Heating connection diagram. How to connect the heating battery correctly

On hot summer days, we need vital coolness to feel comfortable. The same can be said about frosty winter days, when we, on the contrary, need heat so as not to freeze and not get sick. Yes, comfort and coziness are necessary regardless of the time of year. How to provide them in the winter?

To do this, you need the correct heating connection, and the system should not only work efficiently, but also be economical. Achieving such a balance is not as easy as it might seem. But, as you know, nothing is impossible so far, fortunately, does not exist.

Heating connection

No wonder the heating system is important among other utilities of any construction project. In this regard, one should not only correctly select heating appliances, but also make their correct connection. How to connect the heating battery correctly? To begin with, it does not hurt to figure out how these devices are arranged and what types they are.

Types of appliances

There are different models of heating appliances, including electric ones. But since the topic of the article touches the water heating system, we will consider the corresponding models. And these are, as a rule, radiators, which can be:

  • cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetallic;
  • steel.

Each model has its pros and cons, which you should know about when deciding how to properly connect a heating battery .

Cast iron batteries are considered one of the first to be used in the central heating system since the days of the USSR. They are inexpensive due to cheap production, and cast iron itself has a high heat capacity. Currently, few people use such devices because of the low coefficient of thermal conductivity. Nevertheless, different decorators use cast-iron radiators to create a classic interior design.

Aluminum radiators began to be used in the heating system, starting from the 80s of the XX century. At present, there is no doubt in the reliability of such devices.

Connecting a heating battery

Bimetal heating radiators are a good alternative to cast iron or aluminum batteries. In this case, a seemingly perfect incompatible combination of aluminum and iron is used. This is mainly a steel base, enclosed in an aluminum shell. There may also be different combinations, which is rare.

Gradually, steel radiators replaced obsolete cast-iron appliances. Their difference lies in the design: a small channel is provided for the circulation of the coolant. However, this does not affect work efficiency in any way, since modern materials with a high heat transfer coefficient are used. This allows you to achieve a significant reduction in inertia when connecting a heating system.

They are easy to manufacture, and for this reason their final cost is not so high. They are available to all consumers of almost any income. Having different dimensions, the devices are suitable for any type of room, harmoniously blending into the overall interior.

Advantages and disadvantages of heating appliances

Before you make the installation of a heating radiator with your own hands, you should learn about the advantages and disadvantages of the above devices.

Cast iron radiators . Virtually non-repairable and parsable at home. Such devices heat up more slowly than their electrical counterparts. They also require a large amount of coolant. Due to its considerable weight, several people are required to transport the installation of cast-iron radiators.

Nevertheless, there are pluses too - the lowest cost among analogues, the service life is impressive (half a century or more), they warm the air well in a room with high ceilings, and when the heating system is turned off, they remain warm for a long time. This connection of the heating battery is relevant for families on a budget.

Air discharge from the heating system

Aluminum radiators. The lightness of metal allows you to endow devices with several advantages:

  • ease of installation and transportation;
  • Despite their compact size, the batteries are characterized by high heat dissipation;
  • do not heat up for long;
  • the ability to adjust the heating;
  • optimal ratio: price-performance;
  • attractive design;
  • the outer coating resists the aggressive effects of various external factors;
  • Due to convection between sections, dust does not accumulate.

Now it is the turn to list the flaws. If water hammer occurs in the heating system, this can seriously damage the battery structure. To avoid such problems, manufacturers increase the operating pressure to a value of 16 atmospheres.

For such a heating connection, only a high-quality coolant is required, otherwise electrochemical corrosion cannot be avoided. For most residential buildings, a centralized heating system is characteristic, where it is not possible to choose a coolant. Therefore, the formation of corrosion is not excluded.

Bimetal radiators. Their advantages are as follows. They also have light weight, which greatly facilitates the installation and transportation. Such batteries do not need to be masked in different ways, because their design is quite attractive and can fit into any interior. There is no need to clean the inside during the entire period of operation. It’s easy to take care of the batteries - you just need to clean them from dust in a timely manner.

If necessary, you can add several sections to the heating device in the house or, conversely, remove part of the battery. A lot of time is not required. Shut-off valves, which are usually always present, allow you to adjust the temperature regime in accordance with the need. As for the minuses, with the right choice of such heating partitions and conducting competent installation, you may not find any flaws at all.

