Pioneer pond: the location of the pond, how to get there, good rest, excellent fishing and reviews with photos

Pioneer Pond is located in the village of Selyatino, Naro-Fominsk District, Moscow Region. This is an amazingly beautiful artificial pond with an area of ​​about one and a half hectares with the most diverse bottom topography. It was formed as a result of the construction of a dam on the Loksha River. Around is surrounded by a mixed forest.


Pioneer pond is located in the south-west of the Moscow region. This is one of the most picturesque places in the Naro-Fominsk region. Many tourists are attracted to these places with well-groomed nature, crystal clear water. Basically, tourists come for fishing.

There are a large number of reservoirs that have exactly the same name. They were called during the Soviet Union in honor of the pioneer movement. They exist in Moscow and the Moscow Region, in Kaliningrad and several other regions. Here are some ponds called Pioneer.

For a full and good holiday, there is everything you need - large barbecues, comfortable gazebos / Many believe that this is a real place for a full and paradise holiday.

Several companies are involved in organizing paid fishing at the Pioneer Pond in Selyatino. In this amazingly beautiful place in the suburbs of Moscow, you can enjoy the silence, relax in the company of friends or family from the hustle and bustle, enjoy the tranquility of pristine nature.

Most of the shores in these places are covered with mixed forest, there are clearings where you can stay overnight with tents. This is a picturesque place for fishing fans from all over the region. Here you can catch carp, crucian carp, catfish, pike, carp, trout, grass carp and even sturgeon.


catch on the lake

Most often, they come to the Pioneer Pond in Selyatino not only to relax, but also to fish. The big advantage of paid fishing is the fact that you can fish all year round. Representatives of the company that organize this vacation will do everything to make your vacation as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

For example, for this, the Pioneer pond itself is equipped with convenient walkways from which it is convenient to fish, and comfortable gazebos for recreation are built nearby. If necessary, you can stay for the night in tents or small houses.

To make fishing at the Pioneer Pond in Selyatino productive, local experts are ready to give detailed and detailed advice on any issues related to fishing. They will readily tell you in which places to fish, what fishing rods and tackle it is better to use, which bait to use. You can’t even take a fishing rod with you: you will be given fishing equipment for rent, you can also rent chairs, barbecues, and other travel accessories.

Convenient access by car is equipped to the Pioneer Pond, there is a guarded parking lot, the entire recreation area is under 24-hour security, so you can feel completely safe.

Experienced fishermen say that good fishing does not know the price. We strongly disagree with this, setting affordable prices for high-quality fishing, which will make your stay enjoyable and productive.

Among the frequent guests of these places are not only large companies, but also lone fishermen who know that this is one of the best places for fishing in the entire Moscow region. Entire families love to come here, because on vacation it will be interesting not only to men who will be with a fishing rod on the shore. Entertainment will be found for the fair sex, and for children.

If you order special and comfortable gazebos, you can enjoy the amazingly beautiful surrounding nature, and after successful fishing prepare freshly caught fish on the grill.

Perfect vacation

Pioneer Pond in Selyatino

I must admit that this is an almost perfect vacation for a large family, and for a friendly company. What could be better than spending time with your loved ones and family in the fresh air, in the midst of amazingly beautiful nature.

The idea that fishing is an exclusively male occupation has long and completely become obsolete. Nowadays, it is customary to go fishing together with everyone - with his wife and all children. Even if the spouse did not manage to get involved in fishing for several years of marriage, she would still be happy to go to this place to enjoy beautiful views, to be in the fresh air with her husband. And if fishing is successful (and at Pioneer Pond it is almost always like that), help her husband prepare his catch, which is immediately eaten. Not surprisingly, the most popular dishes are fresh fish soup or fish steaks cooked on the grill and grill.

A whole day spent in a warm family atmosphere will further help bring the whole family closer. Indeed, in our time, when many hours are constantly spent at work, it is extremely rare to enjoy time with your loved ones. Therefore, now less and less loving couples spend their holidays separately, trying to go together on any trip.

Moreover, in this place, women and children will not have to suffer from bad weather, even if it starts to rain or a strong wind. They will be able to take refuge in a gazebo or in one of the guest houses, waiting for the head of the family with a rich catch.

This is a great place for a large friendly company, since fishing is one of the rare hobbies that almost all men like. For this lesson in a sincere atmosphere you can spend more than one hour.

How to get there

Reviews for fishing at the Pioneer Pond

From Moscow to get fishing at the Pioneer Pond in Selyatino as simple as possible. Moreover, this can be done both by car and by bus.

By car, you will need to turn off the Moscow Ring Road onto Kievskoye Shosse in the Troparevsky Forest Park area. Continue southwest for about thirty kilometers. You will need to turn right from the highway at the junction between the settlements of Alabino and Selyatino. Upon reaching Selyatino, turn left onto Factory Street, and then right, before reaching the memorial dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. So you will arrive at your destination.

You can also get to the lake by suburban transport. From the Kiev station in this direction, trains leave regularly. Travel time will take about one hour. Also, as many as seven bus routes run in Selyatino, most of them depart from the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station.


Fishermen at the Pioneer Pond

Around Pioneer Pond, a park of amazing beauty. So you will be able not only to fish productively, but also to relax. On the shore of the pond, you can rent a gazebo for six people for one and a half thousand rubles. This price includes ignition fluid, charcoal, barbecue, skewers or grill. If your company has more than six people, then for each you will need to pay 200 rubles.

For a variety of celebrations, banquets, you can rent a house that can accommodate up to ten people. The cost of renting from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. is five thousand rubles.

Vacation fishermen can rent cabins for up to four people. A day or night ticket will cost five thousand rubles, and a daily ticket will cost 10,000.

