Fallout 4: additions, review and walkthrough

Fallout 4 - how many words were said and how many reviews were written about this game. A new project from Bethesda received the most controversial and controversial reviews and reviews from players and critics. However, this did not stop the creators from releasing several game and plot add-ons, which we will talk about in the Fallout 4 review. Additions, the game’s plot, gameplay and the general impression of the DLC and the main story are all described in the article.

fallout 4 add-ons

A brief history of the game

After the release of Fallout 3, all fans of the series were at a loss. On the one hand, we got a fresh and unusual game series, and on the other, it was already “not that Fallout.” A few years later, the rights to develop a new part were transferred to other hands, and so New Vegas was born. The game was not called a full-fledged fourth part, although it was created from scratch - a new world, plot, locations and even a completely redesigned role-playing system and pumping, which was so abused in the third part. The fourth part did not work out due to the fact that New Vegas was created on the same old engine that has been used since Oblivion.

New Vegas audience liked much more than the original third part. Fans of the post-apocalypse play it to this day, even ignoring Fallout 4. Extras and various mods are actively being developed for this game so far.

What about the new Fallout 4? At the end of 2015, disks with a new game appeared on the shelves. The developers this time again made Bethesda Studio, with which there was a lot of discontent and public distrust. Whether Fallout 4 paid off, whether add-ons will be released in the future and a description of the already released DLC - more on that later.

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Did it work or not?

Almost all fears associated with the release of the new part were justified. The next change of the developer and a return to the roots played a cruel joke with the series - Fallout 4 turned out to be a completely different game. Fans of the original parts and New Vegas did not understand why their favorite role-playing game turned into an ordinary shooter with a simplified version of pumping and dialogue. On the other hand, this allowed attracting a new and young audience to the series, who had just begun to get acquainted with adventures in the post-apocalypse of Fallout 4. Additions also turned out to be a bit different than what the fans represented them. Why did the game come out completely different? We will try to find the answer to this question further.


The main character is a military man who faced the most terrible problem and catastrophe in the history of mankind - nuclear war. The hero meets the first terrible explosion with his family at home. They are invited to escape in refuge, but this salvation turned out to be a trap. Instead of housing, all people are placed in cryogenic capsules and frozen for 200 years for research. The main character leaves cryogenic sleep at the wrong time - unknown people kill his wife / husband and take away the child.

Having freed himself and came to the surface in an empty and hostile world after 200 years of imprisonment, the hero sets off in search of his son and gradually gets to know the world around him. Here begins the main problem - the motivation of the hero. In Fallout 4, you will not be allowed to play the character as you wish, because he has a past and a whole background. Therefore, I don’t feel like helping everyone on the way and fulfilling their requests, because only one task is important to your hero.

when will fallout 4 add-on come out

Mechanics and gameplay

The following features are related to the gameplay. In Fallout 4 (the gameplay add-ons are no different) you have a lot to shoot. A lot to shoot. We can say that the role-playing game has turned into a shooter. But here the system of abilities comes to the fore.

In the new part, all the abilities and pumping decided to combine into a common system. SPECIAL parameters directly affect the number of abilities that you can learn. In addition, each parameter is responsible for certain skills. Thus, you get a cocktail of all skills and characteristics. You can pump everything by the end of the game, since there are no level restrictions.

The next feature is simplified dialogs. Instead of the old and familiar dialog boxes, the players got a now fashionable dialog wheel. This is not what fans of the plot from Fallout 4 were expecting. The first add-on created by fans returns its familiar appearance, but it works unstably.

In the wheel of answer options, you can choose only a general topic on which your character will give out a phrase or a whole speech. The difficulty lies in the fact that sometimes it is difficult to guess from the description of the answer what will be discussed. Also added the option "Sarcasm", in which the character had to respond in the appropriate manner to the name. However, it turned out ambiguous.

Now let's talk about the technical component. The game was created on a completely new game engine and looks quite worthy. We are not talking about any realism, but the picture is pleasing to the eye. But there is one point - it will delight you only if you have a very powerful computer, and that is not a fact. Fallout 4 is very poorly optimized and produces low FPS on weak computers. Apparently, the new engine has not yet been brought to mind.

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Game world

The area map in the fourth part is much smaller than in New Vegas. However, the developers went to the trick and artificially extended the passage of the entire game world for almost a few hours. It was possible because of the eventfulness. At every step, crowds of mutants, raiders and new enemies who have elite enhanced variations will be waiting for. Exterminating all enemies and exploring buildings takes a lot of game time in Fallout 4. The latest version with all the additions may require more than 40 hours to complete. And this is if you go only along the storyline of quests.

The appearance in the game of an addition with robots, the construction of buildings and the creation of its own settlement prolongs the gameplay even more. Add weapons crafting, equipment and storylines with your partners to get an almost endless game. Still, in some ways, Bethesda turned out to be a successful project. So successful that the additions to it did not take long. Many were worried about the question: when will the addition to Fallout 4 come out? Now you can be content with as many as three full-fledged DLCs, which we will talk about later.

It’s worth immediately clarifying that you can get access to all three DLC through the Steam store for 1,500 rubles if you have a digital copy of the original game on your account. The first two add-ons are small additions of content, and the last is a real story adventure with new locations and characters. What Fallout 4 development studio can be proud of - add-ons. What will be the DLC in the future - the company has not yet disclosed.


The first addition is related to robots. If you have reached a certain level, then on one of the radio waves you will hear a call for help - this will be the beginning of the Autumatron add-on. Arriving at the place of salvation, our hero discovers robots fighting among themselves. This will begin a small quest line, after which you can design your own robots.

Among the advantages of DLC, it is possible to note the possibility of creating a unique companion, which surpasses all from the original game in combat power. The disadvantages include the fact that these innovations are catastrophically small for a full complement. New items, a small quest, a couple of dungeons and the robots themselves are good, but what about those who like to play alone and without partners?

fallout 4 first expansion

Wasteland workshop

The second addition to Fallout 4 (DLC) is related to similar topics. In it you can tame wild pets and use them for your needs. You are also given the opportunity to catch opponents and lock them in cages. A nice addition was the new jewelry and items for your settlement. It makes no sense to buy these two DLCs separately from Season Pass, because they have too little content.

fallout 4 will there be additions

Far harbor

And for the sake of this addition is worth it and spend money. In it you will find a completely new island of Far Harbor with its secrets, features, plot and characters. The game becomes more dangerous and difficult, and opponents are angrier. There is a secret synth colony on this island, in which you will have to find one woman at the request of your partner.

The developers promise in the expansion of a larger number of locations and content than for any other game from Bethesda. And they did not deceive - the island of Far Harbor is huge in a good way. There are many dungeons underneath, and the enemies have really become stronger.

Another feature of Far Harbor - the game began to look completely different from the original. Fascinating fog, dark night, lighting from lanterns and unusual architecture of the game create fascinating and frightening landscapes.

Along with this, a new survival mode was added to the game, in which the conditions and rules of survival in the post-apocalyptic world are tightened.

fallout 4 dlc add-on


We got acquainted with all the main aspects of the game and examined the essence of all the DLCs for Fallout 4. The release of add-ons has not yet been announced, but the developers claim that there is still a sea of ​​unique content waiting for the players.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E708/

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