Myrtle. Home Care

Myrtle (myrtle tree) is an evergreen shrub that has small shiny leaves of an egg-shaped shape, blooms with white small flowers, gives edible (tasteless) fruits - berries of a dark blue color. His homeland is the Mediterranean. Information about myrtle goes back in time. According to legend, the tree was brought by Adam from Paradise, which is why the myrtle symbolizes purity and purity - it is presented as a gift to the bride on her wedding day, wishing her a successful marriage.

At the time of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, myrtle (from the Greek "balm") symbolized youth and beauty, even then the healing properties of its essential oil were known. Ancient Greek beauties prepared infusions from myrtle leaves, which washed their face and hands, which helped them to keep their skin fresh and clean. The temples of Venus - the goddess of beauty - were surrounded by dense myrtle groves, and now this tree is quite popular, it is grown both as an indoor culture and in household plots.

Being a source of volatile, myrtle destroys pathogenic microbes, which is why, with all its discreetness, many people want to grow this shrub at home. However, myrtle, the care of which is rather laborious and painstaking, is found mainly in greenhouses of professional flower growers. And yet, I really want to grow myrtle, because this is a tree, already from the presence of which 80% of the germs die!

The common myrtle is especially common in indoor floriculture - an evergreen shrub or tree growing in height to one or more meters. He has small leaves, single flowers (terry or simple) of a pinkish or white hue.

Myrtle. Home Care

  • First of all, given the subtropical origin of the shrub, the paramount condition is to provide increased humidity for the plant. Excluding the winter period, it must be sprayed every day. Myrtle is watered and sprayed, the care of which is painstaking enough, only with well-maintained soft water.
  • If we take into account the fact that the myrtle is not an indoor plant (as it was originally), then there are significant differences in caring for it in winter and summer.
  • In summer, the myrtle flower , the care of which is reduced, first of all, to maintaining the temperature regime, needs to be grown at a temperature not exceeding 23 degrees, but not dropping below 18. This plant is photophilous and loves bright lighting, even direct sunlight will not harm it, excluding the presence of myrtle in the sun on a summer sunny afternoon. It must be shaded for this time.
  • It is highly desirable to maintain the plant in the summer on the street - it can be taken out to the balcony or to the garden - fresh air is good for myrtle.
  • Watering should be regular, but not plentiful.
  • Transplanting and pruning myrtle provides for its care in the spring, and an adult plant is replanted after a year, or even less often - every 3-4 years, young shrubs are replanted every year.
  • In winter, the dormant period, like many other plants, reduces watering, transfers the myrtle to a cool place, preferably with a temperature of about 8 ° C. Usually this temperature happens on insulated glazed loggias and balconies.
  • In the case when a leaf fall occurs in a plant in winter, this is a signal that the temperature for myrtle exceeds a comfortable temperature for this period. But do not worry too much, with the advent of spring days, the tree will return to normal, it will appear leaves.
  • Myrtle, the care of which involves keeping the plant at rest in a cool room, will bloom faster and more abundantly, unlike other plants that spent the winter in a warm room.
  • In order to avoid the occurrence of pests (spider mites, scutes, aphids), the plant must often be sprayed, watered in a timely manner and taken care of. In the case of pests, the myrtle is sprayed with a soap-tobacco solution or a special insecticide, the leaves are washed.
  • Fertilize myrtle every week, from spring to autumn, with complex liquid fertilizer.
  • To give splendor to the plant, pruning is necessary in the spring, pinching the myrtle is necessary, not sparing, until it acquires a thick crown (at any time of the year as necessary).

Adhering to the simple rules for the care of myrtle, you will grow a wonderful tree that will clean your home of harmful microbes and delight with its lush and fragrant flowering.


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