Common bilberry: what it looks like and where it grows

Probably, almost every our compatriot at least once in his life saw an ordinary bramble. However, not everyone knows about it - most often they simply do not pay attention to it. No wonder - it looks rather ordinary, therefore it doesn’t stand out in a motley motley grass. But knowing what it looks like, you can easily isolate it from the total mass in any meadow or field.


To begin with, the height of the stem can vary significantly - grass is found both in height 20 centimeters and 100. It is not only the type of soil and the presence of moisture, but also the environment - the thicker the grass around, the more the blackberry will stretch upwards trying to get enough sunlight. It can grow both straight up and with small bends on the lower nodes.

The leaves are long, quite wide - up to 2.5 centimeters. Bare, smooth, rough edges, and sharp edges. Therefore, with careless handling, it can well cause a person serious injury, the skin and even the muscles in the arm may be broken.

The inflorescence is a panicle 15-20 centimeters long. Ears are ovoid, one-flowered. On one side of the branch there are 2-4 ears. It blooms from early July until the first frost. One plant for a period of life can produce up to 60 thousand grains. Of course, most of them do not germinate. Otherwise, the bramble would have long superseded any other grass, remaining the only plant.

Bramble whisk

The root system is fibrous, quite powerful. In arid regions, a healthy, strong plant can have roots up to 50 centimeters long. This allows you to endure the absence of moisture for a long time - most of these plants during this period dries and dies. Seeds are very light - 1000 pieces weigh no more than 2.5 grams. Therefore, they quickly spread both with bird droppings and animal dung, and with the wind.

As you can see, the plant’s appearance, although standard, can be seen quite easily if you look closely at the grass on the lawn. To make it easier to identify an ordinary bramble, examine the photos attached to the article more closely.

Where grows

It’s easier to say where this grass does not grow. It is found on all continents of the Earth, except Antarctica. You can see it in Europe and Asia, America (North and South), as well as in Africa. The plant tolerates heat very well, which allows it to spread far to the south.

Loves moisture

In Russia, it grows almost everywhere, with the exception of the Tundra and the more northern regions. An ordinary blackberry does not tolerate low temperature. But from west to east its distribution is huge - from Kaliningrad to the Far East, south of Eastern Siberia. Also in the CIS, grass grows in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of Eastern Europe.

Suitable conditions

As already mentioned, the plant tolerates heat well (if there is enough moisture). But with low temperatures, it does not do so well. However, even at +4 degrees, the seeds germinate and the plant grows. But under such conditions, its height is usually small, the grass is thin and weak.

The brambleberry grows best at a temperature of +26 ... + 30 ° . Under such conditions, she feels great, even if she receives a relatively small amount of water. Not too broad leaves with hard edges can minimize moisture loss even on a hot sunny day.

Ripened seeds

Surprisingly, the blackberry grows even at a temperature of + 50 ... + 52 ° . Feels best on well-moistened soils rich in nutrients. Therefore, in the south of the European part of Russia it is found especially often - chernozems, heavy rains and a suitable temperature without sudden weather changes create ideal conditions for this grass. However, it is also found on sandy and loamy soils.

Seeds are highly survivable. Perfectly sprout from a depth of up to 15 centimeters. Moreover, the ability to germinate is preserved up to 13 years, if the seeds are in the soil and not damaged.

Can it be beneficial?

Unfortunately, such a tenacious and widespread plant is an ordinary weed and practically does not bring any benefits. The only area of ​​use is haymaking. Smooth, dense stems are great for this feature.

Blackberry thickets

However, in some cases, grass can be used as top dressing for poultry, such as chickens. A large number of seeds with high energy value allow the bird to obtain the necessary calories and trace elements. It is with this that another name for the blackberry is associated - rooster millet or chicken millet. But still, the plant does more harm than good, preventing the growth of rape, sunflower, potatoes, grains and legumes.


On this our article comes to an end. Now you know what an ordinary blackberry looks like, where it grows and what interesting features it has. Surely now you can easily identify it if necessary, finding it in the middle of any field.


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