How to remove and how to add bots in CS GO?

Multiuser computer games very often provide gamers the opportunity to fight not with real opponents, but with bots. If you don’t really want competition or if you feel like training before joining a real fight, then you need to take the opportunity to add bots - game characters that will be controlled by artificial intelligence. However, not all gamers know how to add bots to CS GO, as well as how to remove them after that. In this article you will learn all the necessary commands that you may find useful in the process of adding and removing bots.

Adding bots through the console

how to add bots in cs go

If you want to learn how to add bots to CS GO, then you will need to figure out how to use the game console. In most cases, you can skip this step, as gamers use the console for a variety of purposes, so for them this information is no longer relevant. If before that you hadn’t done anything similar, then you just need to click on the ~ button so that the command line appears on the screen, into which you can enter various commands - this is the console. If you want to add a bot, then you have to use the simplest bot_add command - after its introduction, a bot will appear in the game, which will randomly take place in one of the teams. Want to avoid chance? Then you need to add the letters t or ct to the command through the underscore to determine which of the two teams the newly created bot will be defined in. That's it, now you know how to add bots to CS GO. There is another way, which, unfortunately, is not so reliable.

Alternative way to add bots

cs go how to add bots

You should definitely know how to add bots to CS GO using an alternative method. You may not be using it, but it is definitely worth knowing about its existence. If you want to add a bot, then you need to hold down the H key, which will open a menu for you from which you can select the option to add bots. This is much simpler than entering commands in the console, but what's the catch? The fact is that this method does not always work, while the console command is guaranteed to add the specified bot to you. So you can try to use this function, but it will be easier to use the console in CS GO. How to add bots, you now know, but sometimes there are some difficulties with which you also need to be able to understand.

Solution of problems

how to add bots to cs go in the lobby

One of the most common problems related to bots in this game is automatic balance. If you want to play with one artificial partner against twenty, the game will not let you do this, distributing the participants equally among the teams. This problem can be solved quite simply - using the combination mp_autoteambalance 0, which disables the auto-balance of teams, and all bots that you will send to one team will remain there. As you can see, it’s not enough just to know how to add bots to CS GO in the lobby, you need to understand certain subtleties, including how to remove bots then.

Removing bots

Naturally, no one wants to play forever only with bots, moreover, sometimes you may want to adjust the number of computer players. Then you need to be able to not only add, but also delete bots. The bot_kick command is used for this, but note that in this form it will delete all bots that you added at once. If you want to delete not all, but only one or several, then after the command you will need to add the nickname of the desired bot, which should be deleted. Naturally, for a more comfortable process, you can use third-party programs such as PodBot, but the native console will always be more reliable.


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