Djungarian hamsters: care and maintenance at home, photos, reviews

Charming miniature rodents, which the owners affectionately call jungars, are increasingly appearing in the homes of animal lovers. Moreover, it is considered the most popular pet from the family of rodents today is the Dzungarian hamster. The care and maintenance, according to the reviews of the owners of these babies, are not burdensome, and at the same time, both adults and children take great pleasure in observing the habits of their miniature pet.

The Dzungarian hamster is a cute animal with a good and cheerful disposition, easily coming in contact with a person. These hamsters are unusually clean and do not have the unpleasant odor inherent in many of their brothers. This is an indisputable advantage that simplifies the maintenance of Dzungarian hamsters. The photos posted in this article will help you get a general idea of ​​these funny kids.

jungaric features

Despite the fact that many owners believe that caring for the dzhungars is simple, for beginners in whose house such a newcomer appeared, it is necessary to know the basic rules for its maintenance.


Dzungarian hamsters have a fairly wide habitat. The species is found in natural conditions in southern Transbaikalia, Tuva, in the Agin, Chui and Minusinsk steppes, in Altai, in the steppes of Western Siberia. In addition, representatives of the species are found in the northeast of China and in Mongolia.

Dzhungariki build their house-burrows in the steppe or desert landscapes, much less often - on the outskirts of the forest-steppe. These kids are not afraid of salted, sandy, gravelly soils. In Altai, they are found at an altitude of up to 3 thousand meters above sea level.

spread of Dzungarian hamsters

Character and lifestyle

To ensure proper care of the Dzungarian hamster at home, you need to know how these animals behave in natural conditions. Hamsters of this species mainly lead a nocturnal or twilight lifestyle. These babies do not fall into hibernation, but when the temperature is kept for a long time below +16 ° C, their fur becomes much lighter.

Adults lead a solitary lifestyle. If you plan to settle two hamsters together, then try to take those who have been next to each other since birth. If you try to hook a strange hamster, then a conflict is likely. Some owners in this case use a cage with a removable partition. Over time, the animals will get used to the neighbor, and the partition can be removed.


Dzhungariki are peaceful and completely non-aggressive creatures. At home, they practically do not bite, they get along well with children. You can buy a Dzungarian hamster for yourself, or in order to accustom a child to responsibility, in almost any pet store. But as to where to settle this cute baby, the opinions of the owners and veterinarians differ - some believe that it is more convenient to maintain and care for a Dzungarian hamster in an aquarium or a glass jar, while others are sure that an ordinary metal cage is more suitable for dzhungars.

External features

This is a very active animal with a beautiful fur coat, the maximum size of which does not exceed 10 cm, and weight - 45 grams. The features of the appearance of the dzhungarik include a dark strip on his back, which distinguishes him from most brothers.

The hair of a hamster of this species is mottled with white patches. This helps the rodent in natural conditions to perfectly disguise itself and hide from predators. The following colors are especially common among domestic Dzhungar hamsters:

  • mandarin;
  • pearls;
  • sapphire;
  • standard.

In winter, the coat of the animal sheds and becomes almost white. The blotches become almost invisible, and the gray stripe on the back still stands out. It's funny that even at home, when animals do not lack food, they store food, collecting it behind chubby cheeks.

external features

Dzungarian hamsters: maintenance and care at home

We have already said that these charming kids are unpretentious in maintenance. Nevertheless, they need to create comfortable living conditions.

  • We equip the house for the hamster.

And while the owners and veterinarians are arguing about where it is more convenient to keep dzhungariks - in a cage or an aquarium - we offer to equip a hamster’s house in a cage. When choosing it, remember that hamsters love to gnaw everything that is available to them. Do not buy cells with colored rods: they look more attractive than usual, but very soon part of the paint will be in the stomach of the jungar, and it is not known what its reaction will be.

If you want to settle the baby in an aquarium or terrarium, do not close its upper part tightly. The rodent needs air, so leave the top open. If the sides of the terrarium are low, and you are afraid that the hamster will jump out, cover such a dwelling with a metal mesh.