How to connect the heating battery correctly

Steel radiators. They have high thermal efficiency due to the optimal ratio of the mechanism of heat transfer: convection and radiation. Due to their low thermal inertia, the batteries are ideal for use in many modern automatic heating systems. At the same time, thermostats can be installed in the devices for more efficient operation of the entire system. Like some analogues, the design of steel structures does not hurt the eyes and can surprise even the most ardent aesthetes. Doing the installation of a heating radiator with your own hands is not difficult. But most importantly, steel batteries are inexpensive, especially a panel type.

These were strengths, but, unfortunately, is not without shortcomings, which, fortunately, are not so many:

  1. Such heating devices have a low corrosion resistance.
  2. Radiators are designed for low pressure, and therefore the occurrence of water hammer in the heating system can lead to rupture or swelling.

Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of these devices, you can avoid mistakes when buying them for a private house or apartment.

Varieties of systems

In order to properly connect a heating device, it is important to understand which heating system is used. All work will be carried out by specialists, but the owner of an apartment or private property should know which system is being used or will be implemented.

Single pipe system

Such a connection scheme is the simplest and, as a rule, widespread among residential multi-storey buildings. The coolant is supplied through the pipe to the radiators and, having passed through them, is returned through it.

Heating system connection

It is worth noting that when it moves from one heater to another, its temperature decreases. That is, the first radiator in the path of the coolant will be the hottest. In this regard, each subsequent device must have less power.

The main advantages:

  • low cost and low consumption of materials;
  • simple installation;
  • installation of the system does not require special layouts;
  • attractive appearance.

Serious disadvantages:

  • it is difficult to carry out hydro and heat calculation;
  • large heat loss;
  • it is necessary to create an increased level of pressure in the system.

Sometimes in such a heating system it may be difficult to circulate the coolant. In this case, the problem can be solved by installing pumping equipment.

Double pipe system

Such a scheme implies a parallel connection of heating devices, and, as a rule, it includes the connection of a heating boiler. It is mainly relevant for private homes. Through one pipe, the coolant enters each radiator, and already through another pipe in the cooled state it is diverted back. A characteristic advantage is the uniform heating of all heaters connected to the system. In addition, with the help of a special valve that is placed in front of the radiator, it is possible to regulate the intensity of the coolant.

What are the pros and cons here? First of all, the possibility of using automatic temperature controllers. The two-pipe heating system is easy to maintain. And if during installation mistakes or omissions were made, then they are corrected without causing damage to the system.

Home heating device

A characteristic disadvantage is the high cost of installation. In addition, in comparison with a single-pipe system, it takes much longer to connect two-pipe heating.

Connection Methods

To connect purchased heating radiators, there are several connection methods:

  • Lateral (one-sided).
  • Diagonal (cross).
  • Lower.

Each owner of any real estate needs to know this along with piping.

Side connection

With lateral connection, the inlet and outlet pipes (or pipes) are installed on one side. In this case, the feed is usually located above, while the return is from below. Thanks to this, all sections of each battery in the system are evenly heated. In this case, it is worth considering the scheme of the heating system. If one pipe is used, the number of radiator sections should not exceed 12. Otherwise, choose a different connection method.

Diagonal connection

This connection of the heating battery is ideal when using heating appliances, in which a large number of sections. In this case, the feed is also located at the top, and the return - at the bottom, with only one difference - pipes are supplied from opposite sides. Here, a large area of ​​the radiator warms up, and the work efficiency is significantly increased.

In addition, heat loss is not more than 2%. As a result, maximum heat transfer rates are achieved.

Bottom connection

This method is referred to as Leningradka and is relevant for heating systems, where the pipeline is hidden under the floor. The coolant inlet and outlet are connected from below and from opposite ends. Despite the more aesthetic appearance, there is a flip side to the coin - low efficiency. Heat losses can reach 12 to 14%.

DIY radiator installation

This drawback can be compensated for by installing special valves, due to which air will be discharged from the heating system, which will increase the battery power. In order to make it possible to quickly install or repair batteries, cranes are installed on the discharge and supply pipelines.

Instrument Installation

Regardless of the choice of the heating system scheme: one-pipe, two-pipe, and the connection method - one-way, bottom, diagonal connection, the batteries are always located under the windowsill. Thus, the path for cold air is blocked by a kind of thermal screen. And in order for it to work effectively, it is necessary to observe some requirements regarding distances:

  • from the floor to the radiator should be at least 100-120 mm;
  • approximately the same distance should be maintained from the battery itself to the windowsill;
  • there should be a gap of 20 mm between the wall and the heater, preferably a little more, but no less.

When connecting heating, do not forget about the requirements that are provided by the manufacturers. All this is highly discouraged to ignore in order to avoid serious consequences.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7088/

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