Hot Air Soldering Station Lukey 852D + FAN. Specifications, review and reviews

The more accurate and better the master’s working equipment, the better he is able to do his job. Lukey 852D + FAN is rightfully one of the best models in its generation and is able to satisfy even the most demanding customer. Consider everything that the manufacturer offers us to understand whether the device is worth the money.

lukey 852d fan

Contents of delivery

Regardless of whether this assistant was purchased through the Internet or directly in the store, the buyer will receive it in a box of a pleasant blue color. The Lukey 852D + FAN soldering station is qualitatively packed and fixed in a container using dense foam. This solution helps the manufacturer to safely provide the goods to the buyer, without risking a return due to a violation of its integrity.

Package Includes:

  • Brief instruction manual.
  • Spot soldering iron.
  • High quality hair dryer.
  • Station with network cable.
  • Hot air gun holder with mounts.
  • Sponge.
  • Soldering iron stand.
  • Key.
  • Hot air gun nozzles (3 pieces with different nozzle diameters).

All parts are carefully packed and are not afraid of transportation.


Pleasantly pleased with the approach of the manufacturer who manufactured this model in metal. This allows you to work with Lukey 852D + FAN not only at home, but also in laboratories. The metal case allows you to protect all vital parts of the device from anything that could damage the station, both outside and inside.

Many users are pleased with the presence of a handle on top. This solution allows you to easily move the station not only on the work surface, but also in any other room. Moreover, the station is antistatic, which is also a huge plus of this device. In order to remove the charge from it, it is necessary to connect to a high-quality grounding circuit.

The station is of a non-compressor type, which allows it to be light and mobile. Moreover, the device does not have a transport bolt. What does this mean? You can start work immediately, without preliminary preparation. Although no one has canceled the study of the operating instructions.

lukey soldering station


A soldering station, the price of which varies between five thousand Russian rubles, captivates many with its design. In some reviews, the station is called a "green-eyed brunette." Where does this comparison come from?

The case at the station is made in dark colors. Accordingly, she is a brunette. She has two green eyes, like Lukey 702. We are talking about monitors, which can easily be found on the front of the device, on the left. These are small monitors, which reflect the "soul" of the device - the main performance indicators. In the upper one, the hair dryer temperature is displayed, and in the lower - directly the parameters of the soldering iron.

By the way, if we talk about temperature, then it can be regulated with the help of special rotating variable resistors, which in common people call twisters. There are three on the device: two for working with a hot air gun and one for a soldering iron. The temperature display is displayed on the screens, and the adjustment is accurate to one degree Celsius. The third knob adjusts the air flow of the hot air gun.

There are two buttons on the front of the device. Usually they are green. And as with resistors, they are responsible for turning on and off the soldering iron and hot air gun, respectively. The buttons are made of plastic. They protrude sufficiently above the surface of the front of the soldering station to provide complete comfort during operation.

soldering station Price

The right side of the station is unremarkable. Below there are small metal legs.

On the left, the hot air station has two small holes that are used to fasten the hair dryer holder with special bolts. During a break in operation, the hairdryer can be placed on this holder. It is curious that at the same time it will start to cool down and turn off, and as soon as the hair dryer falls into your hands, that is, leaves the limits of the stand, it will again start to heat up. How is this possible?

This moment was made possible thanks to a special sensor, a reed switch, which detects the presence of a hot air gun in the stand and sends a signal to the microprocessor system, which turns off the hair dryer. This unique solution allows you to perform a large amount of work without being distracted by the setup and so on.


Speaking of numbers, the Lukey soldering station weighs about 4 kilograms. Its dimensions are also pleasant - 18.7 by 13.5 by 24.5 centimeters. Such indicators guarantee complete comfort from using the device.

As mentioned earlier, the device has a pen. It is so well-made that it does not cause concern during the transfer of the station even over considerable distances.

Hair dryer

The Lukey 852D + FAN soldering station also has a hairdryer, made in the shape of a thick handle. It has a very comfortable shape and fits nicely in the hand. Its engine is at the bottom of the handle. The device does not have any handsets or anything else.

Power is supplied from the station using a fixed cable. This is often quite acutely perceived by users. But since nothing can be changed, you just have to be careful.

