How to counter Pete Lord in Dota 2: description, guide, walkthrough and recommendations

At the 2016 Dota 2 World Tournament, a new hero was announced. He turned out so strong and unbalanced that many immediately became interested in how to counter Pete Lord. This hero has already appeared in Dota All Stars, but now he has gained more powerful abilities, so the experience of past years will no longer help so easily deal with the enemy. To understand who counter Pete Lord, you need to understand in detail with this hero. To do this, you need to study his abilities, game strategy, "pumping" skills and collecting artifacts.

Who it?

It’s worth starting the guide on Pete Lord with the fact that in Dota 2 this hero is called Underlord. He received a close type of attack, and his main characteristic is strength. Fans of the game waited for him for a whole year, and now he appeared on the stage of the main Dota 2 tournament - The International 2016. His hologram interested all fans, and the whole world froze in anticipation of a new character who was supposed to get into the game on August 23 .

guide to pit lord

Of course, in the first month, no one could understand who was countering Pitlord (Dota 2). Now this question can already be answered. By the way, in the first month, the hero was able to get into the top 20 characters by the share of victories.


The story of the characters continues to delight with new stories. Anderlord also found its own legend. In it, his middle name is Vrogrosh. The story tells of a forgotten and abandoned underground city that preserves the wonders and horrors of the world. It is located under lavas and volcanoes, and looks like a dark and creepy cave. The obsidian Aziyog was built from the bones of a huge number of slaves. Terrible underground creatures and their lord Vrogrosh rule here.

Lord of the Pit is creepy and merciless. He conquers the underworld, brings fire and fear to them. He enslaves or destroys all life. But it so happens that the underworld becomes less powerful. He wants to get out of the shackles of his "hole" and conquer the outer expanses. He sends his most powerful and trained warriors to scout. Those destroyed by the outside world made a sacrifice not in vain. Now Vrogrosh is ready to conquer new worlds and appear on the surface of the earth. Everyone who meets in his path will prostrate or be destroyed.

how to counter pit lord


So, to understand how to counter Pete Lord, you should study all his skills. Like most characters, he has four of them. The first two are active spells, the third is an aura that strengthens the hero. The fourth - ultimate, instantly teleports the hero and his allies. Now we will deal with each of these skills in more detail.


Pete Lord (Pit Lord, Lord of the Pit for Dota 2) is a difficult hero. Despite his, at first glance, light abilities, you need to wisely approach their use. The first skill deals magic damage, has a radius of 400 units. Visually, the effect looks like "green rain." The hero brings down a kind of "blocks" on the enemy in the area. In addition to one-time damage, these "stones", like fire, set fire to the enemy and inflict periodic damage.

In total, 6 waves will fall on the enemy. Each interval is 1 second. At maximum damage, a single damage from a single wave of 70. But from burning at the fourth level of pumping - 3%. This ability has several nuances that are worth knowing about. The combustion process itself does not add up, so the possibility of additional damage reaches eight times. Also, wave damage is applied instantly, regardless of whether it has completed.

who's the counter pit lord

Pit of malice

The second skill also makes players wonder how to counter Pete Lord. The ability deals magic damage. Visually, it looks as if cracks appear in the ground, which entangle the enemy and prevent him from moving. You can apply to several enemies at once. The radius is 275. At the maximum level, the skill will stun the enemy for 2.5 seconds. At the same time, it deals 100 damage.

Although the ability is immobilized, enemies can still turn and use spells and artifacts. Although there are exceptions, some of which are heroes' skills: for example, the Anti-Mage blink, the Nature's Prophet teleport, the Spirit Break break-up, the disappearance of Pak, the ultra Ricky and the Blink Dagger.

By the way, this ability, according to Pete Lord’s guide, can interrupt any enemy spell. It is also by chance to catch someone who has become invisible and give the True Sight effect.

Atrophy aura

A wonderful aura will help reduce the damage of all enemy heroes within 900. If the victim dies, then Underlord takes additional damage for a while. At the fourth level of leveling, aura reduces enemy damage by 42%. For a hero, you can get 45 points of additional damage, for a creep - 5.

There are also nuances in the aura that will help you understand how to counter Pete Lord (“Dota 2”). The ability reduces only the main damage or the one that gives the main artifact. The aura has a slight delay of half a second. It also does not matter how the enemy dies. It is worth remembering that additional damage is given for a certain time.

To understand if the aura is working, just look at the status icon. It will indicate the amount of additional damage, as well as take a look at Underlord weapons. When the aura is active, it becomes brighter from the amount of bonus damage.

how to counter pit lord dota 2

You also need to understand that additional damage will not be accrued after the death of illusions, hens, taverns, wards, clones of Mipo, Ark Varden and the destruction of the "tomb." If there are several Meeros nearby, Anderlord will receive damage from only one of them.

