Culture, customs and traditions of the Tatar people: briefly

Each nation has its own customs and traditions. Many of them are unusual and interesting. To live in peace with their neighbors, people need to know what features they have and respect them. In this article we will consider the customs and traditions of the Tatar people.

customs and traditions of the Tatar people

One scenario

In the vastness of our homeland, its representatives live almost everywhere. They are found from Tambov to Omsk, from Perm to Kirov, in Astrakhan. The religion of this people is Islam. Although there are groups converted to Orthodoxy. The culture and traditions of the Tatar people are associated both with religion and with secular life. Usually religious holidays are very similar to each other. During their conduct, the customs and traditions of the Tatar people are observed. Briefly list them:

  • morning prayer;
  • visit to the cemetery;
  • cooking treats;
  • Congratulations to all relatives and neighbors, paying special attention to parents;
  • distribution of gifts.

customs and traditions of the Tatar people briefly

Religion and social life

A famous religious holiday is Kurban Bayram. On this day, believers must necessarily sacrifice an animal, as well as visit a mosque and give alms there. The festival in honor of the birthday of Muhammad is called Mawlid. It is celebrated by all Muslims, so it is of great importance for this religion. March 21 Tatars celebrate Navruz. This is a celebration in honor of the vernal equinox. On this day, it is customary to have fun from the heart, because the more joyful people are, the more gifts they will receive from nature. Another national holiday is the day of the Republic of Tatarstan. Its celebration is similar to our city day celebrations, and ends with a salute.

traditions of the Tatar people briefly

Echoes of Antiquity

Previously, when the Tatars had pagan beliefs, they had interesting ceremonies aimed at appeasing the spirits and making the natural forces controlled. One of them was Yangyr Teleu. It was carried out if drought occurred. For this, the participants of the rite gathered near a source of water. They turned to Allah, asked for rain and a good harvest. Then they ate treats and doused themselves with water. For a stronger effect, they performed a rite of sacrifice. Also in our time there is still a tradition of mutual assistance. Tatars come together to build or renovate a house, to participate in the procurement of meat. True, in our time there are less and less people willing to help.

Universal joy

Probably the most famous holiday is called Sabantuy. It is widely celebrated in the cities where Tatars live, even in Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is associated with the start of agricultural work. When spring came, people rejoiced at the end of winter, that again you can begin to work on the land, to grow crops that will feed their families in the cold season. If you translate the name of the holiday into Russian, you get a "plow wedding." After all, “saban” is a plow, and “thuja” is a wedding. In our time, the customs and traditions of the Tatar people have undergone changes, so Sabantuy means the end of spring work, and not their beginning, and is held in the summer. This holiday consists of two parts. Although the big cities take place in one day. In the village, first, gifts are collected, and then the Maidan arrives. The traditions and customs of the Tatar people in different areas have always been slightly different from each other. Therefore, in one locality gifts were collected by a young man on foot, in another - a young man on a horse, in the third - an elderly man.

Each woman who got married within a year of the previous Sabantui prepared a towel richly embroidered and decorated with ornament. It was considered the most valuable gift. On the second day, the Maidan was held. Traditions of the Tatar people suggest that various competitions will take place on this day: national wrestling Koresh, long and high jumps, running, horse racing. They were intended only for men, women remained outside observers. The customs and traditions of the Tatar people can be seen even in these sports competitions. The best horses take part in the races, because this competition is considered very prestigious. At a special place at a distance of 5 kilometers from the village, spectators and participants gather. Riders are usually boys 8-12 years old. The finish line is traditionally located near the village, and the start is in the field. The prize was a towel sewn by a married woman received during the collection of gifts.