As the airflow is regulated, its tonality also changes. At minimum speed it is almost inaudible. At maximum noise does not cause irritation. This is surprising to many.

lukey 702

By the way, when turning off the hot air gun, it is recommended to set it to the maximum value. What for? This will allow the device to serve its owner as long as possible. More precisely, this will save the heating element. The fact is that the hot air gun is controlled by a special microcontroller, which gradually cools its metal spiral. This process is reflected in the upper monitor up to 50 degrees.

As for temperatures, as mentioned above, they are regulated by a special resistor from 100 to 480 degrees. These are excellent indicators that say that you can work on the device with both small equipment and large objects. You can check which indicator is set using a separate screen.

Soldering iron

Lukey's hot air soldering station has earned its love due to the soldering iron included in its kit. Its ceramic heating element not only guarantees a quick and accurate temperature set, but also saves circuit boards from static voltage.

The temperature range of the soldering iron is from 200 to 480 degrees. The power of this part of the station reaches 50 watts. Thanks to these parameters, the device can be used for various types of solder.

The Lukey 852D + FAN soldering iron heats up quickly and can reduce its temperature at the same speed. Moreover, both almost instantly and one degree, depending on the current settings.

A pleasant addition to almost all the hot air stations of this Chinese brand is a sponge for cleaning stings. In order to fully use it, you just need to purchase a special solution. True, some use ordinary water for these purposes.

The soldering iron is connected to a separate connector at the bottom of the control unit itself. This means that if necessary, it can be replaced with any other. However, if you use the soldering iron for its intended purpose and be neat at the same time, the need for replacement will be postponed for a long time.

hot air soldering iron

Key and nozzles

Thanks to these parts, which are included in the kit of the soldering station with a Lukey hairdryer, it can be used not only for heating boards. Thanks to nozzles, various plastic products can be formed.


To summarize. What makes this soldering station so special? The price of this device is beyond discussion, so let's start with the most important:

  1. Temperature. It is thanks to its wide range, as well as its quick recruitment and maintenance, that the station can be used both for radio amateurs and on a more professional level.
  2. Ceramics. The use of this material in the production of the tip significantly increased the soldering iron's potential and became a protection not only for the boards, but also for the worker himself.
  3. Voltage regulator. The accuracy of this model is the key to success.
  4. Antistatic, low-voltage power supply and galvanic isolation. These three aspects guarantee complete comfort and safety while using the machine.
  5. Cooling system. Although there was already a conversation about temperature, the way the manufacturer realized the possibility of cooling the hair dryer cannot but cause a pleased smile and admiration.
  6. Memory. As in the Lukey 702, the monitored hot air soldering station has the ability to memorize the latest temperature conditions.
  7. Sound. The device is even silent when turned on. Vibration is also not observed.

These features, of course, are indisputable advantages and cause a desire to acquire it soon.

hot air station


The hot air soldering iron practically does not vibrate. All connections are made through the cable, and in case of careless use, they can easily be replaced. Many reviews often emphasize these points as the main advantage of the device.

Among other positive aspects, the following can be noted:

  1. High quality materials and their durability. Thanks to these properties, the station lasts a long time, and there are practically no cases of failure of the hair dryer.
  2. Ceramic soldering iron heater . This feature makes it possible to quickly heat up a hollow sting, without any problems replacing it if necessary. Although the station is not positioned as antistatic, according to user reviews, it is this version of the soldering iron that minimizes the risk of damage to the chips by static electricity.
  3. The metal case protects the station from damage in case of careless use. Yes, and metal, unlike the best heat-resistant plastic, transfers heat without loss. Therefore, if you forget the soldering iron turned on to a maximum (480 degrees) on its surface, this will not lead to problems.

Judging by user reviews, if you need a practical and inexpensive solution that can cope with professional tasks, then a soldering station of this model will be the best choice in terms of price / quality ratio.

lukey hot air soldering station


When choosing a soldering station, be guided by the main criteria that will be important precisely for the performance of your work. If the strength of the case is unimportant for you, then you can buy the Lukey 702 model. Otherwise, if you overpay quite a bit, buy the Lukey 852+, which is durable and resistant to damage, as well as a long resource for all work items.


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