Porcelain tile: what is it? Porcelain tile for the street frost-resistant (reviews)

Until recently, finishing materials were clearly divided by purpose. It would seem that a strict breeding of cladding by function should facilitate the choice of customers. However, in practice, many were faced with the need to seek compromise solutions, sacrificing some properties of materials in favor of others. The appearance of porcelain tiles eliminated some of these problems. He occupied an intermediate niche between stone finishing and delicate ceramic design, providing durability of coatings and aesthetic appearance. One way or another, not many people know the answer to the following question: porcelain stoneware - what is it? Sometimes it is confused with the same ceramics, and some consumers mistakenly consider the tile as a complete replacement for granite, which is fundamentally wrong.

What is porcelain tile?

porcelain tile what is it

The material is also called gres, kerogranite. It has an artificial origin, and is used mainly as a decoration. Initially, the technique of its manufacture assumed the production of technical material, which at the same time carries a certain decorative function. For example, with its help, floor coverings were made in public places with high loads. Orientation to a purely technical role has long hindered the mass application of this coating. But 15 years ago, manufacturers began to consider porcelain tiles differently. What is it in the modern sense - consumers themselves answer this question, using tiles in the design of a variety of rooms, among which are very demanding in terms of design qualities.

Manufacturing technology

Gres is made using semi-dry pressing technology, at which the pressure is about 500 kg / cm2. As the pressing powder, a mixture is used that includes kaolin, quartz sand, white clay, feldspar, and various mineral dyes. This is followed by firing at temperatures up to 1300 Β° C. Using this technology, one can give an answer to another question: porcelain stoneware - what is it from the point of view of environmental friendliness? Of course, the absolute naturalness of this material is not peculiar, since artificial binders are added to it - the same dyes and other additives. Nevertheless, synthetic materials for facing gres can also not be attributed, since the basis still contains a considerable proportion of natural raw materials.

Properties of ceramic granite

best porcelain tile

Due to its performance qualities, kerogranite quite firmly takes its position in the market. The following are highlighted in the list of positive characteristics of the material:

  • Resistance to the harmful effects of chemically aggressive substances.
  • Low coefficient of water absorption, which distinguishes gres from conventional ceramics.
  • Hue depth. For example, if white porcelain tiles are bought, this color will be preserved under any conditions of abrasion, as the color extends throughout the entire depth of the tile.
  • The solid structure, due to which the technical characteristics of the gras is often compared with the similar properties of the stone.
  • Resistance to temperature differences.

We can say that similar qualities are found in other materials. For example, the same stones in the form of granite or marble will demonstrate even greater resistance to external influences, and the terrace board feels great when in contact with water. But porcelain tile wins due to a combination of characteristics, possessing also aesthetic advantages.

Textured qualities

The appearance of the grees is not its main advantage. In order to please customers with different tastes, factories diversify their model lines by this criterion. For staining the billet mixture, special oxides are used, with the help of which tiles of different colors are obtained. The technology allows us to produce not only green, burgundy, blue and beige porcelain stoneware, but also various variations with patterns and patterns.

A separate area worth noting is the imitation of coatings. This approach has been successful in ceramics, but in the case of Gres it gives an even greater effect. Tiles made of kerogranite can recreate the unique surface of rocks, metal, leather and, of course, wood with a characteristic texture and original colors. For example, porcelain tiles for the floor, the photo of which is presented below, organically mimics the surface of the parquet.

porcelain tiles for the floor photo

Where is porcelain tile used?

Given the characteristics of gres and its decorative properties, we can talk about a wide range of applications. First of all, public places should be noted - today floors are laid in porcelain stoneware in shopping centers, hotels, shops, the metro and in rooms with high traffic. In private homes, this material is designed not only floor surfaces, but also walls. For example, porcelain stoneware for the kitchen can be used to cover the floor, and to finish the area near the hob. Thus, protection against thermal and chemical influences is formed.

