The day's routine in the preschool educational institution: exercises, breakfast, lunch, quiet hour, walks, classes

The day regime in the preschool educational institution is almost the same for all state kindergartens in which the classical general educational program is implemented. This is done not just like that, but to facilitate the process of adaptation of the baby and to accustom him to self-organization.

day routine

Psychological factor

The period when a child is just starting to go to kindergarten is very difficult - every parent knows about it. Not all children get used to the new team, the unusual environment, new types of activity going smoothly and quickly. In most cases, babies adapt at least a couple of months, or even longer.

To facilitate a long and difficult process for a child’s body, a special regimen is organized. Moreover, it is important to coordinate the mode of the day of the child in kindergarten so that it matches the biorhythms and needs of the baby.

What should be considered when drawing up the daily routine?

The vital activity of any person is subject to cyclicality. The daily order of each of us is a sequence of sleep and wakefulness, decrease and increase activity. The daily routine at the GEF DOW takes into account the physical and mental performance of the little man. The time of eating, active games, daytime sleep is carefully calculated, the optimal time spent by the children in the group and in the fresh air is calculated. Of course, this also affects the time of year and the age of the kids.

charging in kindergarten to the music

The daily routine is governed by many rules and sanitary and epidemiological requirements. Everything is checked, from the organization of the institution to the conditions of detention of children and the organization of the work schedule of the staff.

Requirements for the organization of the regime of the day in the kindergarten

  1. Harmonious development of children and their compliance with age are the main criteria that must be met by the daily regimen in kindergarten.
  2. The duration of daytime wakefulness for the younger group is set individually, according to medical recommendations. For older groups, it is from 5 to 6 hours. In accordance with this, a quiet hour is set.
  3. Walking is an integral part of the kindergarten regime. It is better if they will be as long as possible in the fresh air - up to 3-4 hours in the warm season. Usually, the teachers take the children out for a walk twice a day: after breakfast and after a nap. In winter, with strong winds and frosts below -15, walks become shorter or not carried out at all.
  4. Daytime sleep in the nursery should last at least three hours. For preschool groups, this is 2-2.5 hours. Moreover, the teacher should plan the daily routine so that immediately before bedtime no outdoor games are held that will contribute to hyperactivity and violation of the rest regimen.
  5. An important part of the schedule is gaming or educational activities. In total, it takes from 3 to 4 hours. Of course, preparation for school and classes should not be held in a row, but intermittently for at least 10 minutes. During such a break, you can have a physical education session. Educational activity causes increased mental stress, so it is best to carry it out in the first half of the day, when the child's performance is higher.
  6. Staying at games or activities, children should relax and throw out stress. Therefore, physical activity is only welcome. Often, charging is performed in kindergarten to the music, which contributes to greater organization and increase the mood of the kids.

daily routine in kindergarten

To each - his own regime

The daily routine in the DOW may vary depending on various factors. For example, by age, weather or quarantine. Adaptive and sparing modes are also distinguished. In some cases, he is appointed individually.


In bad weather, the regime may change radically. Walking time is shifted, its duration is reduced. While the motor activity of children in the room, on the contrary, increases. They are engaged not only in groups, but also in gymnasiums, music rooms, educational studios, etc. It is important to use all the rooms in the preschool educational institution to the maximum, so that all the pupils are busy.

breakfast in kindergarten

Adaptation and sparing mode

Each child goes through an adaptation period upon admission to kindergarten. Someone has more, someone has less. The duration of this period is determined individually by the doctor or agreed with him. During this time, the child is in the kindergarten, first at a minimum, then with a gradual increase in time. Educational activity at this stage is not carried out, maximum attention is paid to joint games, walks and daytime sleep. The main thing here is that the baby without harm to the psyche and as soon as possible adapt to new conditions for him, get to know his peers, get used to the teachers and receive only positive emotions from being in kindergarten.

quiet hours

A sparing regimen of the day in the preschool educational institution is established for babies who come after an illness. For them, it is recommended to reduce the time spent in the kindergarten, reduce the educational load or do classes at the request of the child. The baby is also freed from physical education. An exception may be charging in kindergarten to the music, if it causes positive emotions in the child. The hours of sleep increase, that is, the child is awakened later than others. And the thermal regime is surely observed: for example, the baby will be less likely to walk on the “sparing” regime, dress last for a walk, and undress first.


At the time of quarantine, the schedule is consistent with the doctor and depends on the type of disease. Thus, contact with other groups of the kindergarten is excluded, thorough ventilation and sanitization of the premises is carried out, the time for walks is increased, and the time for classes is reduced.

Individual mode

It can be prescribed to such children, as, for example, after a serious illness, a long stay in a sanatorium or on vacation. As well as babies with individual health deviations, on the recommendation of specialists. For them, hours of quiet hours are increased, mental workload is reduced, special conditions for walks are created and the total time spent in the garden is reduced.

DGF day mode

The general day mode of a typical kindergarten is approximately the following:

  • At 8: 00-8: 15 (until 8:30) parents bring their children.
  • At 8:30 a breakfast is served in the kindergarten.
  • One hour, from 9 to 10, is given to classes or preparation for school.
  • Before lunch, that is, until 12 o’clock, the kids walk - in the warm season in the fresh air, in winter - play in a group.
  • Lunch is held from 12 to half past twelve. Then begins the preparation and laying on a nap.
  • 13: 00-15: 00 - hours of sleep.
  • From half past three to four o'clock an afternoon snack is held, and then classes or a walk until the end of the day.

A properly organized daily routine in a preschool educational institution is the key to a child's comfortable stay and optimal development. This is important to remember and educators, and parents.


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