Dark rift

The ultimate ability is aimed at a point or unit, acts on allies. Visually, the skill looks as if a “black hole” in the ground opens near a friendly hero. After some time, at the maximum level of pumping 3 seconds, the hero with his allies (if they were next to him) teleports to this "hole". The radius of ability is 450. You can apply to any point on the map.

After activation, you can cancel the ultimate. If you double-click on a skill, Pete Lord will go to the base. Ult can be used not only on friendly heroes, but also on allies who are not characters. If the ability to apply to the ground, then the nearest target will be selected for the teleport.

Play style

Any guide to Pit Lord (Pit Lord) in any case leads to a description of the style of play. Despite the fact that he is a hero of strength, he, of course, is responsible for supporting the entire team. He can save the allies with his ultimate or, on the contrary, will help to suddenly appear against the five of us. In addition, he can temporarily stop the enemy and reduce his damage with the help of the second and third skills. Its main drawback is its low mana and lack of armor.

how to counter the new pit lord

“Learning is light ...”

For this hero, it is important to learn all abilities correctly. Of course, it happens that it all depends on the strategy, also on the lineup and other factors. Nevertheless, there is a universal leveling of the hero. The Pete Guide (Azgalor Pit Lord) recommends taking the second skill on the first level. Then, until the 6th, alternately download the first and third. We take the ultimate ability on time, then we download Firestorm, since it brings a lot of damage, and then according to the situation. But most importantly, do not forget in time to improve the ult.


For the initial phase of the game, stock up on tango, clarity, twigs and hatchet. The latter is needed in order to make it easier to finish off creeps. Later, you can buy Wind Lace, so that the character's mobility becomes greater. Also be sure not to forget the “slippers”. And for a different situation, you will need either Power Treads or Arcane Boots. The first option will increase speed, the second will add mana.

Perhaps you should not talk about objects before the start of the game, as often their availability depends on the strategy. But from the main items it is advisable to collect the drums, improved sticks, buy the Black King Bar, so as not to interrupt the teleport. Eul's Scepter of Divinity makes the hero even more mobile and increases mana. Next, you should choose items according to the situation. A “pusher” or “blink” will be useful in order to react or initiate faster. You can take the "tarasca", which will make the Lord more powerful and stronger. Blade Mail will surprise those who decide to attack unexpectedly. And Shiva's Guard will slow the runaways to effectively use abilities.

Control above all

As mentioned earlier, in just a month, the players managed to put Anderlord in the top 20 in terms of the share of victories. Nobody has achieved such results before. And so gamers are looking forward to an update that will “calm” the character and make him balanced. Now it remains to think and wonder how to counter Pete Lord. Lucky for the player against whom Underlord will be the first to pick. Then there is time for the team to think over the choice of heroes.

who counter pitlord dota 2

Atrophy Aura is a skill that can really spoil Kerry's initial farm. Besides the fact that his main damage will decrease, his agility values ​​will also disappear. Therefore, it is best to take those characters against Anderlord who can be strengthened with the help of artifacts or capable of dealing pure damage. Perfectly stand Kunka with Tidebringer or Sven. If you collect Juggernaut and Phantom Assassin through Battle Fury, you can choose them.

Although the last two heroes are still not the best option. You should not choose and Drow Ranger in line with this hero. Although it will be useful to Bistmaster, Wenge or the Moon. Her abilities can reduce loss of damage.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to stop the hero's teleportation. But still, to prevent it, you need to try to quickly kill Anderlord. To do this, take magical damage or pure burst damage, from which he certainly can not hide. Of course, there are many such heroes in DotA 2. You can pay attention to Pugna or Timbersaw.

Quick game

No matter how afraid the ultimate is, it’s better to know, just in case, how to counter the new Pete Lord. The thing is that the recharge of the fourth ability lasts more than two minutes. Therefore, you have the opportunity at this time, the whole team to get together and split-push, and actively. If the enemy does not have a strong carry, which destroys your entire team, then they are unlikely to climb into trouble.

To avoid the influence of the first and second skills, it is worth remembering that it does not matter who counter Pete Lord, more important than others - what are the artifacts of the hero. The fact is that you can break out of these abilities thanks to the “pusher”, BKB and Manta Style. While Anderlord wonders how you got out of his trap, you can quickly turn the game around and seize the advantage.


Controlling this hero, it turns out, is not difficult. Problems can arise with a constant split-push from his first ability or with the unexpected appearance of the entire enemy team. Now most gamers want Valv to balance the Underlord aura. It is thanks to her that the hero can decide the outcome of the game.

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To seriously confront the enemy and be able to repulse him in the late stages, you should not let him to creeps from the first minute. Thanks to the aura, he takes extra damage, and this gives him a power advantage and the ability to quickly kill at the first levels. It is also important for support to block all forest camps so that Underlord cannot farm if he is kicked off the line. In general, the main mistake of all the players in the fight against Pete Lord is that they forget about all the other heroes and focus on one. In fact, often the Lord of the Pit plays the role of a teleport for the whole team, no more.


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