Alla Gerber: biography, works

Alla Gerber is a Russian writer, human rights activist, public and political figure, film critic, one of the organizers and participants of the Civil Forum. Born in 1932, January 3.


alla gerber
To begin with, we will provide a brief biographical note about the writer. She was born in Moscow. Her mother is a teacher. Father is an engineer. He was repressed in 1949, rehabilitated in 1956. Studied at the law faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. She graduated in 1955. She worked as a legal adviser and lawyer. Created judicial essays.


i am who
Gerber Alla Efremovna since 1963 was regularly published on the pages of various publications. She is the author of over 1000 articles. The first newspaper in which it was published is Moskovsky Komsomolets. She also served as a traveling correspondent for Yunost magazine. She worked in the editions Komsomolskaya Pravda, Izvestia, and Literary Newspaper.

Creative way

Jewish community organization
The author of eight books, the first of which is called "I am who." Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, as well as "SJ" and "SK". From 1970 to 1973 worked as an editor of the Gorky film studio. From 1973 to 1978 was a columnist in the magazine "Soviet Screen". In 1989, she was one of the organizers of the April association, which became an independent movement of writers. In 1990, she was engaged in the first anti-fascist process. It ended with the conviction of K.V. Smirnova-Ostashvili - the head of the organization "Memory", under article 74 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. It is about inciting national hatred.


Gerber Alla Efremovna
Alla Gerber in 1991 became a member of the Coordinating Council in the movement "Democratic Russia". Organized by the Moscow Anti-Fascist Center. In 1993, she was elected to the State Duma from the organization "Choice of Russia" in the Northern District of Moscow. In the Duma, she was involved in the development of a number of laws. In particular, they concerned the restriction of privileges of deputies, as well as government officials, secondary education, the ban on extremist organizations, the propaganda of Nazi symbols and national hatred. She participated in the creation of laws on cinema, out-of-school institutions, preservation of museums, libraries. He is a supporter of the urgent introduction of juvenile justice in the Russian Federation .

She acted as the organizer of the parliamentary hearing, the theme of which was “The danger of fascism”. I personally accepted, and also participated in the direct resolution of the problems of over 1000 constituency voters. Since 1995, he has been a research fellow at the Institute of Economics in Transition. A Jewish Jewish organization is directly related to her personality, as she is the president of the Holocaust Foundation. Conducted several dozen workshops specifically for teachers. Moreover, they took place in various regions of Russia.

He is a member of the editorial board of the Holocaust Library. Compiled by many publications, including the “History of the Holocaust” and “Book of the Righteous.” In 2003 she was awarded a prize from the Federation of Jewish Communities of the Russian Federation. She was awarded the title "Man of the Year 5762." She received it for "Educational activities." Since 2007, he is a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the head of the working group that addresses the problems of migrants. In 2014, in March, she signed a letter from the KinoSoyuz “We are with you!” in support of Ukraine. Son - Zeldovich Alexander Efimovich - Russian screenwriter and director.


In 1968, the writer published essays entitled "I Am Who." In 1969, a one-on-one book was published. In 1972, the work “Nothing Happened Yet.” In 1981, the book Conversations in the Workshop was published. In 1984, the work "About Elijah Frez." In 1985, two books “Vasily Livanov” and “Fate and Theme” were published. In 1994, the work “Mom and Dad” appeared.


curriculum vitae
Alla Gerber in the book "Mom and Dad" talks about how sometimes a person wants to be completely alone. With what impatience he often awaits the departure of loved ones to invite guests. It seems to man that if they are not there, you can do anything. However, years pass by, leaving absolutely nothing left in people's memory from such a long-awaited freedom. Only fragments of Mom’s favorite plate are preserved, holes in the bookcase and stains on the cloth of a familiar desk. This is all that memory was able to save from the evenings, dad and mom were not at home.

The next book worth discussing is called Inna Churikova. It consists of two parts, between the output of which almost 30 years pass. The country has changed. The actress managed to play new roles on the stage and in the movie. Alla Gerber held six conversations with Inna Churikova. During this period, the conversation went far beyond the acting profession. It is about the most important events in life, family, childhood, changes that have occurred in society. The author admits that there are actors that are difficult to write about, especially if you want to achieve objectivity and present the material impartially. There is no desire to evaluate them in the generally accepted meaning of this term. You should not examine and disassemble them. You can talk about them only with unusual words, poetic and excited. According to the writer, at present there is no shortage of entirely scientific cinema and theater studies, which write methodologically verified, detailed quotations. In such works one can find historical circumstances, connections, analysis of images. However, the soul of the artist, as well as the art itself, quietly disappears. However, the writer acknowledges the benefits of scientific work.

Alla Gerber created a book about an amazing phenomenon in art - Inna Churikova. This work is very unusual for film history literature. The author managed to find a rare genre, which is probably most consistent with the artistic and human appearance of this actress. Inna Churikova is also an artist who simply does not accept impartial, objective writing. One should speak about her with unusual expressions, not try to classify, but empathize with her. Therefore, the genre chosen by the author seems extremely successful. This is a poem in prose, etude, lyrical monologue.


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