Home Phalaenopsis Care - Easy and Simple

Currently, there are more than 25,000 natural species and more than 100,000 orchid hybrids in the world. It is believed that these beautiful plants are very difficult to maintain. But there is a species that does not require a huge amount of attention. At the moment, the content of phalaenopsis at home is available even to a beginner.

The homeland of phalaenopsis is considered to be the Philippine Islands. It got its name from the Dutch botanist Blum, who discovered this plant on one of the islands of the Malay archipelago in 1825. The scientist took the inflorescence for beautiful butterflies circling over some plant.

The main advantage of phalaenopsis is its long flowering short rest period. Striking and the abundance of magnificent colors. But the most popular are hybrid phalaenopsis. At the moment, you can find plants of almost all colorings. The exception is sky blue and black.

In order to have an accurate idea of ​​how to care for the phalaenopsis at home, one must remember that this is not an ordinary plant, but an epiphyte. Such plants do not require soil as a support and nutrient medium. They grow on trees, moisture is obtained from the air, and nutrients from decayed plant residues left in the bark.


Oddly enough, home care for phalaenopsis begins with a purchase. A healthy, strong plant has dense leaves and gray-green roots. It must be clean, free from stains and damage. Permissible mechanical damage to the leaves. Yellow lower leaves are also allowed, as in phalaenopsis they turn yellow and dry over time.

The plant should sit tightly in a pot. It should not hang out if you try to shake it. This is a sign of healthy roots.


Phalaenopsis feels best on windows of the east and south-east direction. Western and south-western directions with soft diffused light in the morning and evening hours are also suitable. South and north windows should be avoided, since the former are too hot, and the latter is dark. But it is possible to grow orchids there. The southern windows need to be shaded, and the northern ones highlighted. In any case, wherever your flowers are located, daylight hours should be 12 to 16 hours.

The danger is hot, dry air coming from the battery. This should be considered when placing an orchid.

Temperature condition.

Temperature is another reason why taking care of Phalaenopsis at home is considered quite easy. In principle, it corresponds to the temperature regime of our apartments. Summer daytime temperatures should be 20-24C, and winter 16-18 C.

Due to the fact that phalaenopsis does not have a pronounced dormant period, the difference between night and day temperatures should be at least 4 degrees. At this time, the plant lays buds for future flowering.

If the plant is standing on the windowsill, you should be wary of a prolonged drop in temperature. In this case, the leaves lose their elasticity, wrinkles appear on them. You should not try to fix this by increasing watering. This will have the opposite effect. Therefore, it is recommended to have a thermometer near the pot.

Orchids, like people, love the influx of fresh air, but not a draft. In summer, a light breeze near the leaves will help reduce the temperature of the leaves, provide an influx of oxygen, which eliminates the possibility of stagnation of moist air.

Watering and fertilizer.

Here are some simple watering rules, observing that caring for phalaenopsis at home will not be burdensome. The main rule - it’s better not to top up than to pour, it is better to dry the orchid than to moisten it excessively. The higher the illumination and temperature, the smaller the intervals between irrigation. After watering, make sure that there is no excess water left in the pot.

The easiest way to water is by immersion. The pot with the plant is placed in a basin or bucket of water, kept for two to three minutes to completely saturate the substrate, then pulled out and put on a pallet to drain excess water. Once a month, plants are useful to wash in the shower.

Water for irrigation should be clean, without harmful chemicals. Distilled water is not the best option for irrigation. It completely lacks useful trace elements. Since phalaenopsis feed, due to the absorption of nutrients by roots from the water, fertilizers must be water-soluble. Make them only in a wet substrate. When watering a dry substrate, fertilizers can burn the roots.

Soil and pot.

Phalaenopsis should be transplanted no more than once every two to three years. Various wooden, wicker or bamboo baskets are well suited as containers. Plastic pots also work. You just need to make additional holes on the sides and on the bottom with a soldering iron.

As a substrate for phalaenopsis, the bark with the addition of sphagnum moss will be ideal. Although these orchids grow well on pure bark, sphagnum should be added, especially to young plants. The finished substrate, which is sold in stores, may be too moisture-resistant for phalaenopsis. In this case, you should add bark to it.

Thus, as follows from the article, caring for phalaenopsis at home is not as troublesome and burdensome as it seems at first.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7087/

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