Flag and coat of arms of Brest: history, description

In the southwestern part of Belarus, near the border with Poland, is the ancient city of Brest. The history of this city is partially reflected in its state symbols. What does the modern flag and coat of arms of Brest look like? You will learn about this from our article.

Heroic Brest (Belarus): Acquaintance with the City

On the very edge of Belarus, where the Mukhavets river flows into the border Western Bug, one of the country's oldest cities is located. It originated in the X century, and was first mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years" by Nestor the Chronicler. Throughout its history, the city has repeatedly collapsed, it was part of different states and empires.

According to scientists, there are two main versions of the origin of the name of the city: either from the word "birch bark" (the top layer of birch bark, widely used in Russia as a material for writing), or from the ancient Baltic word brasta ("ford"). Throughout its history, Brest changed its name several times. However, the foundation, the backbone of his name has always been preserved, only the forms have changed: Berestye, Brest-Litovsky, Brest nad Bug.

Brest Belarus

Nowadays Brest is very popular among tourists. Travelers from Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Germany and other EU countries often come here. The city is famous for its monuments, military museums, ancient architecture, well-groomed streets and magnificent wrought-iron sculptures.

Coat of arms and flag of the city

Brest is known to many thanks to its main attraction - the Brest Fortress. It was built in the first half of the 19th century, but became especially famous in 1941. It was the fortress and its defenders who were the first in the USSR to try to repulse the brown plague of the twentieth century - the Nazi army. The defense of the Brest Fortress, which lasted 29 days, went down in the history of the Great Patriotic War as an example of heroism and dedication.

In general, Brest in its history has been able to defend more than once. And this feature is successfully displayed in the symbolism of the city. Both the flag and the coat of arms of Brest depict a military bow with a bowstring - the most popular military weapon of the Middle Ages.

coat of arms and flag of Brest

The city flag is a standard rectangular panel consisting of three vertical stripes: two blue at the edges and one white in the middle. In the center is a baroque coat of arms depicting a silver arched bow and one taut arrow. It is interesting to note that the famous Brest Fortress is also present on the unofficial coat of arms of the city (developed by the designers of the BIAR company).

The city coat of arms is no different in appearance from the one that adorns the central part of the flag of Brest. It was approved in 1994 and includes a list of historical and heraldic monuments of Belarus.

A bit of the history of the city coat of arms

Already in the middle of the XVI century, Brest was an important trade and crafts center of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. By that time, the city had at least two official stamps. On one of them a tall stone tower was depicted, and on the other - a bow and arrow already familiar to us.

coat of arms of Brest

According to the chronicles, Brest is tempered by numerous attacks of enemies, starting from the XI century. Many tried to capture the city: the Teutons, Lithuanians, Poles and Russians. Therefore, both the bow and the tower in the list of its historical symbols are not at all random.

The coat of arms of Brest, established in 1845, was very interesting. In its upper field, a bison was depicted, and in the lower - a yellow fortress with a two-headed eagle on it.


The coat of arms of Brest is simple and concise, it fully conveys the historical spirit and image of this city. On a blue shield is a silver bow with an arrow pointing up. This stamp image is also preserved on the city seals of the XVI century.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7044/

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