Is it possible for nursing mother dumplings? Recommendations and Tips

The diet of a woman who is breastfeeding a baby should be balanced and contain only healthy and safe foods. Many people think about whether dumplings can be given to a nursing mother, but the answer to this question is not so simple. There are many nuances that must be taken into account. Our article will help to understand this difficult question.

is it possible for nursing mom dumplings

The principles of drawing up the diet of a nursing mother

After the baby is born, a woman needs special nutrition, which, on the one hand, will help restore strength after an enormous load, and on the other, will provide the baby with everything necessary. It is no secret that the composition of milk directly depends on what the mother eats.

Is it possible for a nursing mother dumplings dumplings

The menu should be formed on the basis of the following principles:

  • utility;
  • diversity;
  • security;
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • taking into account the child’s reaction to certain products.

Are dumplings allowed?

Thinking about whether it is possible for a nursing mother to dumplings, it is necessary to take into account the composition. In itself, this product is safe, because meat, onion, and dough are quite acceptable for the diet of a woman who is breastfeeding a baby. That is, theoretically, this dish can be safely included in the menu. But with one very important caveat: all ingredients must be safe and natural.

Is it possible to eat dumplings for a nursing mother?

Why you should refuse semi-finished products

Purchased dumplings from different manufacturers can vary significantly in quality. More than once, inspectors found soy, offal, cellulose, fat mixture and vegetable fiber in the minced meat, and the content of natural meat fibers was simply scanty. You must admit that it is impossible to objectively evaluate the quality of minced meat wrapped in dough, and even sealed in packaging. Let the beautiful picture not mislead you, but read the composition on the pack very carefully. A very low price should alert.

All kinds of additives are also dangerous, improving the taste (but by no means quality!) Of the product, prolonging the shelf life, preventing sticking and loss of presentation.

Theoretically, from the whole variety of dumplings presented on the window, one can choose a quite worthy option. But is it worth the risk during breastfeeding? Experts, answering the question of whether it is possible to buy dumplings for nursing mother, call for completely abandoning semi-finished products for this time.

The best choice

If you already eat dumplings, then those that you can be 100% sure of. Speech, of course, about home. It’s best to choose lean beef for them, but chicken and turkey are also great. Spicy spices should be discarded altogether, but dried dill, fennel and thyme will not impair the taste of milk.

So, is it possible for a nursing mother to make homemade dumplings? Can! This is even useful, of course, if you alternate this dish with others: cereals, vegetables, dairy.

What you should not do

If you have already decided whether dumplings are possible for a nursing mother, consider a few more recommendations. Getting to know this product is worth no earlier than two months after the birth of the baby. Before this, the diet should be sparing.

The first portion should be small, and it is best to eat the dish immediately after morning feeding. At night, you should not experiment with dumplings or with any other new product.

Is it possible for nursing mom to buy dumplings

Dumplings need to be cooked, but in no case fry. Spicy sauces must be discarded.

Do not introduce two or more new dishes in one day. For the first time trying dumplings, other favorite foods that you had to part with temporarily after giving birth, leave for later.

About serving size

Particularly noteworthy is the festive feast, when the table is bursting with treats. Resist the temptation! After all, it is important not only whether it is possible for a nursing mother to dumplings, dumplings, ravioli, but also the size of the portion. Limit yourself to a small amount. It is better to divide a serving into 2-3 parts and eat with a break. Such fractional nutrition is much more useful: food is better absorbed, the body spends a minimum of effort on its digestion.

Healthy Dumpling Supplements

This dish is considered by many to be truly dear and beloved. Dumplings on the table is already a holiday. They serve a wide variety of sauces and treats. But is it possible for nursing mother dumplings, for example, with mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard? Even if you are very fond of such supplements, give them up for a while.

is it possible for a nursing mother homemade dumplings

Do not be upset about this! Try replacing the usual sauces with sour cream with fresh herbs, salted yogurt, cheese sauce or homemade bechamel - absolutely safe and delicate. It is not worth experimenting with home-made mayonnaise, because it includes eggs without heat treatment and a small amount of mustard. While breastfeeding, these products should be avoided.

Food diary

Dumplings and any other product that you returned to your usual diet must be fixed in a special notebook. This may seem like an unnecessary waste of time, but many pediatricians insist on the need for a food diary. Write down everything you ate, and also mention the time and portion size.

If the baby has problems with stools, a skin reaction or a general restless state, you can analyze your diet based on the diary. In some cases, this helps to avoid the use of medications, because the problem disappears by itself, it only costs mom to refuse any product.

The food diary helps many to decide on the question of whether it is possible to eat dumplings for a nursing mother. You should not rely on memory, because in the first months there is already a lot of trouble. It is better to entrust important information to paper (or electronic media, if it is more convenient for you to use gadgets).


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