How to remove fuel oil from clothes? Effective and easy ways

Even serious dirt on clothes, such as stains from fuel oil, can be removed not only in dry cleaning, but also at home using simple improvised means. Do not forget that it is easier to remove a fresh stain. Therefore, before proceeding with cleaning, make sure that it is really fuel oil. This substance is oily, but do not rush to sprinkle the stain with salt, as we are used to dealing with greasy soiling - in this case it will not help. Better try to return the clothes to cleanliness in the ways described below.

How to wash fuel oil from clothes

Method 1: gasoline

How to remove fuel oil from clothes so that the stain does not spread? We recommend using products containing highly active gasoline. In this case, the area must be gently rubbed from the edges. After gasoline copes with fuel oil, stains can be removed already when washing with high-quality washing powder.

Method 2: Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil also perfectly cleans clothes from fuel oil. It is necessary to impregnate a stain with it, and then wipe this place several times with a rag also moistened with this substance. After the fuel oil has come off, wash the item with a strong detergent.

Method 3: Caustic Soda

This substance can be found in hardware stores. Dissolve the soda in water and wash away the area of ​​contamination. The usual washing powder will help to completely defeat fuel oil . This method of cleaning will cost you less than cleaning up fuel oil from clothes in dry cleaning.

Method 4: car cleaners

They, as a rule, are much stronger than household products and are able to remove specific stains. Fuel oil to such pollution, of course, can be attributed. Modern automobile cleaners treat fabrics no less carefully than household washing powders, so you can not be afraid that the appearance of clothes will be spoiled.

How to wash fuel oil with jeans

Method 5: clay and starch

How to remove stains from fuel oil with dry clay and powder starch? You should take these substances in equal proportions (for example, 1 teaspoon of clay and 1 teaspoon of starch in dry form), mix and rub the powder into the oil stain on clothes. Wait for the resulting composition to dry, then remove from the clothing with a brush. Dissatisfied with the result and again thinking about how to remove fuel oil from clothes? Just repeat the procedure again!

Method 6: Margarine

The oily structure of fuel oil will help to defeat in some cases ... margarine! No margarine? Butter is good too! Anoint them with a stain and wait a while. Fuel oil will mix with oil and your clothes will become much cleaner. You just have to get rid of the oily stain with a warm soapy solution.

Method 7: solvent

Acetone (or any other solvent similar in action) is also effective against complex contaminants, such as fuel oil stain. First, soak a cotton pad in it, and then wipe it with the desired area of ​​tissue. But before you remove fuel oil from clothes in the proposed way, be aware that acetone is not recommended for use on colored items, as it drains the color from the fabric and can discolor it, ruining the appearance of the clothes. If you still decide to resort to this method, try first to remove the stain from the inside.

How to remove stain from fuel oil


It is unpleasant to find a stain from fuel oil on your favorite trousers or coat, but no one is safe from such small troubles. Now you know how to deal with this complex pollution at home, and therefore you won’t be racking your brains over how to remove fuel oil from jeans or any other fabric!


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