traditions of the Tatar people

Other competitions

According to the tradition of the Tatar people, they compete on the run, being divided into three age groups - from boys to the elderly. As you know, men do not compete just for fun. It is very important for them to determine who is the strongest. Best of all, participation in the Koresh fight helps. This kind of competition illustrates very well the customs and traditions of the Tatar people. This is a national sash fight, instead of which towels are now used. In this type of power competition, men of any age, starting from five-year-old boys, can take part. The only limitation is old age. Participants stood in pairs and began to fight, grabbing an opponent around the waist with a towel and trying to put him on his shoulder blades. The fight continued until one of the fighters was defeated or recognized himself as such. Then the winner was recognized as a batyr and awarded one of the best prizes. The customs and traditions of the Tatar people, which allow organizing such a holiday, preparations for which are being carried out by the whole world, are quite worthy of respect.

No one is offended

During the Sabantui not only men should have fun, therefore, besides the main competitions, many others were held in which women could take part. This is a tug of war, climbing on a smooth pillar for a gift, comic contests. Many of them are familiar to other nations. Toastmasters often use them at weddings. For example, running with an egg on a spoon that is kept in your mouth, running in bags, fighting with pillows or bags of straw. If we continue the description of the aforementioned tradition of the Tatar people briefly, we can say that Sabantuy is a bright and cheerful folk festivity, somewhat reminiscent of Shrovetide. Dances with driving round dances, competitions of singers, dancers, and in the end, treats with delicious dishes - this is what else awaits the participants of this holiday.

culture and traditions of the Tatar people

Customs and traditions of the Tatar people in family life

Such families are patriarchal. In them, the main role is given to men. In this area, the traditions of the Tatar people are briefly reduced to two holidays, such as a wedding and the birth of a child. Marriage is a bright event that has its own ceremonies: ransom of the bride, receiving a dowry, Nikah and others.

Unit of society

Such a wedding has a number of features. During its conduct, the customs and traditions of the Tatar people are observed. Nikah is a rite adopted by Muslims, performed by a mullah in a mosque or in a house. Nowadays it is a tribute to the ancestors. It has no legal force and requires official registration in the registry office. That it was carried out, it is necessary to observe some conditions. The bride and groom should not be close to him, much less live together. At such a wedding, do not drink alcohol and do not eat pork. Only freshly prepared dishes are consumed, among which are those that are customary to eat, observing the customs and traditions of the Tatar people. Briefly: peremyachi, gubadi, kaymak, tokmach ashi, belesh, ochpochmaki, kort, katyk, chak-chak, kosh-tele, bread from sour dough. In fact, treats are put on the table much more than the above.

customs and traditions of the Tatar people nikah

Men in the ritual Nika must be in skullcaps. The bride puts on a closed dress with long sleeves, a scarf should be on her head. The rite itself is carried out by the mullah. After he announces the bride and groom husband and wife, the parties exchange gifts. They are given to each of the relatives, men give skullcaps, and women shawls or shirts. Then begins the general feast, at which all guests eat and have fun.

When is a baby born

The traditions and customs of the Tatar people for children are associated with the rite during which the child receives a name. They have been going since ancient times, and their order has not changed to this day. At the festival dedicated to the birth of a child, a mullah is always present. He should read the prayer and say the baby by the name chosen by the parents. After this ceremony, guests are offered refreshments on a tray. They should take a treat, and instead put money on a gift for a child.

customs and traditions of the Tatar people in family life

How to become a man

If a boy was born, then at the age of 3-6 years he will be circumcised. This tradition is associated with the rules of Sharia and is carried out strictly in accordance with them. Probably, so that the boy would not be so bitter, this day passes very solemnly. Close and dear people of the child prepare for him in advance. Previously, a special Sunni man was invited home to conduct a mini-operation. Now the boy is taken to the surgical department where circumcision of the foreskin is performed under sterile conditions, which reduces the risk of postoperative complications. After everything is done, the child is put in a clean bed, putting on a long shirt. After the wound heals, they organize a special festival. Previously, such a celebration was held on the same day. There are two possible scenarios for the celebration. According to the first of them, men and women are seated separately. There are no liquors on the table. The second is more fun. Guests are treated to sweets, they invite musicians, sing, dance.

