Zirconium (metal): medicinal properties and application

Zirconium is a steel-gray metal with a yellowish tint. It is obtained by remelting zirconium waste, as well as ore concentrate.

zirconium metal

Zirconium: prices, GOST, description

Designation - GOST 21907-76. It is ductile and malleable (almost like gold) corrosion-resistant, paramagnetic, heat-resistant metal. Zirconium is resistant to sea and chlorinated water, ammonia, alkalis, acids, and does not lose its qualities under conditions of low and high temperatures. It is mainly used in alloy with other metals. This not only gives it unique properties, but also improves manufacturability. Cost - from 5500 rubles per kilogram, depending on the brand and manufacturer.

To date, zirconium refers to gems. In the Middle Ages he was called the brother of diamond, but the inherent hardness of diamonds is absent in it.


Zirconium is a metal that is literally scattered in ore deposits in various parts of the world. It occurs in the form of salts, amorphous oxides, and single crystals, as in the United States (North Carolina). Crystals weighing a kilogram are periodically found in deposits in Nigeria. The richest deposits are located in Australia, South Africa, India and North America.

Zirconium (metal) is often found in ore together with hafnium, which is closest to it in properties. In Russia, its natural reserves are estimated at 10% of the global. This metal was first isolated in 1799 in the form of dioxide by Klaprot (a German chemist) from a zircon mineral. It is smelted from enriched ore concentrate, in which the content of zirconium dioxide is 60-65%.

zirconium metal properties

Zirconium (metal): application

Alloys of the substance in question are used in various fields of industry: aircraft and rocket science, nuclear power, foundry, instrument making, and military production.

Due to the increased resistance to various environments, he found application in medical prosthetics, the creation of surgical instruments. In this area, zirconium was able to overtake titanium, since its stability is eternal.


Zirconium (metal) has been used in jewelry since ancient times. Anodized material can acquire any shade, thereby providing ample opportunity for the embodiment of bold artistic designs. If you want something unusual and original, you need to pay attention to various jewelry made of zirconium. Such products are elegant and interesting for their completeness. Because of this, they are rated very highly in the world market.

Healing properties

It should be noted that its direct biological effects on the human body were not detected, although zirconium is very important in certain areas. The metal, the healing properties of which are described in this article, began to be used in medicine because of the special chemical and physical properties:

  • used for the manufacture of tools, as it is completely neutral to the effects of acids, alkalis, ammonia, water;
  • stimulates the rapid healing of wounds, while preventing the formation of pus and the penetration of infections, since it has an antimicrobial effect;
  • considered an excellent antiseptic;
  • facilitates allergic reactions, while it is not an allergen;
  • radiation does not pass.

zirconium metal application

The ductility of this metal makes it possible to preserve the structure of the bones in case of complex fractures, while they grow together faster. For the manufacture of filaments for seams, zirconium (metal) was also used.

Products with it can have a healing effect for hypertension, skin ailments, arthritis and arthrosis, although there has not yet been evidence of this from official medicine.

Zirconium is actively used in orthopedic prosthetics and dentistry. Most metal alloys cause side effects and allergies in the oral cavity. Zirconium is absolutely resistant to corrosion, and also neutral to various environments. At the same time, he himself does not irritate the tissues of the body.

Daily rate

It should be noted that the daily norm of this macronutrient is not precisely defined, since our body can do without it. Every day with food we receive 0.05 mg of this metal, but it is passive in order to enter into chemical reactions. The substance is not synthesized on its own, although it can accumulate in organs.

Excess zirconium in the body

Doctors still do not have data on the lethal dose of this element for the human body, although its overdose can cause negative consequences. The excess is caused when working in the appropriate industries, using personal hygiene products or when living near sources that pollute the environment.

zirconium metal products

It should be noted that the following symptoms are manifestations of overdose: pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia and irritation of the skin. Zirconium is a metal that can accumulate in organs, while settling on tissues. It is unrealistic to get such a large dose of products.

Lack of body

The disadvantage of such a macroelement as zirconium (metal), the properties of which are described in detail in this article, will not lead to any undesirable consequences, since it is not present in the composition of the cells. At the same time, research is still ongoing, and metal can still open for us many of its qualities.


Zirconium is a metal that is contained in foodstuffs in minimal quantities, therefore it cannot cause any negative consequences. The following is a list of products with which we can receive this item:

  • mutton;
  • oatmeal, rice, wheat;
  • nutmeg, pistachios;
  • vegetable oils;
  • legumes;
  • hot red pepper.

When to use?

Indications for use for the treatment of zirconium have not yet been established, although it is indispensable as an excellent material for medical instruments and implants.

zirconium metal in jewelry

The specified metal is used in chemical engineering as a corrosion resistant material. Its additives deoxidize steel and also remove sulfur and nitrogen from it. Powdered zirconium is used in the manufacture of ammunition and in pyrotechnics. Zirconium sulfate is a tanning agent, which is actively used in the leather industry.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7134/

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