Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna: biography, photos and interesting facts

Do you know the name Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna? This is a pretty famous woman in certain circles who has achieved a lot in life and shares this with the rest. In the article we will consider a brief biography of Victoria, as well as her life path. The heroine of the article is a great mom and a professional lawyer. She is one of those women who set new standards for development in the professional and personal spheres. For many, she is an example, since she managed to solve one of the most difficult female problems - how to be a successful mother and realize herself professionally.

A bit from childhood

Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna was born into a family of philologists. The girl's father was a doctor of philological sciences, a writer and professor. Since 1974 he was a member of the Writers' Union. In 1985 he became the editor-in-chief of the popular magazine "Spark". To date, Victoria's father works at the Literary Institute . Gorky. The girl’s mother is also associated with philology. She taught at Moscow State University.

Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna, whose date of birth is November 1, 1969, had an older sister. She followed in the footsteps of her parents and connected life with languages, but the youngest, Victoria, chose her own path. From an early age, she knew that she wanted to become an investigator, catch the attackers, punish them and walk down the street with a gun. Parents did not stop the girl from dreaming, but thought that with age she would choose something else. But after graduation, Victoria refused to enter the Literary Institute. She decided to go to Moscow State University to study law. Nobody could interfere with her, and thus our heroine began step by step to realize her childhood desire.

Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna

Student years

Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna, whose biography we are considering, did not waste time in vain. She knew perfectly what she wanted, and went to it. In the second year of study, she got the job of a secretary in one of the legal consultations on Kuznetsk bridge. It is worth noting that the consultation was the most famous and authoritative in the city. It was she who set the standards for professional work. Here Victoria was met and accepted into her ranks by the stars of the Russian legal profession - G. Padva, M. Borschevsky and V. Danilchenko. These people have made professionals many well-known lawyers whose names are well known . They also helped Victoria to grow professionally.

Judge Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna

Carier start

Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna, the photo of which we see in the article, after graduating from a higher educational institution continued to work in consultation on the Kuznetsk bridge. She began her career as a lawyer. During the work, she conducted many criminal cases for free. As she herself later admitted, it was a good experience, and also marked the beginning of her first serious professional victories.

Finally, having already decent experience and respect in her circles, Victoria decides to devote herself to civil affairs. In 2007, she changed jobs and got a job at a law firm called Heifetz and Partners. Three years later, she receives a personal offer from Pavel Astakhov. The latter is appointed by the Presidential Commissioner for the Rights of the Child. For this reason, he could not pay enough attention to the lawyer case, so he decided to transfer part of the cases to a worthy colleague. Knowing firsthand how Victoria works, Astakhov immediately offered her the position of chairman of the Bar Association Pavel Astakhov. Of course, the woman accepted such an advantageous offer.

Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna biography

Cases of Honor and Dignity

It is worth saying that to date, Victoria has already conducted more than 300 cases of varying degrees of complexity, from defending the dignity of a person to disputes in arbitration. She won most of her affairs. A striking feature of the professionalism of our heroine is that she knows how to achieve unprecedented solutions. You can give an example of the case when Victoria defended the interests of an influential businessman. One of the magazines posted very negative material about his person. Victoria Borisovna managed not only to prove the guilt of the journalists, but also to receive moral compensation from them in full. And this is very rare in judicial practice.

Arbitration Proceedings

Also a successful woman in arbitration disputes. She managed to brilliantly win the case of collecting debts from a legal entity. At the same time, she reduced the amount of debt by 10 times. During the consideration of the case, the court refused the plaintiff's claims for payment of the principal amount, interest and even forfeit.

When Pavel Astakhov got a new position, an increasing number of cases concerning children began to come to his lawyer agency. Many of them are very serious and international in nature. Victoria Borisovna and board members fully support Pavel, believing that Russia should guarantee the observance of the rights of its young citizens.

