Star cores in the territory of the Galaxy Fallout 4: location, cheats, search and passage

Fallout 4 is a huge game in itself, but developers do not stop there and are constantly adding new content. And one of the best additions, many gamers recognized Nuka-World, in which there are many interesting and confusing quests. And in this small guide you will find out where to find stellar cores on the territory of the "Galaxy" in Fallout 4 for the task "Star Dispatcher".

where are the stellar kernels in fallout 4

Quest "Star Dispatcher"

You will need to find stellar nuclei in the territory of the Galaxy in Fallout 4 when completing the Star Dispatcher quest. This task is automatically activated as soon as you enter the park. After that, go to the battle, find the corpse of Tiana Alston and take the diary from her pockets. After reading it, you will find out that the short-sighted merchants pulled out all the cores, which is why robots became aggressive. And now you need to return the stolen items.

The passage of the task

To get started, go to the Yadernosport port and find the computer. It will turn out to be inoperative, and to launch it, you will need to find at least one stellar core. In Fallout 4, the nearest one is in the window, immediately above the pavilion with a broken PDA. Another can be taken from the corpse of Kedell Alston.

Take the device, plug it into one of the sockets and start the computer. Now click on the “View star core network” field and download location tags for all objects. This action also activates the counters of stellar cores on the territory of the "Galaxy" in Fallout 4.

stellar core in the fallout 4 galaxy

To complete the quest you only need to find 20 items. But we recommend finding all 35 available cores. Then you can pick up the unique X-01 Quantum Power Armor, which not only has improved protection, but also increases your character’s action points. So it’s better to compete for this prize. And then you will find out where to find stellar kernels in Fallout 4.

Core arrangement

In total, in the quest "Star Dispatcher" you can find 35 cores. They are hidden in the following locations:

  • 7 cores are scattered directly on the territory of the Galaxy zone.
  • Four items lie in the Starlight Cinema.
  • Seven more cores are hidden in the Nuclear Galaxy.
  • Six items can be found at the RobCo Arena.
  • The last five are scattered in different areas of the game location "Nuclear World".

To get started, we recommend finding at least 20 and inserting them into the desired slots. Then you can disable combat robots, which will greatly facilitate the search.

Cinema "Starlight"

Four cores are hidden in this location. To find the first one, go from the entrance to the left corridor and get to the restrooms. Enter the men's room and look for a fault in one of the walls. Here lies the dead merchant, and next to it is the core.

fallout 4 star cores on the territory

To search for the next item, turn into the right corridor from the entrance and go to the kitchen, located at the very end. Enter the door and pick up the second core inside the terminal.

Now your path lies in the main area of ​​the cinema. Go to the back of the room and find the console behind the counter that is opposite the screen. Inside is the desired item.

To find the last core, take any of the elevators to the control room on the top floor. Take the item from the console that is in the room.

RobCo Arena Zone

It’s not so easy to get star cores on this Fallout 4 territory, because the location is guarded by strong robots. So be careful. To start from the entrance, go to the hall with stands and turn left. Continue along the wall until you hit the locked door. Inside are two cores, as well as keys.

fallout 4 galaxy star cores

In the main hall, go along any of the aisles between the stands and get to the souvenir shop. On the counter by the wall with a lamp lies one of the cores. The following can be picked up below in the arena by pulling the main participant in the battle of robots from the terminal.

Before you go in search of the last two cores, save. And then enter the arena of battle of robots. Four machine attacks have to be repelled here. By the way, if you do not want to fight robots, then disable them in advance using the terminal.

Exposition "Volt-Tech: among the stars"

In this dangerous and confusing location, six Fallout 4 star cores are hidden. Where can I find them? To begin with, you should find the door keys. To do this, enter the area from the attraction through the northern "entrance" for visitors. Go to the very end and find the locked door standing on the left side. On the right is a table with keys inside. Open with their help the door and go down. Take another bunch from the table in the room.

The key to the laboratory lies in the corridor with red lights. Here, behind a door locked with a complex lock, you can take three cores at once. If you cannot open it, then you can unlock it with the Vol-Tech key. It lies next to the next core.

fallout 4 find stellar kernels

Find a room that looks like a shelter. On the left side there is an entrance to the laboratory, which can be opened with a key. Take away the stellar core, and do not forget to pick up other valuable objects, because there are a lot of them in this room.

