Is sick leave included in the work experience for calculating a pension?

Is the sick leave included in the length of service or will people have to reevaluate the entire period of activity without taking into account access to treatment for health reasons? All citizens are interested in this, because pension accrual also depends on the length of the working experience. But it’s clear that pensioners have gone to sick leave more than a dozen times, and if you calculate approximately, a tenth of the experience can be taken away. This will include both vacation and sick leave. But since they are paid, maybe they should not be taken away from the total number of years worked in the company? We will find out whether the sick leave is part of the work experience, and how it affects the size of pension contributions.

Is sick leave included in work experience?

Distinctive features of seniority - labor or insurance?

Such periods as labor and insurance experience differ in Russia - all thanks to reforms carried out at the beginning of the 21st century. They entered into force a year after the bill was submitted. Now, citizens of Russia may not have to make sure that the length of service is long, since only seniority that is insurance is included in the expense of pension payments. Whether sick leave is included in the work experience, we will try to find out. What the experience depends on:

  1. It is formed from the number of payments, and they are possible only when a person works. Thus, regardless of the length of service, with the exception of the service life of government posts, the pension fund will only take into account seniority.
  2. Does sick leave enter the length of service as a period that counts as a labor activity? Yes, but it does not affect benefits, because the cumulative insurance fee is taken from deductions from salaries.

During a period of temporary incapacity, a person does not work, salaries are not charged, where would deductions be charged from? Also, these “state” funds can be distributed in the funded and savings part of pensions. Therefore, regardless of whether the sick leave is included in the length of service, this almost does not affect the size of contributions.

Divisions by the labor code of the Russian Federation

Not so long ago, Russia decided to abandon the calculation of pensions, becoming like Europe - by calculating funds from the total number of length of service by year. Does sick leave enter the general work experience now? The basic concepts of employment and insurance experience were established in accordance with Federal Law No. 173.

  1. Length of service (labor). How many people worked from the moment of employment to the dismissal at each enterprise, so much will be his length of service by type of employment. Therefore, it is difficult to unequivocally answer the question whether the sick leave is included in the length of service.
  2. The insurance period is based on the number of periods of deductions to the FIU. Since 2017, this is the Federal Tax Service and it means non-insurance periods.

When does the length of service cease to be?

Uninsured temporary situations are those when a person is listed in the enterprise, but does not fulfill his official duties. But there is no doubt about whether sick leave is part of the work experience for the holidays. Definitely, the answer is yes. This includes:

  • military service;
  • sick pay social benefits;
  • leave during pregnancy, as well as for child care (up to 6 years);
  • disabled child care leave;
  • compelled sick leave to care for the elderly under the age of 80;
  • if a person was listed on the labor exchange as a disabled citizen;
  • when he was on a business trip (if he spent more than a day on the road without starting work);
  • being in prison or in custody.

Such periods can be recognized as uninsured if people are considered insured and the company makes contributions to the funds according to equal periods.

Is sick leave included in work experience due to harmfulness? According to list No. 2, this applies only to those who work in enterprises in conditions of danger to life. According to list number 1: these are harmful enterprises that have a threat to health, not to human life.

Holidays and insurance days

sick leave

A person can get a job as a student and get paid. At the same time, he goes to a session or study and successfully graduates from the university without losing his job. As for the sick-list, it will be included not in insurance, but in seniority. The periods when a person takes a vacation, legally paid by the company, are considered insurance. Is sick leave included in the accrual of pension? No, it forms only labor activity.

Important! Employees who took sick leave before 2002 may consider their non-insurance periods as insurance, as they are included in the insurance and work experience. Everything that was drawn up after 2002 is not subject to accounting in the insurance period.

The formation of labor law

It is worth noting that everyone who has formed their labor law before 2002 will receive a pension under the old law. In other words, a person officially goes to work under the labor code of the Russian Federation, gets the right to work, which means he has the right to retirement and all deductions. It does not depend on whether the employee quit his old job or not. Pension reform applies to all able-bodied citizens, but has no retroactive effect.

Is sick leave included in the length of service for a preferential pension in such cases? Yes, this is the case if the employee officially designated his resources before 2002.

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harmful work experience

Workers who are on vacation receive benefits for children, can also apply for the assignment of seniority to the insurance for the duration of the work.