Judge Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna biography

International business

Now we will consider one of the cases mentioned above. It's about Tori Ann Hansen, a US citizen. It is worth noting right away that this high-profile case caused great hype not only in Russia but also abroad. The woman adopted a boy from Russia. After a while, she stopped liking the child, and she just put him on a plane and sent him back to Russia. The fate of the baby was personally dealt with by P. Astakhov. The man was stunned by the behavior of such a “mother” and expressed his opinion on the website of the Commissioner. After a while, Hansen decided that Astakhov had humiliated her by calling her "adoptive mother." She sued. The case was dealt with by Victoria Borisovna. It was very complicated, as it affected foreign law. Despite this and the close attention paid to the media and the public, Victoria was able to brilliantly win this business. Later, the woman told how she found out that Hansen sued Astakhov’s note, although she herself did not even know Russian and could not read it.

USA refugee

Lawyer and judge Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna, whose biography consists mainly of professional practice, recently conducted another high-profile international case, which cannot be ignored. Victoria helped a woman, a US citizen, escape from the bullying and harsh attitude of her husband, a US citizen, a marine. At the same time, the woman managed to leave the country with two children in her arms at the age of 9 and 13 years. By the way, this trial was highlighted in the media. After some time, the woe-father came to Russia to return his family. The defense was complicated because the kids could not speak Russian. However, the experience and professionalism of our heroine helped to ensure that a woman with children remained in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna personal life

A new facet of development

Judge Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna opened herself in a new way on television. Since 2010, she has been the host of the television program Juvenile Affairs. The woman herself admits that this work for her is not at all entertainment and not a pleasant vacation, but a lot of work. The program talks about what can bring a child to the dock. Much attention is paid to social responsibility, psychological aspects of crime among adolescents. Filming lasts 12 hours, but it's not so simple. At the same time, Victoria is glad that she works in a pleasant and friendly creative team. She makes decisions based on the laws of the Russian Federation and her own experience, and not from the script. Because of this, conflicts sometimes arise on the site, but still the team appreciates Victoria and will not let her go anywhere.

Judge Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna how old

Youth work

The activities of Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna are not limited to the practice of law. The woman believes that much attention should be paid to the education of the younger generation. It is very important to convey moral and ethical values ​​to him and teach them how to protect them. Moreover, she believes that this is one of the most important tasks for every professional. A woman likes to work with talented young specialists, to take them for an internship. Victoria herself says that she was taught the same way. The best minds of the bar came and shared their experiences. The woman considers it her duty to continue this tradition of transferring experience and knowledge. Nevertheless, winning the favor of a well-known lawyer is not easy. She has repeatedly said that she appreciates motivation and a desire to learn in young specialists. If a person is led only by a desire to get rich, then fruitful communication will not work.

Working with young professionals allows you to understand what the difficulties are. This, in turn, allows you to focus precisely on such moments. Practicing and talking with an experienced lawyer is a huge contribution to the future that will bear fruit. Victoria is happy for those who really need knowledge and experience, and happy to share them.

Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna: personal life

Despite the fact that the woman has enormous employment, she still tries to find a balance between family and work. In 1997, daughter Anna was born. By that time, Victoria was already a lawyer, had her clients and a certain authority. For a while, the woman had to forget about her career, but then she returned to this path again. In an interview, she always admitted that her work was very attractive. But at the same time, she is a very anxious mother, by her own admission. Continuing to work as chairman of the Pavel Astakhov Bar Association, the woman manages to find time for her beloved people - her husband and daughter.

danilchenko victoria borisovna date of birth

Summing up the article, I want to say that our heroine is a woman and a professional with a capital letter. She raised a beautiful daughter, she has an excellent marriage and a worthy career path. Not everyone can do it, but those who strive for the same can take Victoria Borisovna’s example. The best things will be when each person will do his favorite thing and do it professionally. Why not learn all this from the lively and vivid example of Judge Danilchenko Victoria Borisovna? How old is this woman working not only for the benefit of her family, but also for the benefit of society! Let's take an example!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7144/

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