Diesel centaur walk-behind tractor: specifications and reviews

Domestic motoblocks have always been distinguished by reliability and high performance, ahead of imported models. With their help, the direct function of cultivating the land in several modes was qualitatively carried out. However, in terms of additional equipment and ease of use, they were seriously behind. The situation changed when a heavy centaur walk-behind tractor appeared. The diesel power unit allows the equipment to cope with the cultivation of the earth, and the wide possibilities for installing auxiliary equipment have increased the functionality of the model.

General information about motoblock

motoblock centaur

The diesel "Centaur" is designed for processing plots with an area of โ€‹โ€‹up to 3 hectares. In addition to directly loosening the soil, he also acts as a good assistant in transporting goods over short distances, mowing grass, cleaning snow cover and other household activities. Thanks to the advanced capabilities of the six- speed gearbox, the operator can diversify cultivation modes. Management is facilitated by a well-thought-out steering mechanism with the ability to unlock the differential. This means that the centaur walk-behind tractor can be deployed right on the spot. In addition, the model is equipped with headlights that allow you to work in the evening and even at night.

Technical details

There are two versions of the walk-behind tractor - with diesel and gasoline engines. Although this difference causes some differences in power indicators, the construction of walk-behind units have similar indicators in many parameters:

  • The model is equipped with a dual function of transmission and traction.
  • Dimensions: 218 cm - in length, 89 cm - in width and 125 cm - in height.
  • Track size: 65 and 73 cm.
  • Minimum clearance: 20.4 cm.
  • Unit design weight (chassis only): 155 kg.
  • Weight with the inclusion of the chassis, plow and fuel: 186 kg.
  • Management: hook.
  • Brakes: ring type, equipped with expansion pads inside.

Engine specifications

diesel centaur motoblock

The engine range of a diesel power plant is also diverse - the most powerful is the centaur D 185 motoblock engine, which has the following characteristics:

  • Power: 6.6 liters. from.
  • Number of revolutions per minute: 2400 ;.
  • Weight: 90 kg.
  • The amount of oil for the gearbox: 2.8 liters.
  • Oil volume for the crankcase: 1.8 l.

Other modifications have a lower power potential, the minimum of which is 4.4 liters. from. This capacity is enough to handle small areas, but for areas exceeding 1 ha, it is advisable to prefer versions that provide at least 5 liters. from. By the way, low fuel consumption is one of the advantages of diesel "Centaurs", since several sections can be processed at one gas station.


motoblock centaur diesel

A variety of additional equipment that can be equipped with a centaur walk-behind tractor is one of the most important advantages of the model. Among the most common option is to highlight adapters, harrows, rakes and potato diggers. It is with the help of the adapter that the user gets the opportunity to install a variety of equipment on the walk-behind tractor. There are models that make the tractor a real tractor, allowing the operator to sit in the process.

The harrow also belongs to specialized attachments. This is the best option if you want to break down the land tubers when plowing is completed. In turn, the mechanized rake will provide a quick and high-quality raking of grass after mowing. Well, a potato digger will become an invaluable assistant if you need to serve potato ridges or dig up root crops of other species.

The equipment for the Centaur walk-behind tractor is not limited to the described devices. Gardeners and farmers can also use trailers, pneumatic wheels, seeders and soil cutters - such devices will expand the functionality of the walk-behind tractor and make its work more efficient.

Running-in walk-behind tractor

motoblock centaur reviews

In order to extend the operating life of the walk-behind tractor, it is recommended to run-in before it is included in the work process. By the way, it is required not only for new units, but also for equipment that has just undergone major repairs. Before starting the run-in, all the pulling elements, including screws and connecting components, should be firmly fixed. Run-in is performed in each gear and with different degrees of loading in order to fully work out the centaur walk-behind tractor. The diesel engine in the process of a comprehensive test of its capabilities will find its optimal condition already for maximum load โ€œin the fieldโ€.

The device is fueled with fuel and oil, and then subjected to water cooling. The pressure in the wheels and the degree of tension of the drive belt must be the same as indicated in the instructions. During the break-in process, it is necessary to evaluate the operability of the steering and brake mechanisms - these parameters are most important so that the centaur motor-block does not fail at a crucial moment on the furrow. Also during the test, the condition of the steering wheel of the walk-behind tractor is checked. When the run-in is completed, it is necessary to carry out maintenance and inspection of equipment, as well as replace the oil.

