947 to 1950, the legion participated in the suppression of the Madagascar uprising, in which the peoples of Madagascar fought for independence from France. The speech was suppressed, and its participants were executed, imprisoned in concentration camps and prisons.
  • The armed forces of France and the legionnaires from 1952 to 1954 suppressed the uprising and the struggle for the independence of Tunisia. As a result, the Tunisians achieved independence from France in 1956.
  • The war for the sovereignty of Morocco, which lasted from 1953 to 1956 between the French troops, legionaries and the Moroccan liberation army, ended in victory for the latter. And in early March 1956, liberation from the French invaders was proclaimed.

French Legion Campaigns at the End of the 20th Century

The military units involved took part in the following conflicts:

  • From 1954 to 1961, the war for the independence of Algeria between the French troops and Algerian rebels lasted. Despite the victory of the French, for economic and political reasons they had to recognize the sovereignty of Algeria.
  • In 1978, the legion participated in military clashes in Zaire against the National Liberation Front. In them, the French troops won.
  • From 1982 to 1983, the legionnaires were involved in military operations in Lebanon during the First Lebanon War.
Legionnaire hostilities in Mali
  • In 1991, the French foreign legion was among the invaders of Al Salman Airport in Iraq. This is one of the episodes of the Gulf War that the United States unleashed.
  • From 1992 to 1996, units of the foreign legion were involved in the so-called UN peacekeeping operations in Somalia and Bosnia. As a result , the civil war in Somalia only intensified and became even larger, and the UN forces had to admit their inability to resolve the conflict. In Bosnia, NATO forces and legionnaires supported the Serb genocide, which was organized by Bosnian Muslims (Bosniaks). The result of these events was the death of about 110 thousand people.

Participation in hostilities related to the end of the XX - beginning of the XXI century

And here are the most modern combat campaigns:

  • Another “glorious” campaign of the legionnaires was the participation in 1999 in a NATO military operation called the Allied Force. In its course, NATO forces bombed Yugoslavia and killed about 4 thousand people, of which 400 were children and about 2 thousand civilians. In fact, the legion was a participant in illegal military operations, since the UN did not give out a mandate to carry out an operation on the territory of Yugoslavia.
Operations in the 21st Century
  • In 2013, the French foreign legion fought in military operations in the African country of Mali.
  • Since 2016, the legion has been used as an auxiliary force of the Iraqi regular army in Iraq. The war that the United States unleashed with its allies in 2003, after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s power, turned into a civilian channel. And also there were numerous terrorist groups fighting against the Iraqi army. During the war, according to the United States, about 95 thousand Iraqis were killed, however, according to some other sources, the death toll exceeded one million people.

The history of the French foreign legion shows that, setting itself the good goals of protecting France and saving the French in other territories, the legion actually turned into ordinary mercenaries who are alien to morality and common sense. It is mainly used for military aggression and the suppression of various liberation movements.

French Legion. How to get?

If all of the above does not resolve the issue of how to get into the French Legion, then for this it is first necessary to apply for a visa yourself and come to one of the reception points. Recruits are located in the following cities:

  • Paris.
  • Lille.
  • Strasbourg.
  • Nantes.
  • Aubagne.
  • Lyon.
  • Bordeaux.
  • Nice.
  • Marseilles.
  • Toulouse
  • Perpignan.

Anyone who wants to become a legionnaire can contact any of these centers around the clock throughout the week, as they work seven days a week.

However, not everyone will be accepted into the French Legion, as there are strict rules and selection criteria. Only men from the age of 18 to 40 years old, physically fit, prepared for the service and having a valid passport are accepted there. Beginners undergo a medical examination and interview in Paris, and then, if the candidate passes the initial selection, he will be awaited by the main competition at the base located in the city of Aubagne.


There are several tests for those who want to become a legionnaire. It is medical, sports and psychotechnical.

Endurance tests

The medical test includes:

  • Dental conditions - healthy teeth, the number of extracted teeth - no more than six.
  • Surgical and general medical criteria - the absence of any serious diseases or their complete cure, documented; the availability of medical certificates and medical records indicating full physical health.

A series of sports checks include:

  • Shuttle run, accompanied by sound effects - from seven approaches, six times 20 meters.
  • Pulling on the bar - from four times.
  • Climbing a rope to a height of more than five meters.
  • Strength exercises on the press, performed from 40 times.

Psychotechnical tests are:

  • Various tasks to test memory, logical thinking and attention.
  • Particular attention is paid to the past life of a potential recruit, so a detailed survey is conducted.