You can rent a fishing rod (donka) for rent - 300 rubles one piece, if necessary, you will be provided with a net (100 rubles), a cage (100 rubles), a fishing rod stand (100 rubles).

Also, a wide variety of bait and bait is always available. From bait you can be offered worms, corn and maggots - one hundred rubles each. There is a universal bait, for bream, carp and crucian carp, as well as anise, vanilla and garlic - 150 rubles each. Bait "Tutti-frutti" and "Corn" cost 170 rubles.

Fishing cost

Rest on the Pioneer pond

From the photo reports from the Pioneer pond in Selyatino, you can clearly see how successful and productive, as a rule, fishing in these places happens.

For staying on the shore of a pond, you will be charged for one of five categories. If you are not going to fish at all, but just arrived for the company, then you still have to pay. According to the "Guest" tariff, you can be ashore from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. for 500 rubles without the right to fish.

The cost of the daily rate is two thousand rubles. It is valid from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. A fisherman is allowed to have three gear on weekdays and two gear on weekends. In addition, it can supply no more than two gears, for each you will have to pay an additional 300 rubles. In this case, the catch rate has not been established.

It is possible to pay a daily rate with a discount of 50 percent. In this case, its cost will be one thousand rubles, and it will operate from noon to 19.00. The number and rules for placing gear are exactly the same as on the daily rate. Another fundamental difference, in addition to the time at which fishing is allowed, is the presence of a catch rate. Maximum fisherman will be able to pick up two kilograms of sturgeon or five kilograms of trout or eight kilograms of pike or ten kilograms of carp.

The cost and conditions of the night tariff are completely similar to the daily tariff without a discount. There are no restrictions on catch rates. It is valid from 19.00 to 9 am.

There is also the opportunity to issue a daily rate for fishing at the Pioneer Pond. Its cost is three and a half thousand rubles. Valid for 24 hours from the date of purchase. There are no restrictions on the catch rate.

It should be noted that women and children under the age of twelve who accompany the fisherman who paid for one of the permits can stay for free on the territory of the reservoir and fish on the fisherman's gear and in his norm.


Fishing at the Pioneer Pond

When fishermen come to rest in this place, they have to follow certain rules. This is the only way to spend time with benefit, without disturbing others.

Fishermen who have paid the appropriate permits are allowed to fish in the open water surface of water bodies. It is noteworthy that at night they are allowed to use the gazebos for free (from 19.00 to 6 a.m.). In the same period of the day, it is allowed to set up a tent for a maximum of two people, at the rate of one tent per voucher. The place of installation of the tent must be agreed with the administration.

At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to release caught fish only if there is no separate agreement with the administration about this. Also, you can’t transfer the caught fish to other fishermen, deliberately crunch the fish, leave trash after yourself and make bonfires outside the barbecue.

The administration of the sports fishing club, which regularly compiles and publishes photo reports from the Pioneer Pond, strongly reminds that in case of revealing the facts of hiding the caught fish, using prohibited gear for fishing, as well as intentional baggage, the ticket is canceled. At the same time, paid funds are not paid, and all fish caught must be handed over to the administration. In the future visit to the reservoir this visitor will be denied.

There is a rule according to which fish weighing more than five kilograms, with the exception of sturgeon, are officially the property of the reservoir, on this basis it must be immediately released immediately after catching.

In the event that the administration detects additional tackle from the fishermen that has not been previously paid, the ticket is also immediately canceled, the money paid is not returned, and all fish caught before that must be returned to the administration, even if the catch volumes were not exceeded.

Regular competitions

Catch at the Pioneer Pond

In the reviews of fishing at the Pioneer Pond in Selyatino, some of the fishermen admit that this place attracts them because the sports fishing club regularly organizes competitions.

For example, in the summer of 2018, amateur starts took place under the name “Carp on Pioneer”. The participants fought for the main prize, which this time was the TV.

These, like other competitions, were held according to a single schedule. At 6 a.m., the ceremonial construction of all the participants and the opening took place. The draw began next. Fishermen who have received a serial number can immediately go to the sector to prepare gear. At 7 a.m., marking and depth measurement begins. Up to this point, casting gear, as well as any other contact with water is prohibited. From 7.30 you can start the bait. Its quantity is limited to five kilograms per participant. In this case, the use of living components, that is, maggots or bloodworms, is allowed without restrictions, but within reason. It is strictly forbidden to throw lure into someone else's sector.

Exactly at 7.30 on the sound signal you can start fishing. At 14.00 the competition ends, also by a sound signal. After that, bites are not recorded, and all gear must be pulled out of the water. Then the results are calculated, summarized and awarded.

Launch new fish

The administration of this reservoir regularly launches fish, which notifies all fishermen, attracting new visitors. They immediately begin to dream of catching this particular fish, which has only grown a bit and got stronger, gaining a lot of mass.

For example, in 2018, a delicious sterlet was launched. In total, almost three hundred kilograms were additionally launched into the pond.

In November 2018, trout was launched for several consecutive days under the control of the administration. In total, about four hundred kilograms of this fish was additionally in the reservoir.

Impressions of the Fishermen

Talking about fishing at the Pioneer Pond in Selyatino, visitors say that it is not in vain that this place is accessible to fishing lovers all year round. You can go fishing here productively in virtually any month. Disappointed rarely leave.

Judging by the reports from the Pioneer pond in October, in the autumn months it is also possible to catch a lot of fish. True, experienced fishermen emphasize that at this time there is not much point in arriving too early, since there will still be no big catch, like in summer.

On particularly successful days, fishermen simply manage to catch outstanding catches. Large catfish, weighing up to twelve kilograms, are regularly caught in this pond. Reviews from the Pioneer Pond come exclusively positive from most of the fishermen who come here.


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