Soft designers for children: a variety of species, advantages, features and reviews

Designers are toys that involve assembling something whole from individual elements. Modern manufacturers offer products of this category, made of various materials. One of the new products on the market is soft designers for children. What features do these toys have and how to make the right choice when buying?

Types and Varieties

Soft designers for children
Soft designers are made today from various materials. On sale you can see textile options and toys made of modern rubberized polymeric materials. Such game sets differ in configuration. Sets of simple geometric shapes are considered to be the most “long-playing”, from which you can build a castle and fold a small table. Soft designers for children can have assembly instructions and consist of complex parts that allow you to assemble any one figure. Another variation is 3D assembly kits and flat. Such designers consist of thin plates and fold into a specific figure.

Each age has its own toys

Soft designer for children
You should not think that soft designers are only children's toys. Some flat or 3D sets consist of a large number of small elements, and it will be interesting for a teenager or adult to assemble such a design. But what about a soft designer for children? It should be guided by the manufacturer's instructions regarding the recommended age of use and personal preferences of a particular child. It is believed that the simpler the set of “building” blocks, the longer it will be of interest. Indeed, often designers, consisting of a large number of simple in form elements, do not bother the child for several years.

Advantages of soft designers

Soft designer for children giant
One of the main reasons for the popularity of toys of this type is their high safety. The soft surface of the elements minimizes the likelihood of child injuries. If a kid accidentally falls on such cubes, throws them at a friend or a folded wall falls on him, it will not hurt. Thanks to the use of modern materials, such toys are durable. Soft designers for young children can even nibble. Just make sure that the packaging of the toy contains information about the safety of the material used, and do not forget to regularly wash all parts. Another significant advantage of any soft constructor, consisting of simple elements, is compatibility. Classic plastic sets differ in size and shape of grooves for assembly. And if you decide to buy a set of cubes over time, it will be very difficult to choose the ones that are suitable. Soft parts have no such problem. You can always combine sets of different manufacturers and not think about whether they are compatible with each other.

Rules for using soft constructor

Simple toys of this category are recommended for children from birth. However, before giving the baby play, make sure that the designer does not contain small parts. Wash all items regularly with warm soapy water. Clean textile designers according to the manufacturer's recommendations; many of them can be washed. The big soft designer for children is an incredibly exciting and useful toy. During games, you can learn colors, geometric shapes. What is especially convenient, every day this toy can become something new. Build a giant animal, and the next day - a castle. Engage in the game of dolls, cars and animal figures from other sets - and then your child will not get bored with the designer for a very long time.

Choose which game kit to buy

Big soft designer for children
The ideal soft designer for children should be complex just enough to be interesting to assemble, but did not want to give up. Take a closer look at the multifunctional options, for example, flat designers, consisting of letters and numbers. You can play with such a toy for as long as with a set of universal cubes. Learn numbers and letters, ask the child to insert and pull out all the details or any specific ones. When choosing products for children, an important criterion is their safety. Read the packaging carefully. What are soft designers for children of this brand made of? Does the manufacturer claim that the product can be nibbled and is it safe? Of course, the details should not have a marriage, an unpleasant odor and color the skin upon contact with it. Buy children's toys only in well-established stores, and you do not have to worry about the health of the baby.

Is the brand important?

soft designer with Velcro for children

Soft designers for children and adults today are made by many toy manufacturers. Fantazer, Flexika, Jeanette, Ecopolymers, Wonder Toys - this is not a complete list of brands and companies offering these products. Is the brand important when choosing a designer? On the packaging of the kit there should be information about the availability of all the necessary quality certificates and tests of goods from the manufacturer. Of course, it is better to purchase products of a brand already familiar to you from other toys, provided that you are satisfied with their quality. At the same time, it is impossible to say that any one brand is much better than all other analogues. How much the child will like the toy, and whether it will be interesting to him, depends on the number of elements and the complexity of the set itself.

Customer reviews

Soft constructors for children and adults
What say parents who have already bought their children play sets of soft elements for assembly? Most of these toys have earned positive reviews. For example, a soft designer for children "Giant", consisting of a large number of parts, many like it. Such a toy can be presented on your first birthday or even earlier. And it will definitely be interesting for a child up to 3-4 years old, and maybe even longer.

Constructors made of polymer materials can be taken with them to the bathtub and played while swimming. Small kits, going in flat pictures or 3D-figures, judging by the reviews, are perfect for entertainment during the trip. Most importantly, the selected game set should be appropriate for the age of the child and be interesting to him.

There are practically no disadvantages of such toys. Some parents do not like prefabricated models and sets of blocks because the details are constantly scattered throughout the apartment. But this is not a claim to the manufacturer. Agree, to teach the child to keep order and to collect toys regularly should be. Do not deprive your baby of such a useful set just because of fear of disorder. After all, any designer develops spatial thinking and imagination.

What else do parents say about such sets? Many praise the soft designer with Velcro. For children under 3 years old, consumers say, this is a great option. Most often, these are textile elements that are able to connect with each other thanks to sewn on sticky elements. A set of simple soft blocks is a universal toy. And among 3D-designers you can find such complex kits that will captivate a teenager or adult for a long time. Be sure to buy a similar toy if you do not already have it!


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