What documents are needed for housing privatization

Changes are coming: it will soon become impossible to privatize your living space for free . But for many people in our country, an apartment has been and remains the main, and often the only, capital. And in connection with the massive desire to privatize their living space to collect documents for privatization has become extremely problematic. More and more problems are getting in the way of those wishing to legitimize their right of ownership in all instances.

privatization documents

At the same time, in order to collect the entire list of documents for privatization, you will need a large number of nerves, time and money.

In this regard, many people are interested in information about whether privatization of a dormitory room is real , documents for which are also difficult to collect, without unnecessary worries and hassle? Let's try to figure it out.

Initially, starting to collect documents for privatization, you should with all responsibility approach the issue of ensuring the necessary (and preferably with a margin) number of photocopies of documents that prove your identity, as well as the identities of all the people who live (are registered) in your apartment (including if they are residents). For citizens over fourteen years of age, copies of a passport are required, and younger than a birth certificate. You will need the originals without fail when you submit the entire list of documents for privatization.

list of documents for privatization

Further, having collected all the initial documents for privatization, you can go to a specific and assigned to your home department of the state body that deals with this issue. It is worth remembering that such visits are associated with long lines, so you should come in advance.

In this institution you should be given a list in which the remaining necessary documents for privatization are indicated. You must also be provided with receipt forms, on which you will need to pay all the necessary state fees and the cost of drawing up a social hiring agreement (if it has not yet been drawn up). The state body will issue a request by which it will be necessary to obtain the original of the contract mentioned above or the warrant. Next, you need to write a power of attorney on the model and, of course, notarize it.

The following are the documents on privatization that need to be collected to save time before going to a specialist (all this can be done independently and without outsiders):

privatization dorm room documents

  • passport (or other identity documents);

  • an order for the housing you occupy or a social contract of employment (both in the original);

  • apartment explication, as well as the plan of the house for each floor (these documents are issued in the BTI);

  • extract from the house book, extended version (that is, all persons who have ever lived in the apartment are indicated);

  • certificate of a special form on the replacement of a passport (for those who changed their name after 1991);

  • if your room is located in a communal apartment, then you will need a financial personal account, more precisely, a copy of it;

  • receipts for the payment of the necessary state duty;

  • a power of attorney certified by a notary public, which is issued to employees of a state body dealing with housing privatization.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E714/

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