Transplanting daffodils - tips and tricks

Many landscape designers, florists and gardeners rightly consider the narcissus a universal bulbous plant. A huge variety of varieties and types of these flowers allows you to very effectively manipulate them on a personal plot: they look great both on flower beds, on rocky slides or in wild gardens.

transplant of daffodils in spring
In addition, these plants cannot be called exclusively spring, because some of their species bloom well both in summer and in autumn. This small feature gives them a huge advantage over other bulb plants. Their unpretentiousness and frost resistance provides high popularity among florists and gardeners. Usually these flowers are preferred to be left in place for five years, but this is a mistake. If you study some of the features of their vegetation, it becomes clear that transplanting daffodils is very important.

transplant of daffodils
Unlike other bulb plants, which are renewed every year, bulb replacement of this flower occurs gradually and constantly. Her scales grow in peculiar layers from the center and are constantly updated. Each such layer exists for four years, after which it dries out and dies away, and in the formed sinuses small onion bulbs are formed, which, after the layer dies, can grow and become an independent plant. Thus, from year to year, daffodils are growing denser, and soon they no longer have enough resources for life. In this case, they begin to bloom very weakly.

From these facts, conclusions follow on how important the transplantation of daffodils is for their development. It must be produced at least once every 3-4 years to avoid chopping bulbs and flowers. At the same time, young seedlings should not be moved until children are formed in their bulbs.

Transplant of daffodils in spring

daffodils transplant
Although the dormant period of flowers falls in August, at this time the transplant of daffodils can be most successful. Many foreign florists practice plant transfer at any time. This can occur even during the growing season. Daffodils, which were transplanted during flowering, usually die immediately, but the next year their bulbs noticeably increase in volume and bloom more actively. It should be remembered that during this operation at the wrong time, excessive drying of the roots and bulbs should be avoided.

Transplant of daffodils in summer

When planting daffodils in the summer, they are usually fed with potassium sulfate and superphosphate in proportions of 20 g and 40 g, respectively, per square meter. The soil must be dug up and mulched. After that, its watering stops for the time necessary for the death of old roots. Daffodils must be dug out in dry weather. Children and bulbs are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate and dried thoroughly. Prior to disembarkation, they are stored in plastic boxes at a temperature of 13-17 degrees. It should be remembered that they should be laid in only one layer, otherwise there is a high risk of rotting of the bulbs.


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