Now your path lies in the kitchen room. Behind the hole in the wall there is a small room in which the desired core lies. But do not hesitate here, as the area has a high level of radiation.

Find the door that says "Atrium." Go into the room, go to the exposition with boulders. One more door is hidden here, which is visible only nearby. You can open it using the key. But if you have a hacking skill, it is not necessary to search for it. Indoors is the last core of this location.

Nuclear Galaxy in Fallout 4

Seven stellar cores are hidden in this location. To find them, you have to crack some complex locks. But if you have a jetpack, then go to the emergency exit. Inside this room are the keys, thanks to which you can open all the doors without breaking.

From the main entrance, follow the only path to the landing site. In front of the rails, find the door on the right. Go inside and take the first stellar core. Go outside and move in the opposite direction to the red cabin blocking the door. She is locked at a difficult level. Hack it and take one core in the control room, and the other in the terminal at the top.

The next item is hidden in a room with core-gerls, where the terminal is also located. In this room, do not forget to pick up a key that you still need. From the layout of the girl, go along the rails, in the opposite direction from the movement of the rockets. Having reached the stairs, go down to the ledge. Here is the terminal from which you will pick up the fifth core.

There is an elevator near this place, climb into it and go down. At the exit of the cab, turn right and go to a room resembling the surface of a planet. At the bottom of the terminal is the sixth core.

Go back to the elevator, go up, and turn to the right. Follow the corridor until you find the terminal with the last item you need.

Free Galaxy Territory in Fallout 4

A total of seven cores can be found in the Galaxy Park. But robots will interfere with your searches, so do not forget to save and clear the territory. So where to find stellar kernels:

  • We already spoke about the first core at the beginning of the guide. This core is located near the corpse of Kedell Alston. Near, in fact, the star dispatcher. So you could not miss it.
  • The second stellar core lies in a glass case that stands at the top level of the stellar controller. To get it, you have to find the key, which lies in the next room.
  • At the bottom of the building with the star dispatcher, find the mesh gate below. Jump over the gate and go to the back yard. Here lies the corpse of one of the merchants. And next to it is the third stellar core.
  • Go towards the "Nucleus-Galaxy" and find the tower near this location. Climb the stairs up and take the fourth core.
  • Near the entrance to the "Nuclear Galaxy" is a red cabin. Inside it is hidden the fifth star core.
  • Your path lies to the second entrance to the RobCo Arena location. Not far from this meta there is a terminal, inside of which, the sixth core is hidden.
  • The last stellar core on the territory of the Galaxy in Fallout 4 will become available after you resume power in the Nuclear World. To do this, install at least 20 cores in the star dispatcher. After that, go into the earned elevator. In the room above you will find the item you are looking for.
where to find stellar kernels fallout 4

Searches in the "Nuclear World"

To get a unique costume, you need to find the last five cores. And for this you will have to search the location of the "Nuclear World":

  • To find the first core, go to the northern part of the area to the market. Here on one of the tables lies the desired item.
  • For the second core will have to go to the Yader Arcade. Once inside the location, turn right, go to the staff room and pick up the desired item.
  • The third core is hidden in a small barn that is located in the northeast of the landfill. This location can also be reached during the passage of the quest "Habology". If you have not completed the task, then look for a dump in the lower left corner of the map.
  • To get the fourth core, go to a dry gorge and find there a mountain of corpses. Next to them lies the desired item.
  • For the last, fifth core, you will have to go to the Yader-Cola bottling plant. Go to the layout with a huge blue rocket, and find the entrance next to it. Go to the right side until you reach the stairs. Going down, you will find the corpse of Sergeant Lantier, and next to it is the core.
star cores

At this, the search for stellar nuclei will be completed.


In Fallout 4, any item can be added to inventory through the game console, and star cores are no exception. Their code is 0601E367. Unfortunately, the kernels that you add through the console cannot be installed in the star manager. So getting them in this way is pointless, because you cannot complete the quest using cheating methods.


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