A temporarily disabled citizen has the right to apply for enrolling in a period of insurance while he was on the lists of people who are looking for work through an employment center. This also applies to the following categories:

  1. The military and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, departmental enterprises. They receive pension fund contributions for agreeing to be useful to the country. If an injury is received in the service, the state will not leave it like that. It’s not worth worrying about whether sick leave is included in the length of service for a pension in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. CSKA - receive all the benefits and payments that are laid for the consent to give the motherland the required years. It doesn’t matter if a citizen studies or works, he receives everything that is necessary in insurance cases in the same pension contributions.
  3. Preferential terms are available to anyone who is subject to legislative acts.

This is not to say that innovations negatively affected citizens, but young professionals have a hard time.

Legality in practice: how do innovations work?

Even if in 2001 an 18-year-old specialist managed to draw up his pension right, the current youth, who was born later than 1984, cannot claim benefits. Basically, the old laws concern people who already have at least some minimum length of service behind their backs, and their age is almost 50 years. Given the latest changes in pension legislation, we can say that everything is lawful and logical:

  1. For example, a pensioner would take a well-deserved rest at the age of 63-65, but would continue to work. Since he is able-bodied and wants to continue his career, it means that the retirement age is too small. It was increased.
  2. On the other hand, working pensioners cannot simultaneously receive a pension and a salary, as in other countries of the former CIS, therefore it was advisable to introduce a funded pension system. It can be used at the request of a pensioner, as if he had placed finances in a bank.
  3. The current young specialist provides himself with a pension. Hence, many people get indignant about why they should officially pay a tax if you "feed yourself" in old age.
experience of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Perhaps this is not bad for young people who get a formal job. Only now, earning "past the cash register" also does not work - a tax on profit has been introduced, which is obtained by "freelance". That is, you need to pay a tax, but there is no protection from the state.

What should the beneficiaries expect?

Despite all the inconsistencies and nuances in the legislation of the pension fund, many have benefits. Workers of harmful enterprises and companies operating in conditions of severe climatic indicators (for example, the Far North) can rely on preferential conditions when forming experience. Now questions about whether sick leave is included in the work experience due to harmfulness are no longer needed.

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work experience and pension

As a rule, people retire earlier, but working conditions often force them to take sick leave at the expense of the company or their personal account. Therefore, in harsh working conditions on a rotational basis, women and men can apply for a pension, which includes paid periods included in the length of service:

  1. Based on 516 Decisions of July 11, 2012, all holidays of the main or additional type will be included in the social insurance scheme.
  2. Sick leave and days off due to working conditions will also be paid and included in the insurance and work experience.
  3. Temporary disability, when the employee quit and has not yet found a new job, is also on the list of nuances to be included in the social insurance form.

Under general conditions, all employees of companies in the Far North will be included in the calculation of pension payments. They are already considered beneficiaries, but there are additional benefits for this category of citizens, and they are entitled not only to early retirement, but also to a paid position while continuing their service. If a civilian chooses between pensions and a career, then workers in the North and harmful enterprises can combine everything together.

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Is sick leave included in work experience for vacation?

This experience includes:

  • sick leave;
  • maternity leave;
  • Holiday to care for the child;
  • annual leave from the company, which is paid, like everyone else.

True, a decree must be granted before 1992, only then can a person apply for all preferential terms. Today they are middle-aged people from 48 years old. The shift method also involves accounting for time, which separates full-time and arrival time at the facility. If a person has been working for two months, but has been at home for the same amount, this time is counted in the insurance period, as the employee is registered with the company.

In Moscow, the periods would be divided, since it does not work at intervals, there is nowhere to make contributions to the social fund. Therefore, there is a territorial difference - seniority is everywhere, and insurance operates in this way only in the north of the country.

Additional forms of benefits for certain categories of citizens

Is sick leave included in the length of service for a preferential pension?

Also, people receive additional payments:

  • allowance one and a half for work in contaminated places after the Chernobyl accident;
  • double allowance for recruiting for service in leper colony in the war years, as well as the blockades of Leningrad and prisoners of concentration camps;
  • a triple allowance to those who served in partisan units, participated in hostilities and were exiled or imprisoned illegally and then rehabilitated.

Despite the temporary periods, sick leave, maternity, army service and studies are part of the labor and insurance experience for calculating the future pension, but taking into account the specified nuances in the formation of the pension law. As they say, an extra charge for harm is carried out only by “experienced” heroes, but there are too few of them. But young specialists will have to especially take care of themselves in order to take sick leave as little as possible.


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