"Scarlet Sails" who wrote? Summary of the story

The work described in the future is associated with a very beautiful and happy fairy tale about the prince, which every girl dreams of. However, not everyone knows the author of the story-extravaganza "Scarlet Sails." Who wrote it, let's find out. First of all, this is necessary in order to understand where such extraordinary fantasies could have come from in his head. Let's start with an introduction to the author’s biography.

red sails who wrote


The writer and prose writer, known by the name Green, who lived between 1880 and 1932, is most often associated with the writing of marine adventure stories. This, in principle, is the answer to the question of who wrote The Scarlet Sails. The full name of the writer is Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky, and “Green” became an abbreviation and later his pseudonym.

He was born on August 11 (23 according to the old style) in the town of Slobodsky, Vyatka province. His father was called Stefan Grinevsky, he was a Polish gentry, who was sent to Siberia for participating in the Polish uprising of 1863. After the expiration of the term, in 1868, he was allowed to move to the Vyatka province. There he meets a 16-year-old nurse Anna Stepanova Lepkova, who becomes his wife. For seven years they had no children. Alexander became the firstborn, and two more sisters appeared behind him - Catherine and Antonina. Alexander's mother died when he was 15 years old.

Very often readers ask questions about the work “Scarlet Sails” (who wrote it and what biographical data are present in the epic of the writer himself as a person who passionately loved the sea).

Returning to his biography, it is worth noting that the theme of Alexander’s sea was captured after he independently read the Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift at age 6. After graduating from the Vyatka four-year city school in 1896, he moved to Odessa and wanted to become a sailor. At first he had to wander and starve, but then, with the help of a friend of his father, he gets on the Plato steamer as a sailor and begins to ply the route Odessa-Batumi-Odessa.

who wrote the scarlet sails

Further covering the question of who wrote The Scarlet Sails, the author of this work (Green) can be called a rebel, a fidget seeking adventure. Sailor's work was very hard and did not bring him any moral satisfaction, and then in 1897 he returned to Vyatka and then left for Baku, where he was a fisherman and laborer in railway workshops. Then he again returned to his father, where he worked as a gold digger in the Urals, a miner, a lumberjack, and a theater scribe.

Rebellious soul

What are “Scarlet Sails”, who wrote and how much the author of this work was a romantic person, let’s try to figure it out further. And here it is necessary to pay attention to the formation of the personality of young Green, because in 1902 he became a simple soldier of the reserve infantry battalion stationed in Penza. Then he twice deserted and hid in Simbirsk.

The Socialist-Revolutionaries liked his vivid performances. He even had an underground nickname - "Lanky." But in 1903 he was arrested in Sevastopol for propaganda against the existing system. After his release, he goes to Petersburg, where he is again arrested and deported to Siberia. From there, he again escapes to Vyatka, where he will get someone else's passport, with which he will move to Moscow.

1906-1908 became a turning point for him - he becomes a writer and begins to work a lot on romantic short stories, including Reno Island, Zurbagan Shooter, Captain Duke, storybook The Colony of Lanfier, etc.

who wrote the red sails story

Creative period

Lighting the subject “Who wrote“ Scarlet Sails ”, it must be said that in 1917, Green moved to Petrograd, hoping for improvements in society. But then, a little later, he will be disappointed in all the events taking place in the country.

In 1919, the future writer will serve as a signalman in the Red Army. In these years, he begins to be published in the journal Flame by the editor A. Lunacharsky.

Green believed that all the most beautiful on earth depends on the will of the good, strong and pure in heart and soul of people. Therefore, such magnificent works as “Scarlet Sails”, “Running on the Waves”, “Shining World”, etc. are born.

In 1931 he will manage to write his autobiographical novel. And in 1932, on July 8, at the 52nd year of his life, he would die of stomach cancer in the Old Crimea. Two days before his death, like a true Orthodox, he will invite a priest to himself, take communion, and confess. Nina’s wife will choose exactly the place for the grave, from where the sea view will be opened. On the grave of the writer will establish a monument to Tatyana Gagarina - a "girl running along the waves".

who wrote the red sails by

How "Scarlet Sails" were born

So, returning to the work “Scarlet Sails” (who wrote this story), you can already approximately understand what kind of person the author of this literary masterpiece was. But it is necessary to note the sad page of his biography. When Green served as a signalman in 1919, he contracted typhus and was treated for a month in a hospital where Maxim Gorky once sent tea, bread and honey to him, a seriously ill patient.

