Specially protected natural area. Types of protected areas and their purpose

On the territory of the Russian Federation, all natural lands are subject to protection, regardless of their purpose. But there are territories that are protected especially carefully.

These include:

  1. Land plots on which the cultural, natural or historical heritage of protected areas is located.
  2. Land and fauna of specially protected natural areas (SPNA).

What is the difference?

CBOs are lands of any value, whether historical, cultural or natural.

The lands of specially protected natural territories (SPNA) are, in fact, a type of PA. This is a subsoil with rich natural value.

Why to allocate ZOOPT

Due to the fact that there are natural areas where many rare plants grow or unique animals are found, it was decided to take them under special control.

Due to the threat of mass destruction of vegetation or animals, hunting, agro-cultural activities, and even more so deforestation and the construction of residential buildings, are prohibited. The concept of specially protected natural territories includes not only land, but also water bodies and airspace.

specially protected natural area
Thanks to such efforts, people were able to save and even increase the number of units of individuals of the Amur tiger, mountain wolf, Amur mountain. Also, such plants were preserved, which underwent an initial mass collection, such as Rhodiola rosea, Common juniper, European swimsuit, and even lily of the valley.

Natural Reserved Land: Description

A specially protected natural area is not only land, but also water bodies, and even the airspace above them, where there are unique natural objects that need protection.

Such areas are nationally owned and cannot be sold to private individuals or leased.

All activity on these lands, with the exception of the study, preservation and augmentation of the specimens located there, is prohibited. For the normal functioning of life, a specially protected natural area implies the absence, even within reach, of harmful emissions, a ban on the construction of industrial plants. All activities that negatively affect the natural objects of protected areas are prohibited.

The boundaries of protected lands are necessarily marked with special signs.

Types of Protected Areas

With various features of natural objects, their status and the presence on the territory of erected buildings, protected areas are divided into certain types and categories.

  1. Natural state parks.
  2. Natural pristine nature reserves.
  3. Monuments of wildlife.
  4. National parks.
  5. Arboretums and botanical gardens.
  6. Medical and health resorts.

In a certain locality, decrees of local self-government can be established by other categories of specially protected natural territories - this is a kind of subspecies of the basis of the territory, distinguished by certain signs.

Regardless of the status of the land (national or local), the rules for using it do not differ.

specially protected natural territories of Russia
Specially protected natural territories of Russia are subject to preservation and growth. All activities carried out on these lands are allowed only with this requirement.

Pristine reserve

The reserve is a specially protected natural area that is distinguished by the pristine nature. Here, everything is untouched by the hand of man and is in such a state as Mother Nature has created.

The main purpose of the reserves is to preserve the so-called pattern of how nature should look. With this in mind, scientists compare and identify the harm done to her by humanity.

All biologists understand the importance of preserving even a small bug and preventing animals and plants from disappearing. After all, then the whole food chain is broken, and the problems of an overabundance of some species and the disappearance of other natural objects begin.

lands of specially protected natural territories
For the land to become a nature reserve, it must meet a number of requirements:

  • Being as little affected by civilization as possible.
  • Have unique plants and rare species of animals on its territory.
  • Lands have self-regulation and are not subject to self-destruction.
  • Have a rare landscape.

It is nature reserves that are a traditional species and are allocated to specially protected natural areas of Russia as an example of pristine and originality.

At the time of 2000, 99 protected areas were allocated in the Russian Federation. They conduct research, educational and environmental work on their territory.

Natural monuments

These are unique natural objects that cannot be recreated through human efforts.

Such natural objects can be in federal jurisdiction or regional. It all depends on the value of the natural monument.

As a rule, such objects belong to the regional heritage. They are essentially the pride of the region where they are.

Protected Areas
Today, there are 28 such peculiar corners of nature of federal significance; they occupy an area of ​​more than 19 thousand hectares.

There are much more regional unique natural corners, and they are divided into types:

  1. Biological, including interesting plants and animals.
  2. Hydrological - a kind of reservoirs and rare aquatic plants and animals.
  3. Geological - include unique natural fossil lands.
  4. Complex - corners of nature, combining two or more types of rare natural objects.

Nature reserves

Nature reserves are a specially protected natural area where endangered plants and animals are subject to conservation and restoration.

types of specially protected natural areas
It happens that the land is declared a nature reserve, and it belongs on a rental basis to a private person. In this case, the issue of withdrawing or abandoning the lease is decided taking into account what kind of activity the owner is conducting in this territory.

Reserves as specially protected natural territories have different meanings:

  1. Landscaping - created to restore natural complexes.
  2. Biological - in their territories, biologists are trying to save and increase endangered animals and plants.
  3. Paleontological - fossil objects are especially protected here.
  4. Hydrological - based on the conservation of water bodies, lakes and water bodies.

National parks

The concept of lands with special natural, aesthetic or cultural value is invested in this meaning. National parks are used for scientific observations, as well as organize cultural activities for people.

The whole world community has recognized the enormous benefits of creating such conservation lands.

In Russia, there are three national parks included in the World Cultural Heritage. Two of them - Transbaikal and Pribaikalsky - are also included in a special protected area of ​​Lake Baikal.

Arboretums and botanical gardens

Recently, the arboretum is actively increasing and expanding. This is due to the development of resort places and the emergence of an increasing number of recreational facilities working in environmentally friendly conditions.

Botanical gardens are called upon to preserve the rarest and endangered plant species. In addition, they conduct various experiments aimed at protecting endangered species.

Arboretums are used for educational purposes. Informative excursions are conducted on their territory, telling and showing people all kinds of outlandish trees, shrubs and grasses.

goals of specially protected natural areas
In addition to educational tasks, the arboretums are aimed at breeding and preserving all the beauty of Russian nature, which can only be captured in this area.

As you can see, there are many protected lands, all have different names, but the goals of specially protected natural areas are almost the same - preservation and enhancement of natural objects, monitoring the natural course of events, scientific and educational activities.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7069/

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