Fitball for babies: exercises, classes, features and reviews

Fitball is a large rubber ball with a diameter of 45 to 100 cm. It was invented in Sweden as a simulator for children suffering from cerebral palsy. Later, the ball began to be used for the rehabilitation of patients with spinal injuries. Now this shell can be found not only in LFK offices, but also in sports clubs, child care facilities. Gymnastics on a fitball for babies is very useful.

Positive effect

Classes on fitball with babies are recommended by many pediatricians. In the process of doing exercises in babies:

  • musculoskeletal system develops;
  • muscles of the abdomen, back, and also legs and arms are being worked out;
  • hypo- and hypertonicity is reduced;
  • the digestion process is improving, colic goes;
  • the vestibular apparatus is being improved;
  • coordination of movements improves;
  • respiratory and cardiovascular systems are stimulated.

Swinging on the ball reminds the baby of the floating movements that he made in his mother’s stomach. Therefore, children feel comfortable during class. Some mothers resort to fitball when they need to lull a baby. Over time, gymnastics turns into a fun game that not only contributes to the physical development of the child, but also gives positive emotions.

baby on fitball


Despite all its advantages, a fitball for infants can be harmful in some cases. These include:

  • Forcing events. Doctors recommend starting classes no earlier than 2-4 weeks after the baby is born, when the umbilical wound heals. It is advisable that by this time the regime of feeding, as well as sleep and wakefulness of the child, has already been established. Choose exercises according to age.
  • Feeling crumbs. For the period of the disease, it is better to forget about the exercises. The body of the baby is already experiencing a serious load.
  • Reluctance to do. If the baby is crying, being naughty, do not insist on continuing the gymnastics.

In the presence of serious orthopedic or neurological diseases, fitball exercises are extremely useful, but they should be carried out by a specialist. An individual set of exercises is developed for each case.

Pick the ball

When buying a baby trainer, do not save on quality. It’s better to buy a fitball at a sports store. In order to save money, you can do this via the Internet. For example, the well-known brand "Sport Delivery" promises to reduce the price of fitballs for infants if you find the best deal on other sites. And the quality of the delivered products invariably pleases buyers.

fitballs in the store

When choosing a fitball model, pay attention to:

  • The anti-explosion system. Its presence is indicated by the inscriptions ABS and BRQ.
  • The size. Fitball for babies should have a diameter of at least 50 cm. If mom plans to use the projectile for her own needs, buy a ball with a diameter of 75 cm.
  • Surface. It should be smooth, warm to the touch, without seams and roughness. When pressed, the ball should spring well.
  • Nipple. For branded products, it is soldered inside.
  • Quality. The ball must not have any odors. Choose a calm color. In acidic shades, fakes are usually painted.

Rules for Mom

Exercises on a fitball for infants will bring many benefits if the following recommendations are observed:

take off exercise
  • Strip the baby completely.
  • Before the baby reaches 3 months, cover the fitball with a diaper. Touching rubber on the skin can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Exercise one hour after feeding.
  • It is best to do gymnastics in the morning, when the baby is active and alert.
  • The first lessons should be short - no more than 5 minutes. Gradually increase their duration, focusing on the well-being and reaction of the child.
  • If the baby begins to whimper, act up, finish the exercises.
  • We do all the movements smoothly; you cannot pull the crumbs by the feet or hands. It is better to hold the baby by the back, tummy, ass, forearm or ankle.
  • Turn on fun music, talk to your child, read nursery rhymes. Newborns like this.
  • Place a large mirror in which the baby sees itself from the side. It pleases children 2-3 months old, and they are happy to be included in the lesson.

Where to begin?

The best age for first lessons on fitball for infants is 1 month. At this time, the baby is already making attempts to independently hold the head. Put his belly on the ball. You can hold the armpits, with your thumbs, pressing the crumbs to the fitball. The second option: with one hand to hold the back, slightly pressing, and with the other - the leg in the knee joint. So you can control the movements of both the ball and the baby. The head should be turned to the side.


From the starting position we perform the exercises:

  • "Spring". Gently push the ball, forcing it to spring up and down under the child’s body.
  • "Wiggle". With a small amplitude, we ride the baby back and forth.
  • "Watch." We make circular movements in one and the other direction. Make sure that they are made equal in number, on average - 10-15 at a time.

Vibration on the fitball relieves hypertonicity, relaxes the muscles of the crumbs, has an analgesic effect for colic. In addition to these exercises, it is useful to knock the ball with the foot and handle of the child. Children like an unusual sound, and over time they try to open their palm themselves.

Classes on fitball with a baby in 2 months

Feeling more confident, mom can increase the range of motion. Now, while rocking, lower the child to the upside down position, remembering, of course, safety precautions. Inverted positions are extremely useful for the development of the vestibular apparatus. During such games, the internal organs are well massaged, the gases that bother the baby are removed.

dad does gymnastics with a baby

All exercises studied earlier can also be performed from a supine position. When laying the baby, make sure that his head is on the fitball. During movements, muscles supporting the spine are worked out. When you move the ball forward, the baby tries to raise the head. However, some babies are afraid to ride on their backs, in which case there is no need to insist. Gymnastics should be associated with a child exclusively with positive emotions.

Fitball exercises for babies 3 months and older

Growing up, babies begin to hold their head more confidently, try to lean on their forearms. From this point on, you can not fix them on the back and tummy, limiting yourself to support for the knee joints.

mom is engaged with the baby

In the familiar complex, add the following exercises:

  • "Slider". Putting the child on his stomach and slightly pressing on the back, we bend his legs at the knees, shaking them lightly. This removes muscle hypertonicity.
  • "Grab the toy." We put a bright toy on the floor and slowly swing the baby on his stomach, prompting him to catch an object. This will not work right away, so be patient. When the child learns to grab toys from this position, lay them out a little on the side, causing the baby to stretch.
  • "Football". Putting the baby on a sofa or bed, roll the ball to the legs. He will instinctively kick him.

Classes for children from six months

After 6 months, slowly master the following exercises on the fitball for infants:

  • "Jumping." When fixing the ball between the legs, place a baby on it and allow it to jump.
  • "Wheelbarrow". The kid lies on his stomach, resting on the fitball with his hands. Carefully raise his legs, slightly swing back and forth.
  • "Download the press." Put the child on his back, grasp his forearms and carefully lift to a sitting position. Then bring it back.
  • "Take off." Shake the baby on the stomach, holding the forearm. When moving away from you, it raises your arms and chest, arching your back.
  • "Airplane". We put the child on his stomach, then raise up his right hand by the forearm and right leg, holding on to the shin. In the "on the side" position, slightly swing the baby back and forth, after which we do everything the other way.
  • "We get up on our feet." Swinging on the tummy, we put the child on the floor so that he rests on him with his whole foot. As soon as the baby pushes off the surface, raise it up. From 7-8 months, let the baby stand for a while, insuring him. Over time, he will do it himself, holding on to the fitball.
dad and baby do gymnastics

Parent reviews

In a children's clinic, mothers are often recommended to do gymnastics for babies on a fitball. The ball, judging by the reviews, is to the liking of most of the kids. With its help, they work out various muscle groups, become more active, stop being afraid of unusual body positions. With regular classes, children begin to hold their heads a little earlier, crawl, sit and stand on their legs. Many parents use fitball to motion sickness of their children, noting its effectiveness.

Gymnastics on a fitball for babies helps parents and children get closer. Inexperienced mothers learn to communicate more actively with the baby. Classes turn into a fun game that not only contributes to the development of the child, but also gives both participants a lot of positive emotions.


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