After recovering, again with the help of Gorky, Green managed to get a ration and a room on Nevsky Prospekt, 15, in the “House of Art”, where his neighbors were N. S. Gumilev, V. Kaverin, O. E. Mandelstam, V A. Christmas.

Who wrote The Scarlet Sails?

Our story would not be complete without the following details. The neighbors recalled that Green lived like a hermit in his world, where he did not want to let anyone in. At the same time, he will begin work on his touching and poetic work "Scarlet Sails."

In the spring of 1921, Green marries the widow of Nina Nikolaevna Mironova. She worked as a nurse, but they met back in 1918. For the next 11 years of marriage, they did not part and considered their meeting a gift of fate.

Answering the question of who wrote “Scarlet Sails” and to whom the work was dedicated, one can only say one thing: Green presented this literary masterpiece as a gift on November 23, 1922 to Nina Nikolaevna Green. It will be first fully published in 1923.

who wrote the work Scarlet Sails

Who wrote The Scarlet Sails. Summary

One of the main characters, the gloomy and unsociable Longren, lived on the fact that he was engaged in the manufacture of various crafts, model sailboats and steamboats. Locals were wary of this man. And all because of the case when once during a storm the innkeeper Menners was dragged into the open sea, but Longren did not think to save him, although he heard him pray for help. The grouchy old man shouted at last: "My wife Mary once also asked you for help, but you refused her!" Menners a few days later was picked up by a passenger ship, and before his death he accused Longren of his death.


However, the shopkeeper did not even mention that five years ago, Longren's wife, when her husband was in swimming, turned to Menners to borrow a little money from her. She recently gave birth to a girl Assol, childbirth was difficult, all the money went for treatment. But Menners indifferently answered her that if she had not been so touchy, then he could have helped her.

Then the unfortunate woman decided to lay the ring and went to the city, after which she caught a cold and soon died of pneumonia. Her husband, fisherman Longren, who returned, was left with the baby in his arms and never again went to sea.

In general, however, the locals hated Father Assol. Their hatred spread to the girl herself, who therefore plunged into the world of her fantasies and dreams, as if she didn’t even need to communicate with her peers and friends. Father replaced her all.

who wrote the red sails summary


Once, father sent an eight-year-old Assol to the city to sell new toys. Among them was a miniature sailboat with scarlet silk sails. Assol lowered a boat into the stream, and a stream of water brought it to the mouth, where she saw the old storyteller Aigl, who, holding her boat, said that soon a ship with red sails and a prince would come for her, who would take her with him to his distant country.

Upon returning, Assol told about everything to her father, but a beggar who appeared next to him accidentally overheard their conversation and carried the story of the ship with the prince all over Caperna, after which the girl was teased and considered crazy.

Arthur Gray

And the prince showed up. Arthur Gray is the only heir to a noble family living in a family castle, a very determined and fearless young man with a lively and sympathetic soul. From childhood he loved the sea and wanted to become a captain. At the age of 20, he bought a three-masted ship “Secret” and began to sail.

Once, being near Kapernaya, early in the morning he and his sailor decided to sail on a boat to find places for fishing. And suddenly on the coast he finds sleeping Assol. The girl was so struck by his beauty that he decided to put his old ring on her little finger.

Then in a local tavern, Gray found out a story related to the crazy Assol. But the drunk coal miner assured that all this is a lie. And the captain even without outside help was able to understand the soul of this extraordinary girl, since he himself was a little out of this world. He immediately went to the city, where in one of the shops found scarlet silk. In the morning his "Secret" went to sea with red sails, and by the middle of the day he was visible from Caperna.

who wrote the red sails full name

Assol, seeing the ship, was beside herself with happiness. She immediately rushed to the sea, where many people had already gathered. A boat departed from the ship, and the captain stood on it. A few minutes later, Assol was already on the ship with Gray. That's how it happened, as the perspicacious old man predicted.

On the same day, a barrel of centennial wine was discovered, and the next morning the ship was already very far away and forever took the crew of the Secret from Caperna.

On this, you can close the topic "Who wrote the work" Scarlet Sails "?" Alexander Stepanovich Green (Grinevsky) gave all his readers an unusual fairy tale about a dream.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7046/

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