Note to gardeners: what flowers can be planted in the winter

Breaking their garden, every gardener wants to plant flowers so that they please the eye from early spring to late autumn. Therefore, when buying seeds or seedlings, the owners try to choose such varieties that could be planted in the soil before the cold, and with the advent of fine spring days, wait for cheerful green shoots.

Rainbow multicolor

what flowers can be planted in the winter
Let's find out what flowers can be planted in the winter. Firstly, daisies and primrose are very unpretentious. True, for them, as well as for other autumn seedlings, it is important that the soil does not turn out to be too wet. And it would be nice to freeze the earth, otherwise at the first thaw the seeds or seedlings will begin to germinate, and then, when the frosts hit again, they will simply die or be damaged. In general, if we talk about what flowers can be planted in the winter, then most plants do not tolerate temperature drops well below –30. This must be taken into account when breaking garden beds. But let's continue the list. Secondly, chamomiles, a variety of pansies take root very well . After frost, sow them boldly: they sprout with warming up of the earth well, bloom perfectly. Thirdly, what other flowers can be planted in the winter, so these are phloxes and marigolds, petunias and majors. The viola also grows well. True, it requires special warming in the cold, and rooting is desirable for it to happen even during a fine autumn. Well, "star" flowers - asters. They, too, are planted closer to the end of November or the beginning of December. And on top you can insure against freezing, covering with grass. Another tip: when deciding which flowers can be planted in the winter, pay attention to the terrain. If there is a lot of snow in winter, then during the period of thawing or spring rains, seeds can also be washed off the slopes along with spring waters. Therefore, try to break the flower beds out of the blue. And from annual plants, do not forget about another very beautiful and uncomplicated flower - calendula (marigolds). Plus delphinium, snapdragon, cornflowers.
what flowers to plant before winter

Landing tips

Choosing which flowers to plant in the winter, you should take care of the preparation of the soil. We have already made some comments on this subject. It should also be noted that in the selection of places for landing, the owner estimates whether there will be a shadow in the summer, preferably scattered, or the earth will be open to all the scorching rays of the sun. Of course, the latter cannot be allowed. And the seeds, of course, sprinkle thicker into the ground - alas, they will not all come up. And when the snow comes down, you need to cover the beds with a transparent film. Otherwise, the birds will necessarily peck at your crops! Sprouts appeared - everything, feathered predators are not scary, take off the β€œcamouflage”! But let's continue the story of how to arrange flowers.

flowers planting before winter
Landing under the winter requires that at the end of September the earth be dug up and get its share of fertilizers. Then grooves are made - beds. In a chill-freeze, they are filled with seeds, a mixture of compost, peat, sand and humus. And until spring! If the flowers have grown too densely, they can be thinned and planted. It concerns lupine, bells, gypsophila. The landing itself is better if it is made in mid-October or a little later.

Marvelous to you scarlet flowers in their gardens!


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