Fur coat examination: technology where it is better to check

A fur coat made of natural fur is a very expensive product. And most women do not buy it every season, updating their winter wardrobe every 4-5 years. Thus, the average buyer of a fur product is faced with this product very rarely and understands little in choosing the optimal combination of beauty, price and quality.

Unfortunately, many unscrupulous salons use this and sell unsuspecting people not the best products. And sometimes a frank marriage or fake fur fabrication, which can only be passed off as a natural fox or a mink, gets lost.

In the case when the store refuses to admit that it is wrong, it is possible to conduct an examination of a fur coat. Experts will make their opinion, and with it you can either go to the salon or apply for the restoration of your rights to court.

fur coat examination

Fake fur coats and fur products

Fur-fur coats used to be very easy to calculate before - the fibers were attached to a knitted knitted fabric, which was easily felt during inspection. Today, the tufting method of manufacturing has begun to be used more and more often - many needles pierce the base, and villi are attached to it, which are fixed with glue for strength. At the same time, threads with a different degree of shrinkage are used and at the output they get an ideal imitation of fur with different levels of villi (hard hair core and soft downs).

However, shops rarely go for such a blatant deception. Usually they try to give cheap furs for more expensive, for example, striped Rex rabbit for chinchilla. Or they are trying to slip in products of not the best quality - from stale, poorly dressed fur, with unsuccessful cut and tailoring, with obvious defects in fittings, etc.

mink coat examination

Therefore, experts recommend even at the purchase stage to invite a good expert to conduct an examination of a mink coat directly in the store. Although this will not be considered a full-fledged test, since it takes much more time, but the opinion of a person versed in furs will not be out of place. This can save you from buying a frank marriage, especially since the cost of a consultant seems insignificant compared to the purchase price. And it can be considered as payment of some insurance.

How to return a fur coat of inadequate quality

If the product simply did not fit in style, color, size and other parameters, then it can be taken to the store within 14 days, not counting the day the transaction was concluded. But the goods must be in perfect condition, with tags, labels and a sales receipt.

And if the goods are of inadequate quality? Should I immediately apply for an examination of a fur coat?

examination of the quality of mink coat cleaning

Do not rush. Initially, you need to show the product in the store and list all its shortcomings identified in the process of wearing. And if the seller agrees with the claims, the buyer may demand the following:

  • termination of the transaction;
  • proportionate reduction in price;
  • gratuitous elimination of identified deficiencies;
  • replacement for the same product, but of good quality;
  • replacement for other products with recalculation of prices.

At the same time, the store does not have the right to impose its own solution to the issue - the choice of a method of resolving the conflict for the acquirer.

How long can a fur coat be returned? The product must be taken during the entire warranty period: for fur products, it usually amounts to one season, and for each region, their winter periods are indicated. That is, if you buy fur in May, then its warranty period will be counted from the beginning of the cold weather, and as a rule, this is written in the check with the dates and dates indicated. If there are no such marks, then the warranty period for a fur coat will be two years.

In addition, even if the specified warranty period has expired, you can still contact the store with a refund if two years have not already passed from the date of purchase.

independent examination of a fur coat

Fur Products Expertise

If the salon does not agree with the claims, then you should seek the expertise of a fur coat. It is carried out by specialists who ultimately issue a conclusion on the product. A paper with expert conclusions should be shown in the store - it will be the guarantor of the validity of claims. If the seller refuses to recognize the legitimacy of the requirements, then you should go to court.

What is checked during the examination

The procedure for the examination of a fur coat is carried out by the organoleptic method. That is, the specialist manually probes the seams, examines the density of the fur, its luster, the presence of bald spots and holes, the quality of the leather, sewing, even the smell of the thing. It does not look very spectacular, but these simple manipulations are supported by an enormous amount of knowledge. Not everyone can become an expert in furs, but a specialist with experience can easily understand where the fur was brought from, whether it is of good quality and for what reason certain defects occurred. It is for this knowledge that a person pays when he orders this service.

mink coat examination

Judicial and pre-trial settlement

After the examination of a mink, fox or other fur coat confirmed the buyer's claims, he has the right to expect a refund. Sometimes the store already at this stage agrees to cancel the transaction.

But sometimes sellers are cunning and conduct their own expertise, which, of course, takes the side of the seller. As a result, different parties to the conflict have two conflicting conclusions. What to do in such a situation?

In this case, a statement to the court will help, which will first appoint an independent examination of the fur coat in the third organization, and a decision will be made depending on its outcome.

where to make an examination of a fur coat

It is interesting that in the case of the buyer, he already has in his hands the independent opinion of a third-party organization, while the salon always works closely with its own appraisers. And yet, in most cases, another assessment is assigned. When making a positive decision for the buyer, the store will return not only the money spent on the product, but also pay the cost of the examination.

The main defects of fur products

As a rule, fur coats are applied for examination upon detection of the following defects in a product:

  • a pile falls out on the fur coat, the remaining hairs break, bald spots very quickly appeared in the sock;
  • the asymmetry of the product was manifested due to poor cut, discomfort is felt in the toe;
  • the product smells unpleasant, which may indicate a poor manufacture of material;
  • color irregularities are visible, which indicates a violation of the staining technology;
  • the fittings are poorly sewn, and disappears with the appearance of holes;
  • there are cracks in the skin;
  • insufficient fur density;
  • hairs are captured when stitching the product;
  • uneven pile on the product;
  • stickiness of the fur;
  • the fur dyes clothes.
fur coat examination in Moscow

Checking the goods after dry cleaning

Sometimes a fur coat, dear in all senses of the word, spoils not because of lack of material or tailoring, but as a result of unsuccessful dry cleaning. And then it also makes sense to turn to experts. For example, in order to conduct an examination of the quality of cleaning a mink coat or to check whether the product is damaged or not. To do this, in the dry cleaning salon you need to request a technological map of the procedure performed - so the expert can more accurately assess how correct the manipulations were.

fur coats check


The cost of services depends on the price of a fur coat. Typically, the price is at least 10% of the value of the goods, so if a fur coat is bought for 80 thousand rubles, then for the examination you will have to pay at least 8 thousand rubles. In rare cases, when additional, more complex studies are required, the price of a service can rise to one third of the price of a fur coat.

Buyers also overpay for urgency: it usually takes at least 10 days to check a fur product, but if a quick check is needed, a 50% markup is added to the tariff.


Where to make an examination of a fur coat? You can contact any organization after checking if they have a certificate and license confirming the legality of their activities. Otherwise, the conclusion will not have any legal force. An examination of a fur coat in Moscow can be ordered at the following addresses:

  1. "Center of Expertise", Smolensky Boulevard, d. 7/9.
  2. ANO Center "Independent Expertise", st. Marxist, d. 20, p. 5, 1st floor.
  3. MGBTE, Astrakhan Lane, 5/9, p. 10.
  4. "Federation of Bailiffs", Party Lane, 1, bldg. 57, p. 3.
  5. Company "Quality and Law", Smolensky Boulevard, d. 24.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7093/

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