How to remove salt from leather shoes: the best ways and means

Winter is a test period for warm leather boots and boots. Good shoes are not afraid of frost, they warm well their feet even in the most severe frost and do not let moisture in when it’s slush on the street. However, even the best shoes and boots can destroy ordinary salt.

In winter, you can notice how white stains appear on the shoes, which spoil the appearance and worsen the condition of the skin. Because of this, shoes and boots, which previously could serve several seasons without the slightest complaints, have to be thrown out with the advent of spring.

How to wash salt from leather shoes? This is actually not so difficult. You just have to act quickly and methodically to protect the material from salt and prevent the appearance of white traces.

how to remove salt from leather shoes

Salt on shoes

To remove salt streaks from leather shoes, you need to understand how they appear there. It is believed that this may be the salt from the composition for processing the skin, which, as the material dries up and under the influence of external factors, begins to appear on the surface. This happens sometimes, especially when it comes to inexpensive, poorly crafted material. But the phenomenon is not widespread, but rather the exception.

In most cases, white marks on the skin are residues of chemicals that are sprinkled on roads to prevent icing. You should not complain about it - if the roadway is slippery, the risk of accidents and accidents increases. In this case, the municipalities choose the lesser evil.

Reagents are composed of many chemical compounds. One of them is ordinary salt. But most of the reagents are calcium-magnesium and sulfate-carbonate salts. They mix with snow porridge, mud and water and so fall on shoes. As drying, the compounds on the shoe appear in the form of white stains. If nothing is done, then such traces will adversely affect the structure of the material and lead to drying out and cracking of the skin. The appearance of shoes also suffers.

How to remove salt from leather shoes? This is easy if you know what means to use.

how to remove salt streaks from leather shoes

The first steps to save shoes from salt stains

Most often, white traces appear when melted snow with reagents gets on the shoes. If this happened, then after arriving home you need to do the following:

  1. If possible, remove the insoles. Lace up boots and uncover as much as possible. On the boots completely unfasten the locks.
  2. Pour warm water into the basin. If the shoes are very dirty, then you need to prepare a soap solution. To do this, in warm water, you need to dilute the shavings of children's or laundry soap. Shoes made of genuine leather and leatherette must be washed completely, not forgetting to pay careful attention to the seams. It is there that white stains love to hide. If boots and boots are made of suede or nubuck, then it is worth cleaning only the sole and edge (welt). In this case, you need to wash very carefully so as not to wet the top material.
  3. Wipe boots and boots made of leather and leatherette dry with a soft cloth. Wrap suede and nubuck shoes with paper so that water and salt solution are absorbed.
  4. Open boots and boots as much as possible and put to dry. Shoes cannot be dried near the battery and other heating devices, otherwise it will crack. A hairdryer is also undesirable. Naturally, boots and boots dry for a long time. Therefore, it is worth using a special electric dryer or any available absorbent material (toilet paper, newspaper, cotton). As wet, the material needs to be changed.

If you perform these actions daily, then the probability of the appearance of white stripes is very small. However, not everyone is capable of daily self-monitoring and regular shoe shine. And in this case, you have to decide how to remove traces of salt from leather shoes. To cope with this problem, you can use modern cleaning products or suitable improvised means.

how to remove stubborn salt from leather shoes

Modern means

In order not to have to wonder how to remove salt from leather shoes, the easiest way is to prevent its occurrence. Today, in any store you can find great care products for leather shoes. It can be creams, gels, sprays, pastes or wax. They will not only gloss, but also protect boots and boots from the effects of salt and other chemicals.

In addition, each self-respecting shoe company produces various products that will help to cope with emerging traces of salt, such as Tarrago de Salter, Detach Stain, Antisol and others. They must be applied directly to the whitened area, and then wipe the material with a clean rag or sponge.

The disadvantage of such funds is that they have a high price, high consumption and a short period of action. However, you can get rid of white spots with the help of more budgetary funds.

how to clean salt with leather shoes

Vinegar cleaning

How to remove stubborn salt from leather shoes? For this, it is worth trying to use table (9%) or apple cider vinegar. Wine is also suitable. You need to mix vinegar and clean water in a ratio of 3: 1. Next, the shoes need to be washed from dirt, put a napkin or cotton pad soaked in vinegar on white stains. Rub the salt marks slightly, and then wait 8-10 minutes. Non-absorbed solution should be wiped first with a damp cloth, then dry. After drying, lubricate the skin with a special cream, petroleum jelly or oil.

how to remove salt from leather shoes

Lemon Juice Cleansing

If a person is faced with the task of cleaning the salt from leather shoes, then it is easy to solve with fresh lemon. Fragrant fruit must be cut into slices and wipe all the problem areas with them. Then leave the shoes to dry completely.

how to wash salt with leather shoes

Using castor oil

Castor oil will help get rid of salt stains. To do this, it is necessary to treat the entire outer leather surface with castor oil and leave it overnight so that the product is well absorbed. Before putting on shoes or boots, they should be brushed and lubricated with shoe polish for better protection.

The use of alcohol and paste

How to remove salt from leather shoes? This can be done with ammonia and semolina. Dilute alcohol in a ratio of 4: 1 with water, then moisten a cotton pad in the solution and treat it with all the problem areas. In order to completely get rid of salt stains and ammonia residues, the surface of the shoe must be rubbed with semolina. Instead of ammonia, you can use medical.

Toothpaste also helps in combating traces of chemicals. It is applied to whitened areas and left for 10-15 minutes. Then the dried paste is washed off with running water, and the shoes are dried and treated with a cream.

salt paste

All unconventional ways to get rid of salt traces are not completely safe for shoes. They can leave ugly whitish spots if the skin was stained with unstable paint. Before using them, a preliminary test should be carried out on the inner leather surface, near the zipper or on the edging.


The easiest way is not to decide how to remove salt from leather shoes, but to prevent its appearance. To do this, use the following recommendations:

  1. Winter shoes should be chosen on thick soles with a high welt to reduce the risk of salt getting onto the leather surface.
  2. After any visit to the street, it is necessary to wash and dry shoes and boots.
  3. It is better not to use silicone-based shoe care products in the cold season, as it freezes in the cold and cannot protect the skin from chemicals.
  4. It is necessary to regularly treat the skin with water-repellent protective creams.


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