Based on the test results, a decision is made on the recruit entering the service in the Legion or its screening. In the case of a positive decision, a five-year contract is signed with the newcomer, and he is awarded the title of Legionnaire. He is also given an “anonym” - a kind of passport in which the surname, first name, place, date of birth and parental information are changed.

Other nuances

The ranks of the French foreign legion do not differ from the ranks of other French troops. They are divided into three groups - ordinary, non-commissioned officers and officers.

The rank and file include:

  • Legionnaire of the 2nd class.
  • Legionnaire 1st class.
  • Corporal.
  • Corporal Chef.

Non-commissioned officers include:

  • Sergeant.
  • Sergeant Chef.
  • Adjutant.
  • Adjutant Chef.
  • Major

The officers are:

  • Graduate student.
  • Ensign.
  • Lieutenant.
  • Captain.
  • Major.
  • Lieutenant colonel.
  • Colonel

During service in the Legion, the entire composition is fully provided with food, accommodation and clothing for a period of two to four years. In addition, recruits are paid a salary of 1043 euros. Each legionnaire has the right to leave for 45 days once a year. The minimum and maximum salaries of the French Legion are significantly different, both the rank and the service life affect this.

Salaries in the French Legion for ordinary soldiers and junior officers range from 1,205 to 4,186 euros, and for officers, the salary is 4,850-9,000 euros. Plus various allowances for individual military operations and military merits. After 15 years of service, a pension of 1000 euros is paid, which is a lifetime pension.

Legion in our time

The main activities of the legion today are as follows:

  • It is used on all continents. First of all, it fulfills the tasks set by the French state to protect economic and geopolitical interests.
  • Often the formation is involved in various NATO operations - humanitarian, military and peacekeeping. Just as during the foundation of the legion, its servants are subordinate only to the supreme commander in chief, now the president of France.
  • Legionnaires are present in countries such as Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo. Under the auspices of the UN and NATO, they are trying to maintain peace in these countries, but periodically engage in military clashes with various military units.
  • In 2004, the legion participated in a humanitarian mission and helped rebuild the infrastructure of those countries that suffered from the devastating tsunami in Southeast Asia.

Reviews on the French Foreign Legion: Pros and Cons

How many people, so many opinions. The situation is exactly the same with opinions on the service in the French Legion, set forth by the former and current military.

The cons include:

  • A long breakup with the family.
  • Harsh living and living conditions.
  • The probability of getting serious injuries, injuries.
  • The possibility of death.

Among the advantages are noted:

  • Good salary from a thousand euros + various bonuses. There is a bonus system.
  • Lack of expenses for food, uniforms, accommodation, medical care.
  • Obtaining French citizenship, family members automatically become French citizens.
  • Learn French for free and learn English.
  • Decent retirement benefits.

If, when deciding whether to recruit or not the French Legion, consider the material side, then the financial component is quite satisfactory. However, when you consider that the risk of dying or becoming a cripple is great enough, it makes you seriously think about recruiting to the legion.

However, even in positive moments there are some nuances:

  • In reality, citizenship can only be obtained after serving 7 years, but it should be noted that the contract is signed for 5 years. Therefore, to become a citizen of France, it is necessary to fight two terms of 5 years.
Difficult conditions during military operations
  • Those new to the legion service believe that being there is almost a resort. In fact, most of the service the legionnaires are in places poorly adapted for a comfortable existence. Many special operations are carried out in African countries. One of the locations of the legion is French Guiana, which the military nicknamed the "dry guillotine." Or, for example, an atoll in the Pacific Ocean, called Mururoa, on which the permissible radiation level is exceeded several times after nuclear tests conducted on it.
  • The salary received is transferred to the military’s personal account at Legiobank, and only a fifth of the salary is given to him. That is, in order to fully spend your hard-earned money, you must wait for the contract to end. If you die, then all your money will remain in the legion.
  • Total hazing. Beginners go through a very harsh school, trying to prove that they are worthy of respect and being in the legion. Regular conflicts and mass fights are common here.
  • Death in battle or serious injuries is a common occurrence for legionnaires, as well as the risk of contracting some type of tropical fever. The harsh realities include death due to accidents and as a result of stabbings between military personnel.

In any case, it is up to you to choose whether to endanger your life every day because of material well-being. France itself, of course, benefits from having a legion, because for relatively small money for Europe, mercenaries are ready to fulfill any assigned tasks. Nevertheless, the majority of those who have served one contract prefer not to go back, but find calmer ways to earn money.


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