Sad ritual

Not all rites of the Tatars are associated with triumph and celebration. If a mournful event occurs in the family, then parting with a deceased relative takes place according to a long established tradition. First you need to wash the deceased. This is done by people of the same gender. Then they put on special clothes - kafenleu. It is a fabric sewn by hand on the body of the deceased. To do this, take a white cloth, the length of which for men is 17 meters, for women - 12 meters.

They usually bury immediately on the day of death. Only men are present at the burial. Muslims are not customary to bury in a coffin, so in order to convey the deceased to the cemetery, they use special stretchers. On Muslim cemeteries, graves are directed from north to south; they dig them strictly on the day of the funeral. The tradition of laying the deceased with his head to the north and with his feet to the south is associated with a similar arrangement of the holy places of Muslims - Mecca and Medina. A trench is arranged in the grave in which three close male relatives lay the body. By tradition, land should not fall on it. Wake is arranged on 3, 7, 40 day and year. On the first date there are few guests. These are mainly elderly men, on the seventh day they invite women. On the fortieth and a year from the day of death, all comers to remember the deceased.

What traditions of the Tatar people still exist?

The main custom is respect for elders, especially parents. Since childhood, Tatars are taught to help the younger ones, not to offend the disadvantaged. The mother enjoys special honor in the family, but the father’s requests must be fulfilled unquestioningly, because he is the head of the family and all households obey him. Tatars know how and love to receive guests. If a person is in their house, then he will not be denied anything, even if it is an enemy of their family. According to tradition, the guest is first given water, then offered to wash, and then treated to. In Tatar families, modesty and decency are held in high esteem, especially among young girls. Women are preparing for the wedding in advance, learning to cook, housekeeping.

traditions and customs of the Tatar people photo

Tasty food

In Tatar families, her recipes of national cuisine are stored and passed on from generation to generation. The best dishes are prepared from meat, so they are hearty and tasty. The application is mainly lamb, beef, poultry. The Tatars are former nomads, so they learned to harvest livestock products for the future - katyk, Ertek, Eremec, kurut, koumiss are made from the milk of goats, cows, camels and goats. They love Tatars and various broths that season with greens. Of the drinks, they prefer tea, both green, black, and herbal. Many plants are harvested and dried for him: rosehip, currant, linden, thyme, oregano, St. John's wort and others.

As a first course, soup is usually boiled. For example, Kullam. A meat broth of three types of meat is prepared for him: goose, beef and lamb. When it is ready, it is filtered and added to it onions, potatoes and noodles. Cook until tender and season with chopped meat. Served with kurut and greens. For tea, both sweet and meat pies are baked, as well as sweets, chak-chak, honey, and sweets.

Beautiful clothes

The culture of any people cannot be imagined without a national costume. Its peculiarity in the male part of the Tatars is a skullcap. This headpiece is home and festive. Between the lines of the skullcap it is customary to lay a cord or horse hair. Fabrics for her are used different, as well as jewelry. Usually, skullcaps for young people are sewn in bright colors, and for the elderly they choose material in calm tones.

Women's hats allow you to determine the age and status of their owner. Girls put on a kalfak with a tassel decoration. Married ladies with a headdress not only cover their hair, but also their head, neck, shoulders and back. Bedspreads for upper hats are usually worn by older women. The traditions and customs of the Tatar people obligate them to wear on holidays. Photos of these hats can be seen in this article. In addition, the national costume of the Tatars is distinguished by bright colors, rich ornamentation, high-quality jewelry, and a variety of shoes. Its appearance depends on which folk subgroup the person who puts it on belongs.

In this article, we examined the customs and traditions of the Tatar people. Briefly, of course. Because it is impossible to talk about all the features, rich culture and identity of the Tatars in one article.


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