Astrophyllite stone: description, being in nature

Astrophyllite is a rather beautiful and very rare mineral from the class of silicates that is found in igneous rocks. Magnificent carvings, souvenirs and amulets are made from it. In our article, we will talk about the main properties of this mineral, its origin and main deposits.

Stone Overview

Astrophyllite is a semiprecious mineral from the fragile mica group. Its internal structure contains a large number of various impurities. Among them are titanic acid, barium, sodium, manganese, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, zirconium and other chemical elements. The term astrophillite was coined by the German chemist Theodor Scheyer. He was the first to describe this mineral in 1854.

The name of the stone comes from the Greek word "aster", which translates as "star". Mineral astrophyllite is most often present in pegmatitis and syenitis. In these rocks, as a rule, it forms elongated crystals and complex fibrous aggregates of the "star" shape (hence the name).

astrophyllite mineral

Depending on the color and nature of the stone pattern, several varieties of it are distinguished. The most common of them have the following names:

  • "Golden Rain".
  • "Palm".
  • "Star of Lapland."

The main properties of astrophyllite

The main feature of the stone is its “stellation”. Almost all instances are star-shaped. Moreover, the number of rays can vary from three to twelve. Sometimes the plates of the mineral converge to one center, resembling the petals of chrysanthemums with their amazing pattern.

astrophyllitis in nature

Let's list the main physical and chemical properties of this stone:

  • Syngonia: triclinic.
  • Cleavage: very perfect.
  • Kink: conchoid, uneven.
  • Hardness (on the Mohs scale): from 2 to 3 points.
  • Density: 3.2-3.4 g / cm 3 .
  • Transparency: translucent (on thin edges).
  • Shine: opaque, glass; in the sun - amber-resinous.
  • Trait color: brownish or yellow.
  • Chemical formula: (K, Na) 3 (Fe, Mn) 7 Ti 2 [Si 4 O 12 ] 2 (O, OH, F) 7 .

Astrophyllite stone may have a different color. But most often it varies from brownish-brown to bronze-orange, often with a characteristic golden tint.

Origin and distribution in nature

Stone astrophyllite is of magmatic origin. Most often it is found in alkaline pegmatites and nepheline syenites. At the same time, the following minerals are often adjacent to it in rocks: zircon, titanite, biotite, aegirine, feldspar. Astrophyllites are rarely found in quartz or white albites. Such specimens are most valuable to geologists and collectors.

where astrophyllite is mined

In the tales of the Scandinavian writer Tove, Marika Jansson, a bright star is described that fell into a fjord and split into millions of small shiny pieces. The fantasy of the famous storyteller in this case was based on facts: astrophyllite was first discovered precisely on the Scandinavian peninsula, on the territory of Norway.

The main deposits of stone

Astrophyllite is a rather rare mineral. Today it is mined in only a few places on the globe. These are: the Scandinavian peninsula, Greenland and the USA. In addition, astrophyllite deposits were also discovered in South Africa, Pakistan, Central Asia, Egypt, Madagascar and Russia (in Yakutia and the Khabarovsk Territory). Together with astrophyllite, zircon and aegirin are often extracted from the bowels of the earth along the way.

But the most beautiful and largest specimens of this mineral are mined in one place - these are the Khibiny mountains. Here astrophyllites are found of perfectly regular geometric shape, the dimensions of individual samples reach 15 centimeters in diameter.

Khibiny mountains

Where are the Khibiny? This small mountain range is located in the central part of the Kola Peninsula, on the territory of the Russian Federation. The age of this mountain system is estimated by scientists at 300 million years. The maximum height is 1200 meters above sea level. Within the Khibiny massif, geologists discovered at least 500 different minerals. Every fifth of them is not found anywhere else on Earth. Astrophyllites are mined on the slopes of the local Mount Eveslogchorr.

Stone application

Astrophyllite is a beautiful jewelry and ornamental stone. It is widely used in three areas, these are:

  • Making jewelry and souvenirs.
  • Production of small interior items.
  • Decoration of rooms, walls and furniture.

Due to its low hardness and its unusual structure, atsrophyllite is excellently machined and looks good in almost any cut - round and angular, flat or voluminous. All kinds of home furnishings and home accessories (caskets, candlesticks, countertops, figurines) are made of stone, as well as the most beautiful jewelry - earrings, cufflinks, brooches, pendants, pendants and amulets. In addition, astrophyllite is used in interior decoration. The stone can be found in the decor of tiles, mosaics, wall panels and stained-glass windows.

The mineral combines several colors and shades at once, and therefore is ideally suited to a number of different outfits - from strictly office to holiday-weekend. It is worth noting that astrophyllite looks especially elegant on a white background.

The healing and magical properties of the mineral

The healing properties of astrophyllite are not yet fully understood. However, lithotherapists are confident that this stone has a beneficial effect on the human nervous and reproductive systems. In particular, the mineral is able to get rid of impotence and frigidity, as well as cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Therefore, it is recommended to wear it for people suffering from overweight. According to some experts in stone therapy, astrophyllite also helps to get rid of stress and depression, normalizes sleep and neutralizes the effects of harmful electromagnetic radiation.

Esotericists, in turn, argue that astrophyllite gives a person confidence in their own abilities and abilities. In addition, it significantly improves mood and helps to clear the mind. Of all the signs of the zodiac, atrophyllite stone is most favored by Virgo and Capricorn.

astrophyllite jewelry

An important feature of astrophyllite is its “positivity” to hand touches. The stone likes when it is handled, it is in excellent contact with the open skin of the human body. But next to other neighboring stones, astrophyllite coexists poorly. Therefore, in jewelry, it should be worn in solo mode. Only neighborhood with quartz and earthen jasper is allowed.


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