Corporate clothing for women

The corporate style of clothing in the workplace is an integral element of a successful corporation. Forgetting the strict school uniform, you can’t relax, because many employers are fully confident that the image of their company directly depends on the appearance of employees. Therefore, employees who constantly communicate with customers have to wear uniforms to distinguish themselves from customers or passengers.

corporate clothing

Many people are upset when, when applying for a job in an office, they find out that there exists a corporate style of clothing that is mandatory for everyone (photos of some styles are provided in the article). In fact, there is no need to rush to abandon a new post. After all, any corporate style of clothing in a bank or office can be decorated with various additions, making it thereby more interesting for yourself and not contradicting the rules of the company. But for a successful image, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules, colors and possible images.

Basic Rules

The corporate style of clothing in the office must necessarily consist of elements that distinguish the employees of a particular company. Such details have been characteristic of uniforms since ancient times.

corporate style clothing photo

Corporate clothing style can be developed not only by specially trained people, but also by the company's employees themselves, as is done in small enterprises. Large companies prefer to entrust the selection of clothing to specialists providing such services.

In any case, the approach to creating the ideal image of employees must be scrupulous, since every little thing can be beneficial to represent the company or, conversely, to discredit it.

Colors and accessories

Choosing a suitable corporate style of clothing for women is not so simple, because this clothing should not only talk about employee belonging to a particular company, but also emphasize feminine nature and beauty in order to attract customers with professionalism and appearance of employees. Clothing should unobtrusively distinguish an employee of the company from the crowd of customers, but in no case shout about it.

corporate clothing in the office

A woman's blouse is the basis in the formation of the image, so the option with a white or light cream shade will be preferable. It will be easy to string the hallmarks of the company on it. A brooch or a neckerchief should not be used by an ordinary employee, because such accessories will more emphasize the head of the company.

It is recommended to combine no more than a pair of flowers, since with a larger number of them, customers will associate the employee with the Christmas tree. Also, one should not insistently remind the client about the company with an abundance of colors and a logo on any of the accessories.

Convenience and quality

Corporate clothing should not only be beautiful, but also high-quality. Comfortable and truly high-quality clothing has always belonged to the category of expensive things, so not every company can afford it. Although, if the company seeks to reach a new level and attract more customers, it is still worthwhile to allocate finance for clothes for employees.

The material from which the clothes are made should not wrinkle much and let air through. In addition, the costume should consist of elements of clothing in which it will not be hot in the summer and not cold in the winter season.

Employee rank

All employees of the same company should not be dressed alike, because there are grades that should be distinguished. Of course, clothing must adhere to a uniform style, but corrections for rank are also required to be present. Even one small detail will help the client to distinguish, for example, a consultant from a manager.

Corporate clothing is not just a sign of belonging to a company. It represents a kind of message from an employee to a client. Style development is the most important point that can easily both improve the statistics of the company and worsen it, so this issue should be given a lot of time.

The basics of style in women's clothing

Women's corporate clothing style has certain foundations that should be relied upon in the development of the image. These include:

  • semi-adjacent silhouette;
  • cardigan;
  • blue, gray, burgundy shades;
  • sheath dress;
  • concise and simple decorations;
  • neat hairstyle;
  • natural makeup;
  • shoes with steady heels;
  • a skirt no higher than 5 cm from the knee;
  • tights or stockings in a beige shade;
  • French manicure.

Business best

The most demanding and little welcoming expression of individuality dress code is Business Best. It is used in negotiations with foreign colleagues or other very important business meetings. Also, this style is indispensable in banking, legal organizations and politics.

In the female version, Business Best consists of a suit of blue, beige or gray. It also includes a white blouse, stockings or tights of strictly flesh color, black pumps, the heel of which should not be less than 3 and more than 5 centimeters. Allowed hairstyle - collected hair. Short sleeves, regardless of the season, are prohibited. The only little things that you can diversify the strict style - a neckerchief (not bright colors) and small jewelry.

Business traditional

Today, the traditional dress code is considered more preferable. The restrictions in it are much less, and the possibilities for manifesting one's own personality are much greater. In this case, different colors and images on the elements of clothing are welcome, but within reason.

Women are advised to wear a pantsuit or sheath dress with a jacket. Short sleeves and loose hair are permitted in certain cases. And jewelry, in comparison with the previous version, can be a little brighter and a little larger in size.

corporate style of clothing in the bank

Business casual

The most free and individual style is considered casual. These are comfortable and quite elegant clothes for office workers. Women can wear skirts, turtlenecks, cardigans, short-sleeved blouses, as well as knitted cardigans. As a rule, such images are chosen by employees of companies where there are absolutely no restrictions on the style, but nevertheless there are employers who set the casual style of their company.

corporate clothing for women

Dress code from Gazprom

In conclusion, we should deal with what is today the most stringent corporate style of clothing. Gazprom is a great example of how employees can look beautiful even with maximum clothing restrictions. In this company, everything is subject to the strictest business style, which in no case should be violated. Gazprom’s business style is based on international standards, where restraint and the highest possible quality of clothing are highly valued.

Women's costume can be black, beige, eggplant and even olive. A checkered or striped pattern is possible. The fabric must be natural (thin tweed, wool, linen).

Gazprom corporate clothing

The blouse should be done in pastel colors, with an adjacent or classic cut. In this case, there should be a minimum amount of decor. Transparent blouses, rhinestones and beads, as well as a deep neckline, are strictly prohibited.

Shoes should be of a classic form and with stable heels. Possible colors: black, beige, dark brown.


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