Adjustment of the main mechanisms

centaur motoblock engine

For the initial endowment of the motoblock with optimal performance characteristics, it is necessary to configure some of its systems and mechanisms. In particular, the adjustment relates to a drive belt, clutch, steering wheel and brake system.

The drive belt must have sufficient tension, otherwise its slack will affect the power, as a result of which the centaur walk-behind tractor will not be able to transfer sufficient force to the working bodies. To ensure a suitable tension, the degree of tightening of the four screws under the engine should be varied. The clutch will help adjust the clutch . To adjust the brake, it is necessary to tighten the mechanism spring by first pushing the clamping lever. The steering is adjusted as follows: on the lever, the pin and cotter pin are loosened, after which the steering traction is adjusted.

Preparation for operation and operation

Spare parts for centaur walk-behind tractor

Before you start cultivating the land, you must properly prepare the Centaur walk-behind tractor. The diesel engine must be provided with a sufficient level of fuel and oil, and the bolts and other fasteners should be tightened securely. Before starting, you need to raise the bumper. Then the gas gradually increases - for this it is necessary to slowly shift the clutch handle to its working position.

Turns of the walk-behind tractor are carried out either by manual manipulation of the pedal, or by means of a special lever if the model has a rear wheel. But in both cases, you should lower the speed before the maneuver, otherwise the device may tip over. If control is carried out when driving down a steep slope, it is advisable to make turns with the steering wheel. It is important to note that the actions of the handle have the opposite effect when turning on a flat platform and on slopes - that is, its tilt to the left means that the walk-behind tractor will go to the right, and vice versa.


Regardless of the operating conditions, the walk-behind tractor must be regularly subjected to technical inspection, identifying possible problems and setting up its components and assemblies.

The first thing to do during such inspections is elementary cleaning - all surfaces of the device should be wiped, simultaneously inspecting them for fuel or oil leakage.

Next, you should check all the connecting areas where the bolts and nuts were used to fix the supporting structure, chassis and gearbox. With regard to engine maintenance, the centaur motor-block gasoline is similar to a diesel colleague and also requires more serious diagnostics if suspicious noise is detected during operation. By the way, by uncharacteristic sounds and vibrations, you can identify problems in the exhaust pipe and problems with the gearbox.

Faults and repairs

Among the common problems with the walk-behind tractor there are malfunctions in the clutch, gearbox, slipping of the drive belt, the mentioned noises and, of course, a whole range of malfunctions in the engine. Fortunately, most breakdowns with equipment help to eliminate spare parts for the Centaur walk-behind tractor, including clutch release bearings, a V-belt, a friction disk mechanism, unclenching brackets and oil seals.

In other situations, it may be necessary to reconfigure the brake system (adjusting the spring), if there are problems with the gearbox, you will have to check each step separately, and in case of problems with the drive belt, you will have to reconsider the position of the engine itself or adjust the tension. Clutch problems are detected when it slips or is not fully wrung out. To restore the mechanism may require careful cleaning of the clutch elements, the replacement of a spring or friction disk.


equipment for centaur walk-behind tractor

The unit as a whole leaves a positive impression on the owners. Generally speaking, the performance that distinguishes the Centaur walk-behind tractor is at the forefront. Reviews indicate that he successfully copes with large holdings of 1 hectare. Of course, in small plots it will show the same quality result, but its capabilities will probably surpass the demands of small private farms at times. The owners also note the versatility of the device: to sprinkle a bed, mow the grass, cut the furrows and take them to the dug and harvested root crops - this is not a problem for the Centaur.

But there are also negative reviews. For example, there are many complaints about the operation of the cutter, which shows an unsatisfactory result in neglected areas where you need to get rid of excess weeds. In particular, many note that the grass literally wraps around the working body, leading to a motor stop. But on the other hand, it is rather a problem of the milling cutter not being properly maintained, since in an optimally sharpened state it cuts well even some varieties of shrubs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7090/

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