It is worth noting the external cladding of houses. The facades of buildings are designed with gres, choosing the texture for the environment and the style of the house. By the way, porcelain tiles for floors are also used outdoors. The photo below illustrates an example of laying tile material for a terrace. They can lay out tracks and steps, however, in this case, you should take care of such a property as frost resistance. Such gres should be considered separately.

white granite

Frost-resistant porcelain tile

A feature of this grease is its increased resistance to extreme temperatures. This quality is laid at the manufacturing stage. In order for frost-resistant street porcelain tiles to meet operational requirements, special additives are initially added to its mixture, along with the bulk, as well. These are antifrosty supplements, due to which the tile is also endowed with increased hardness and wear resistance. But there is another feature of frost-resistant grees. As a rule, it has a rough corrugated surface. The fact is that the operation of coatings on the street is unsafe during periods of rainfall, therefore, to prevent the sliding effect, the outer layer is made in relief.

Types of Porcelain Tile

beige porcelain tile

The manufacture of tile models with improved characteristics still refers to the specific series. For the most part, gres is available with a matte, glazed, polished and mosaic surface. Matte beige porcelain stoneware is the most affordable, as its outer layer is not processed by anything. At the same time, it is quite durable and durable. Glazed models have a smalt surface, which increases the resistance of the material to pollution. The surface of the polished past is distinguished by a mirror shine - this material is recommended to be used under conditions of gentle operation, since it is susceptible to mechanical stress. So, if polished porcelain is used, small scratches and scuffs will be especially noticeable on such a coating. Mosaic porcelain stoneware is the most expensive, but at the same time it allows the formation of surfaces that are unique in texture.

Styling technology

In general terms, the installation technique of the gres can be compared to laying ordinary tiles. Glue compositions are also used, and the working surface is previously cleaned and leveled. But there are some styling features, to understand which you should answer the question: porcelain stoneware - what is it from the point of view of the facing? These are quite weighty plates, which, however, can have different sizes and thicknesses. But in any case, the binder should be specifically suited to the gres. Laying is done by gluing with further sealing joints. In some cases, trimmed tiles. To do this, use special tile cutters or a grinder. This operation is not easy, therefore it is better to initially calculate the formation of a coating with solid elements.

How to choose the best porcelain tile?

outdoor porcelain stoneware

In the selection criteria should be based on the purpose of the material. It is one thing if you need to aesthetically decorate the flooring in the living room or hallway, and quite another when planning a garden path for which street porcelain will be used. Stones in the form of granite or marble, by the way, are less often used for paving, leaving this function to a more practical gres. Thus, in different situations, different properties should be considered.

Indoor decoration comes to the fore. That is, they select the texture that is most appropriate for the interior. The wear resistance characteristics are not so important in this case. And vice versa, in order to choose the best porcelain tile for exterior cladding, it is necessary to take into account texture properties and strength indicators. The best solution for flooring, for example, may be large relief tiles.

Porcelain tile reviews

If we talk about operational qualities, then they cause, as a rule, a harmonious response. Users note the color retention, durability and strength that porcelain tiles have. Reviews also note that coatings practically do not react to external influences, whether it is contact with chemical strong substances, or physical shock. However, it is not without criticism of ceramic granite. It mainly refers to the installation process. The hardness of the material makes it difficult to process, and the laying process itself requires accuracy and increased care.


granite stones

Technological approaches to the manufacture of kerogranite have changed significantly in recent years. Previously, it was an unsightly tile material that could cope with mechanical stress. Today it is a full-fledged decorative tile, in which not only preserved, but also expanded technical advantages. This is evidenced by frost-resistant porcelain stoneware for the street, able to withstand a whole range of external influences from extreme temperatures to precipitation and mechanical damage. Manufacturers do not stop at improving the aesthetic properties of ceramic granite. This can be judged by the model lines, which presented a series of unique patterns and patterns that recreate the texture of natural materials.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7167/

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