Lake Nerskoe: description, fishing, reviews, photos

Nerskoye lake is located in the Moscow region. This beautiful reservoir, unfortunately, has been rapidly overgrowing and swamping recently. On Lake Nersky, its history and other facts associated with it, we will discuss further.

General information

The named lake is considered moraine, that is, it arose after the glacier melted. This body of water is located in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region, on the lands of the village of Gabovsky. The distance from Moscow is approximately 23 km. Nearby is Lake Ozeretskoye.

In past centuries, the described reservoir was combined with the Long and Round. Later, the lakes disconnected, and their current borders were formed.

The lake surface covers an area of ​​0.4 km 2 . The water depth reaches three meters. The bottom is formed by silt, and it is flat in shape. From the lake flows the Volgush river. The banks of the Nersky are swampy, there are ripples, so the approach to water is difficult.

Nerskoe lake

Picturesque place

Nerskoye Lake is one of the most beautiful places in the Moscow Region. Nature in these parts has retained its original appearance.

If you climb to the highest coastal point, you will see the overgrown basin. Around - a mixed forest, in which conifers mainly grow. Also, the surrounding places delight the eye with beautiful meadows. And from all sides around the lake - swamps.

By the way, from the shore of Nersky you can see the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village of Ozeretsky.

Lake Nerskoye Dmitrovsky district

Flag and coat of arms

Nerskoye Lake (Dmitrovsky District, Moscow Region) is painted on the flag and coat of arms of the Gabovsky settlement. There are three mirrors of various shapes on them, symbolizing the three reservoirs of this area:

  • Round (circle shape);
  • Long (oblong image);
  • Nerskoe (diamond shape).

The magenta color on state symbols reflects the history of the area, which is closely connected with noble Russian families.

National importance

It should be noted that Nerskoye is part of the State Wildlife Refuge along with Dolgoy and Krugly. This means that this territory is considered a natural monument and is carefully protected by the state.

Due to this status, the surrounding area is not threatened by development. Transport will not move here, and tourist camps cannot be organized. The monument is registered with the state.

The total area of ​​the reserve is 1,230 ha. It has three dozen varieties of flora and fauna, among them there are specimens presented in the Red Book of the Moscow Region.

Nerskoe lake how to get


Nerskoye is a great place for fishing! Crucian carp, pike, and rotan are found here. Sometimes carp and grass carp are allowed into the pond. Occasionally you can meet perch or loach.

Fishing on Lake Nersky collects extremely positive reviews. So, match fishing enthusiasts recommend a pond to all fans of this lesson.

Fishermen who have been here also talk about the nuances of fishing:

  • The approach to the reservoir is difficult.
  • The lake itself is shallow, so long cast is required. Fish does not swim near the shore.
  • Many fishermen stay on night fishing. Karas actively resist fishing and behave like trouts - they jump out of the lake. A rather large crucian weighing up to 1 kg comes across. It is not easy to catch a pike here, because the predator has eaten up rotans and swims full.
  • On Nersky, fishermen are advised to catch from a boat because of the swampiness of the coast.
  • Experienced fishermen are advised to use a light feeder-pilker. This is a combination of spinning and spinning. To use this technique, the fisherman finds a suitable place. There he catches in a plumb line or throws.

By autumn, when the fish gather in schools, the fisherman, finding a fish plant island, slowly pulls out aquatic inhabitants with the help of a feeder. The flexible end of the feeder reports a bite. The caught individual is taken out of the water and removed from the hook. In less favorable conditions, it is necessary to use the coil on the feeder in combination with longer castings.

The performance of the feeder-pilker is rated as very high. The design is unparalleled. Fishing is fast. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to catch the whole flock. A real fisherman treats water resources with care, he has a feeling of how much fish can be caught and which one.

Nerskoye fishing lake reviews

Road to the pond

How to get to Lake Nersky? To do this, get to the station Lobnya. There, take a bus bound for Ozeretskoye. Get out should be in the settlement. From the stop there is a path to the lake. However, in inclement weather, it is covered with mud and it is problematic to pass through it. In this case, you can go around the basin and see the lake from above.

Tourists often come to these places. They walk along the highway a couple of kilometers in the north-west direction to the railway (Iksha-Povorovo), then they go one more kilometer towards the village of Ovsyannikovo, in the east direction. Over the Ovsyannikovo river flows Volgusha, on the banks of which you can spend the night. Down its course, after about 4 km, there will be a highway. If you continue along the river until its end, you can visit the beautiful place of the Klinsko-Dmitrov Ridge. The entire route is 35-40 km, and you can overcome it in two days.


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