Summary: "Nose" N. Gogol

Gogol’s story “Nose” caused a lot of discussion and angry criticism towards the author. The summary tells the story of a fantastic story, which under no circumstances could really happen. Due to the unrealistic nature of the plot, not all magazines agreed to print this work; the writer even had to make changes to his story several times. Few of Gogol's contemporaries understood that the “Nose” has a double meaning. Describing the absurd situation, Nikolai Vasilievich wanted to show the flaws of the society of his time.

Missing nose

brief nose
An amazing incident occurred on March 25, just then in the morning, the barber Ivan Yakovlevich found in the bread baked by his wife the nose of his client, college assessor Kovalev. A man decides to get rid of such a find, but constantly drops it, as others around him point to. In the end, the barber throws his nose into the Neva. Meanwhile, Kovalev wakes up and goes to the mirror to look at the pimple jumping on his nose, but he does not even find the nose.

The fact that the college assessor urgently needs a decent appearance is narrated (this, in fact, is said in the work itself) briefly. Nose destroys all his hopes, because Kovalev came to the capital in order to find a good job and get married. The loss of such a significant part of the body makes the assessor disenfranchised and useless to anyone.

Meeting with the nose

Summary of the story of Gogol’s nose
A brief summary of the story “The Nose” by Gogol tells us that somehow covering his face, Kovalev goes to the Chief Police Officer, but on the way he meets his lost part of the body. A nose, dressed in a hat with a plume, a tunic embroidered with gold in the rank of State Councilor, gets into a carriage and goes to the Kazan Cathedral to pray. The major goes after him, at first Kovalev even shy at the sight of such a noble official. When asked to come back, the nose pretends not to understand what it is about and the college assessor does not succeed in his intentions.

Ober-police chief Kovalev does not find a house, so he goes to advertise in the newspaper about the loss of a part of his body, but fails there too - this is what the short summary tells about the work. The nose cannot just disappear in a decent person, therefore the private bailiff only with irritation listens to the complaint of the major and does nothing to help.

Gogol's Tale Nose Summary
Upset Kovalev comes home and begins to ponder the cause of his misfortune. And then it comes to his mind that perhaps the chief officer Podtochina is guilty of everything, who hired some sorceresses, because the college assessor was in no hurry to marry her daughter. When a policeman brings a paper-wrapped nose, Kovalev finds no place for joy - this is what the summary gives us. The nose, meanwhile, does not even think to pester.

A happy ending

Rumors spread around the capital that the nose of the college assessor was walking along Nevsky Prospect, walking in the Tauride Garden, and going to the Juncker store. But on April 7, everything fell into place - Kovalev woke up and discovered the loss in his rightful place.

Brief summary of “Nose”, although brief, it nevertheless contains the story that in just one day the major managed to visit many places: in the candy store, in the department, he was even lucky to meet Podtochina with his daughter. And the author interrupts the description in the story of happy Kovalev by the recognition that this story was invented. Gogol is even surprised that some writers take such stories as the basis of their works.


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