“Burned Letter” - analysis of the work

Today we’ll talk about the poem “Burned Letter” by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. An analysis of this work will be discussed in detail below. Alexander Sergeyevich always reflected in his works on topics of concern to him.


burnt letter analysis
So, before us is the poem "Burned Letter." The analysis should begin with a few words about the author. Alexander Pushkin asked questions about love, the role of the poet, creativity and freedom. First of all, he is a lyricist. This direction gives a deep idea of ​​life values, as well as the ideals of the poet. In the works of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, everything is significant: every detail, every image. Only this technique allows you to express all the diversity and richness of experiences, as well as share them with the reader.

History of creation and content

burnt letter analysis briefly
One of the best works related to the genre of love lyrics is “The Burned Letter”. Analysis of the poem requires knowledge of the history of its writing. The poet created this work while in the Mikhailovsky link. During this period, he worked on writing "Eugene Onegin." In moments of painful reflection, Alexander Sergeevich recalled E.K. Vorontsov. She made a huge impression on the poet. A.S. Pushkin received a message from her, one of them is most likely discussed in the text of the poem “Burned Letter”. The analysis should be continued with a picture of burning, which a lyrical hero creates before the reader. Writing to the author is incredibly expensive. He talks with him, as if with a creature with a soul. Before him, the reader sees an excited person. The lyrical hero intends to “bring to fire” absolutely everything that was expensive for him, to destroy “all joys”. He is sorry to say goodbye to the message. The hero hesitates, but the time has come for the transmission of the letter to the will of fire. The poem is permeated with bitterness and pain from the first lines. The hero gives her lover the right to choose, even if she prefers another. It seems that this person has absolutely no strength left, but his desire to fulfill the request of his beloved is resolute and firm. The hero says goodbye not only to the letter, but also to the love that leaves him. The mood of this person is uneven. Calmed down, he again bursts into misery. The reader sees this thanks to the defaults and exclamatory sentences that the author uses.


poem analysis burnt letter
The analysis of the poem “Burned Letter” will continue with a description of the features of its construction. The plot is simple: the beloved woman asks the lyrical hero to destroy her message. He carries out the order. The letter burns in flames, causing torment to the hero. The work consists of 3 parts. The first and third are allotted four verses. The second part is an exception. It consists of three couplets. Part one is a monologue of the poet who dooms the message to death. The finale deals with immortality, which the lyrical hero promises to ashes. So we sorted the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “The Burned Letter”. The analysis is summarized above.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7127/

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