Nevertheless, it seems to us that it is more convenient to maintain and maintain the Dzungarian hamster (see the photo below) in a cage. First of all, because it is well ventilated and the hamster does not lack in the air. Another argument in favor of the cell is the fact that moisture does not form in the cell, to which rodents are negative. In the cage, you will avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor, which is not rarely formed in the terrarium. In addition, in such a house it is easier to fix toys, drinking bowls, feeders.

hamster cage

A cage for a hamster of this species should be quite spacious, despite the miniature size of its inhabitant. The fact is that it must be filled with various "buildings" and objects necessary for the comfortable life of the jungar.

  • Shelter.

Under natural conditions, hamsters live in minks, which serve as a refuge for rodents from prying eyes and predators. Put in a cage a compact cozy house in which the jungle will sleep or just relax when he wants to be alone. Today in stores you will be offered to purchase ceramic, plastic, wooden and cloth houses. We recommend abandoning the last two options, as the fabric and wood absorb unpleasant odors.

The plastic house is too fragile - your pet will gnaw it in a few days. But the ceramic is ideal, since it is difficult for the baby to move it. At the bottom you can put small pieces of fabric so that your pet is warm and comfortable.

Drinking bowl

Water is necessary for any living creature, therefore, care for the Dzungarian hamster at home implies the presence of a drinker in the cage. Some models are equipped with built-in water tanks, in others they are attached to the bars of the cage. Pour only boiled water into the drinker and change it every 2 days. Do not place it in the sun so that the water does not “bloom”.

It is not recommended to put ordinary cups with water - the hamster will easily turn them over, and it will be damp in the cage, which can lead to mold.

hamster care


The jungarik should have two containers for food - for fresh vegetables and fruits and for dry food. Wash feeders should be warm water without the use of detergents.


The cage should be comfortable and soft. Properly selected litter will save you from unpleasant odors, absorb moisture. You can use sawdust or toilet paper. After filing sawdust for the first time, carefully observe the reaction of the animal - some types of wood in the rodent can cause allergic reactions.

Do not use the newspaper as a litter - ink is toxic to the animal. When wet, it adheres to the legs and bottom of the cell. Do not use cotton wool - the dzhungarik will simply get confused in it, which can lead to the death of the clamped limbs.


It is impossible to imagine a hamster housing without a wheel. This is the most effective device that can satisfy the animal's need for movement. The wheel must be lubricated so that the hamster spins it effortlessly. In addition to it, in the cage you can install horizontal rods, branches, various toys.

hamster wheel

Care Features

These clean animals do not need special care. They thoroughly wash and clean their fur with their paws. It is only important to change the toilet filler and clean the cage once a week. Once a month, wash the bottom of the cell with laundry soap. It is impossible to bathe dzhungariki, but sometimes they need to arrange sand baths. This procedure is usually carried out if the hamster's hair is dirty - it fell off and does not shine.

Pour some fine clean sand into a container and run the hamster into it. He will gladly flounder in the sand, cleaning his fur.

Jungar food

As you can see, the Dzungarian hamster is quite easy to care for. The nutrition of these babies requires special attention. Such a pet should be fed twice a day and always at the same time. In the morning this must be done when the hamster wakes up, and in the evening - when he begins to be active. A female expecting offspring is fed four times a day at regular intervals.

what to feed the dzungarik

In the morning, the jungar should receive protein, boiled vegetables, succulent feed. In the evening - dry food, cereals and goodies. The basis of the diet of hamsters of this species are:

  • dry food;
  • starch-free, salt-free vegetables;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • seedless berries;
  • seeds and nuts (except almonds);
  • dried twigs and fresh leaves of deciduous and fruit trees;
  • carob fruits and crackers as a treat.

There are products that are strictly prohibited for feeding the dzhungars:

  • various sausages;
  • sour cream;
  • coniferous branches;
  • cream;
  • butter;
  • milk;
  • potatoes;
  • fruit seeds;
  • onion and garlic;
  • mushrooms;
  • watermelon;
  • mint;
  • chocolate, cookies, ice cream;
  • citrus;
  • honey;
  • spice.

It is necessary to carefully consider the choice of feed for a miniature rodent in a pet store. Mixtures designed for large hamsters are not suitable for him. They have a completely different composition that will harm your jungarik.


Most owners who contain these rodents in their homes consider this a wonderful, funny and lively pet - the Dzungarian hamster. Care, maintenance and nutrition of this baby should be aimed at creating as close as possible to the natural, living conditions of the animal. It is not difficult to do this, and the reward for your work will be a healthy and strong jungarik, whose habits are very interesting to observe.


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