Information on the cadastral value of the land: a sample, where to order and how to get it?

Real estate has various parameters. And land including. In transactions with the respective property, citizens must prepare certain documents for the operation object. Otherwise, the agreement is simply not approved. Today we will be interested in the certificate of cadastral value of the land. What kind of statement is this? How does she look? What is it used for? And what is needed for its design? Answers to all these questions will certainly make life easier for every land owner. This is especially true for those who plan to make a legally important real estate transaction.

Cadastral value certificate

Application of information

A certificate of the cadastral value of a land plot in Russia can be useful to everyone. But as a rule, only property owners face it. In our case, the land.

Cadastral price data are often required if:

  • property disputes arose ;
  • land tax is incorrectly charged;
  • any legally significant land transaction is made (from the allocation of shares to the change of ownership);
  • a tax deduction is required;
  • you need to make changes to the cadastral passport of the object.

In general, the price of an inventory is a rather important element. It changes every 5 years, which forces you to reorder the certificate of the established sample again and again.

Document type

The certificate of cadastral value of a land plot in the Moscow Region and other regions of the Russian Federation has a specific form and name. It is a statement of USRN.

This is a standard document in which you can see the detailed characteristics of the property. For example, cadastral data, a visual plan of the object, as well as information about the current owners of the property.

It is the extract from the USRN that has recently begun to replace the certificate of ownership. Further we will consider it. Other references in the Russian Federation are not relevant.

Sample document

Below is a sample certificate of the cadastral value of the land. This, as already mentioned, is an extract from the register of real estate rights.

USRN statement - sample

You may notice that a similar document is being produced on several sheets of A4 format. There are no state emblems on the forms - they are simply printed on white sheets.

The information in the USRN statement is subject to re-evaluation and revision once every 5 years. So, to confirm the current value of any property, you need to order a new copy of the certificate.

Where to request

Now find out how you can request the appropriate document. It is not as difficult as it seems. Moreover, the data from the real estate registry does not represent any secret. This means that not only the owner of the property, but also third parties can arrange the paper under study.

Where to order a certificate of cadastral value of a land plot? There is no definite answer to this question. This is due to the fact that such a service can be provided by various public and private services.

For example, today most often for the registration of USRN they turn to:

  • cadastral chambers;
  • departments of Rosreestr;
  • multifunctional centers;
  • single window services.

For a fee, it is proposed to issue a certificate of the established form through private intermediary companies. Only a similar alignment is not popular. Nobody wants to overpay once again for the corresponding statement.

Internet and ordering options

A request for a certificate of cadastral value of a land plot in the Russian Federation can be submitted via the Internet. This is a fairly common occurrence. Only coping with the task can be done in different ways.

Firstly, residents of the Russian Federation are invited to leave a request for issuing a USRN statement on the official page of the State Register. The method is very convenient, since it does not require registration on the corresponding portal.

Secondly, the request of the established form is perfectly formed through the "State Services". Such a solution is rare in practice. This is due to the fact that the user will first have to register for ESIA and go through the account activation procedure. We will not dwell on this situation.

Thirdly, it is proposed to request a certificate of the cadastral value of the land through other Internet services. There are a lot of them, but only certain resources differ in safety and reliability. For example, the site "". This service is an urgent order of data from the real estate registry.

Where to request land value data

How to act, everyone decides independently. It is far from always necessary to personally contact the authorized bodies for an extract of the established form. In some cases, a virtual query is sufficient.

Types of statements

Where to order and how to get a certificate of cadastral value of a land plot? Finding an answer to such a question is not difficult. Even a teenager can cope with the task.

It is worth paying attention to one important point when issuing a USRN statement. It is different. The type of presentation of the document, as well as its cost, depends on this.

At the moment, there are only 2 forms of document submission - electronic and paper. But there are a lot of varieties of extracts from the real estate registry with information about the value of the object.

For instance:

  • on real estate rights;
  • general type;
  • extended statements;
  • about the value of real estate;
  • about the presence of encumbrances.

Most often, citizens order either a general type of certificate, or "about the cost", or extended. The latter can only be requested by the owners of a property. This form of documentation is not issued to third parties.

Important: an electronic file is cheaper than a paper copy.

Applying for a document personally

To order a certificate of cadastral value of a land plot with proper preparation will not be difficult. The main thing is to know how to behave under certain circumstances.

