Gifting is happiness or punishment?

Is gifting a social reality or an individual gift? How should adults treat gifted children? How to develop this quality of the psyche? How not to confuse giftedness with a stubborn character? These and many other questions will be answered in this article.

giftedness is

What is giftedness?

Giftedness is a systemic quality of the psyche that develops throughout life, which enables a person to achieve outstanding results that are higher than other people.

Gifted child

A child is considered gifted, which stands out for its obvious, vivid, sometimes even outstanding achievements in one or several types of activity. Scientists unanimously reiterate that in talented children, the electrical and biochemical activity of the brain is increased. Their brain has an almost constantly enormous "appetite" and the Gargantuan ability to "digest" intellectual food. Such children even sometimes “bite off” more than they can “chew”. From a very young age, gifted children have the ability to follow cause-effect relationships and draw conclusions from this. They are keen on building alternative systems and modules. Their intracerebral system is more ramified, has a greater number of connections. They have a figurative button in the brain system “What if?”, Which is constantly ready for action. Gifted children are distinguished from others by their excellent memory and ability to use the accumulated knowledge. Their favorite hobby is collecting and putting these collections in order. The ability to pose questions, a large vocabulary, which is accompanied by rather complex designs, often attract the attention of people around them to such children. Little geeks quite easily cope with uncertainty, gladly come up with new words, read encyclopedias and dictionaries.

Is it easy to be gifted?

Giftedness is a kind of qualitative combination of those human abilities that ensure him the successful implementation of activities. Abilities act together with each other, that is, they represent a certain structure. This allows you to compensate for the lack of some abilities due to the development of others. Today, many psychologists believe that giftedness is the result of a complex interaction of the social environment and heredity. But at the same time, the role of self-development mechanisms of a person’s personality, which underlie the realization and formation of individual talent, cannot be ignored.

The development of giftedness in children

children's giftedness
Endowment is a significant advance in mental development compared to age norms.

Such children are inherent in:

  • increased curiosity;
  • excellent memory;
  • abstract thinking;
  • huge vocabulary;
  • highly developed fantasy;
  • vivid imagination;
  • developed sense of humor;
  • exaggerated fears.
    Children's giftedness is established and studied only in the process of education and training. The initial years of a child’s life are associated with the enormous potential of brain activity, so the mentally gifted “child prodigies” can be distinguished even at this age.


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