Warm House - heating fluid

Warm House is a liquid that is a modern non-freezing compound made from high quality ethylene glycol. This mixture is intended for use in various heating or cooling systems, as well as for industrial conditioning.

You can apply this antifreeze at a temperature range in the range from -65 to + 112 ° C. The additive package consists of 10 substances that give the coolant anti-foam, anti-corrosion and stabilizing properties in the operating temperature range.


warm home liquid

“Warm House” - a liquid that is concentrated antifreeze produced using a combined package of anti-scale, as well as other additives. All these ingredients are used to produce heating fluids that have a low crystallization temperature, i.e. freezing.

Reducing the amount of ethylene glycol can increase thermal conductivity and heat capacity, which reduces the freezing temperature. The viscosity of the solution is reduced, and this made it possible to improve the circulation of the coolant in the system, increasing the heat transfer.

Warm House is a liquid that best suits its thermal properties for the climatic zone of central Russia. The best are those antifreezes that begin to crystallize at a temperature of -25 ° C. If we are talking about the described solution, then it freezes at lower temperatures.

Why you should choose the Warm House brand antifreeze

liquid warm home

Non-freezing heating fluid “Warm House” can protect heating from destruction, which is ensured by the thermophysical characteristics of the composition, even if the system encounters an emergency stop problem. The pipes will not collapse, because the composition at lower temperatures turns into a jelly-like state.

If you use coolants in which the content of ethylene glycol is high, then this can cause carbon deposits on the surface of the heating elements or in the area of ​​the burner. Among other things, you may encounter the problem of the formation of tarry deposits, as well as overheating of heating elements.

In order to obtain an aqueous solution with the desired operating temperature, it is necessary to dilute the warm home battery liquid with distilled or taken from the water supply system.

The recipe for the preparation of 100 l of a solution of concentrated coolant

warm home heating fluid

“Warm house” is a liquid that can be used to prepare a ready-made solution poured into the heating system. The proportions of the ingredients will affect the temperature at which freezing or crystallization begins. Thus, if 77 liters of coolant are added to 23 liters of water, then the freezing temperature will remain at -40 ° .

Adding 65 l of coolant to 35 l of water, you will achieve that you will create a solution that will freeze at a temperature of -30 ° C.

Forty liters of water and 60 liters of coolant will provide a solution that will begin crystallization at 25 ° C below zero. If the thermometer column in your house does not fall below -20 ° C, then 54 liters of coolant will be sufficient for 46 liters of water.

Recommendations for use

anti-freezing fluid warm home

The Warm House fluid can be diluted with water from a well or a well, but it should be noted that in this case you may encounter a high content of metals and salts. In order to avoid problems during operation of the heating system, previously a small amount of coolant should be mixed with water. Use for this is necessary transparent container. In the end, you should get a clear solution so that you can make sure that there is no precipitate. Such mixing can be carried out before filling the system, which is especially true for circuits with natural circulation.

The described coolant is characterized by high stability of thermophysical properties, therefore it will be able to provide continuous operation of the system for 5 years. After this period, the coolant will be a low-freezing liquid, but it can already be considered a solution that has exhausted the resource of additives, because of which you may encounter an increase in scale and corrosion. Therefore, the coolant is drained and disposed of. Before filling a new batch, the system is washed with water or a special liquid.

Dependence of the service life of the coolant on the operating conditions

anti-freezing fluid for heating a warm house

The Warm House fluid will last longer if you provide it with appropriate operating conditions. So, experts do not recommend pouring liquid into a system that is equipped using galvanized pipes. This leads to a possible likelihood of delamination of galvanization, in addition, precipitation may occur. In addition, the described coolant cannot be used in heating, where there is an electrolysis boiler of the type "Galan".

The heating fluid should not be mixed with other antifreezes, as this will cause a decrease in performance, as well as possible damage to the equipment. The coolant should not be brought to a boiling point during operation, since ethylene glycol and additives will be decomposed in this case, and their thermophysical properties will certainly deteriorate, as a result of which the coolant will serve less than the specified time.

Warm House is a heating fluid that can be used solely for technical purposes, because ethylene glycol is toxic. In order to exclude poisoning, it is necessary to ensure that antifreeze does not get into drinking water and food products. If he was on clothing or exposed areas of the body, then wash them with soap and water. The coolant is explosion and fireproof, it has certificates of conformity and a conclusion on sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Additional properties of the heat carrier for the heating system

battery liquid warm home

In order to ensure the necessary circulation of antifreeze in the system, it is necessary to supplement it with a more powerful circulation pump compared to what is used when working with water. Productivity and capacity should be increased by 15%, and head - by 50%.

At negative temperatures in the system, the coolant should be heated gradually, while the power should increase in stages. Equipment should be calculated and designed taking into account such thermophysical characteristics that differ from those that are suitable for water. This applies to air conditioning systems, etc.

“Warm house” is a heating fluid that has a higher coefficient of volume expansion if compared with water. Therefore, you should stock up with an expansion tank of a more impressive volume. Before starting to fill in a new coolant into the system, it is necessary to check all the joints and units, which is especially true when antifreezes were used on propylene glycol.

For reference

heating system fluid warm home

Non-freezing liquid "Warm House" is sold in containers. If necessary, you can buy antifreeze in plastic packaging, the volume of which is limited to 10, 20 and 50 liters. Under the order you can buy a barrel of 216 liters.

Sometimes the mixture is shipped in bulk, in this case, as a rule, fuel trucks and cubes are used. If an order of 2 tons or more is carried out, the coolant can be manufactured as a water-glycol mixture with a crystallization temperature at any level chosen by the consumer.


Liquid for heating systems "Warm House" is a very suitable mixture for individual use. However, before purchasing it is necessary to calculate whether you can completely replace this composition after 5 years, since during this period of operation, the additives will lose their anticorrosive properties and exhaust their life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7155/

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