Where to get a certificate of the cadastral value of the land

First, we will study the procedure for translating ideas into reality by personal appeal to authorized bodies. A citizen will need:

  1. Prepare certain documents for the provision of the studied service.
  2. Pay a fee for the document.
  3. Write, fill out and submit an application for the issuance of data from the real estate registry.
  4. Pick up the finished form at the agreed time.

It is this alignment that occurs most often in practice. It takes a minimum of time, money and effort.

Contact by mail

The second method is sending a request for the issuance of data on the cadastral value of real estate through mail. This alignment is almost never found in practice.

To use it, a potential customer will have to:

  1. Form a package of certificates for further maintenance.
  2. Make copies of the collected statements and certify them.
  3. Send a request for an extract by post.
  4. Pay for the service. It is better to do this before sending a request letter.
  5. Pick up the statement at the agreed time. As a rule, it is also sent by mail.

As already mentioned, this method of obtaining a certificate of cadastral value of a land plot in the Russian Federation is not in demand. Instead, people are actively working with Internet services.

Rosreestr website: instructions for ordering a document

How to get a certificate of cadastral value of a land plot at the MFC? Just follow the first instruction. It can be considered universal for all authorized bodies. The process does not provide for anything special.

You can request a USRN statement remotely. Best of all - on the official page of Rosreestr. Guidelines for achieving the desired goal have the following interpretation:

  1. Go to the official website of Rosreestr -
  2. Click on the "Services" button.
  3. Choose one of several options. You can focus on "Obtaining data on cadastral value" and "Requesting information from the real estate registry." In the first case, information is usually shown online.
  4. Fill out the electronic form. This is the application for the issuance of a certificate of the established form. In it you need to specify information about the property, as well as about the customer. The type of certificate and its type will also have to be noted.
  5. Pay for the appropriate service by following the prompts on the monitor display.
  6. Wait until the documentation is ready.
  7. Get on hand extracts on the cadastral value of real estate.

In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. Some problems arise most often at the stage of depositing funds into the state treasury. Nevertheless, you can achieve the desired result without difficulty, if you carefully study the information on the PC screen.

Urgent order of registration USRN

Urgent order: instructions for processing statements

A certificate of the cadastral value of a land plot may be requested urgently. For example, through the Internet or through personal appeal. Consider the first scenario.

In this case, it is better to use the service "". Here you have to:

  1. Open the website
  2. Indicate in the search bar data about the property.
  3. Choose the property for which you want to get details.
  4. Decide on the type of certificate issued to the person.
  5. Enter the payment data in a special form, and then confirm the operation.

At this stage, the action ends. After approximately 30-40 minutes, the user will be sent an electronic USRN statement. In it you can see the value of the property.

Getting information about the property and its price

Terms of service

We found out how to order a certificate of cadastral value of a land plot in Russia. How long does it take to make such a paper?

Typically, the waiting period for documentation is 5-10 days. If you order an extract urgently in Rosreestr, you can pick it up in 3-5 days. In the case of processing electronic documentation through, it will be possible to get the data of interest in half an hour, less often in 2 days.

Important: contacting the IFC or other intermediaries takes more time than a direct request to the Federal Registration Service.

Document Cost

How to get a certificate of cadastral value of a land plot in Rosreestr and not only? More answer to this question will not drive a person into a dead end. Everyone will be able to cope with the task in the way that suits him.

The cost of the cadastral statement varies. In electronic form, a certificate of the established form on average costs 250-300 rubles, in paper - 400-700 rubles. It is better to find out more accurate information at the Rosreestr, since a lot depends on the type of statement. Say, an archive will cost more.

On the website, a regular electronic statement costs 350 rubles, and a full check of property before buying costs 1950 rubles.

Help for ordering

Requesting a certificate of cadastral value of a land plot is not so difficult. The main thing is to have a certain package of documents with you.

For a successful order of extract USRN will have to prepare:

  • statement of the established form;
  • personal identifier (passport or birth certificate);
  • State duty payment statements.

In addition, it is recommended to bring a title deed to the property. In this case, a person will be able to request an extended USRN statement.

USRN data request

Now it’s clear how to behave to draw up information on the cadastral value of any real estate. And the land including. The tips presented to your attention can be considered universal. They fully disclose the process of requesting data in Rosreestr.


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