An interesting craft - cotton swabs

All children know what cotton buds are and why they are needed. But if you show them how to make toys from them, the kids will be delighted. After all, they like to cut, invent something, glue. Children can realize a variety of ideas, you just need to push, give them an idea. One of these ideas is an article made from cotton buds.

First craft

A lamb made of cotton swabs is very simple, the photo of which is presented below. For him we need: cotton buds, scissors, thick white cardboard, two wooden clothespins, glue, a black felt-tip pen, a colored ribbon. First, prepare the blanks of the head and body from cardboard. Cut off the tips from cotton buds. We take the preparation of the body and starting from the tail we glue our "wool". You need to do it carefully, tightly fitting the sticks to each other.

cotton swabs

Now make the head. Glue on the sides of the oval two sticks-ears and three in the middle on them - this will be a bang, we will decorate its top with a colored ribbon in the form of a bow. Draw a felt-tip pen on the eyes, nose, and mouth. It remains to stick the head to the body and to the back of the body clothespins - these will be the legs. Here is the lamb and ready.

If you make one more exactly the same body and stick it on the back side, you get a voluminous lamb from cotton swabs with your own hands.

crafts of cotton swabs

From Kinder

Let's look at another option for creating a wondrous little animals. How is the “Lamb” craft made of cotton swabs. For this option, prepare an egg from Kinder surprise, scissors, cotton buds, awl, plasticine. On the egg, you need to make a puncture with an awl so that you can insert a pre-cut stick. Punctures should be done in such a way that the sticks are close to each other. We do this on the entire surface, with the exception of the front part, on which we will mold a muzzle with eyes and a mouth from white plasticine, and we will make ears out of sticks.

For legs, sticks should be taken a little more authentic. You can send such a lamb "graze" on the lawn. To do this, take the lid from the mayonnaise bucket, apply a layer of green plasticine on it. It will be grass. To make it look more magnificent, we make grass bumps from green paper, and the meadow can also be decorated with small flowers.


You can make the application "Lamb". For her we will prepare cardboard, scissors, cotton buds, glue, a piece of lace, a frame for a photo. We cut out a circle from cardboard, on it along the contour we begin to glue cotton buds until they converge in the very center. The torso is ready. Now let's make a head. We cut it out of cardboard, decorate it with a bang (5-6 sticks cut to a minimum), ears, eyes, draw a mouth.

Next you need black cardboard. Glue the body and head on it. For the legs we take a white thin lace, the hoof will be the same cotton swab. Gently connect with the body. We got the application “Lamb” from cotton swabs. It can be inserted into the frame. Such a craft can be a wonderful gift both for the New Year and for a person who was born in the year of the goat or under the sign of Aries.

do-it-yourself lamb from cotton buds

From iron cover

Craft "Lamb" from cotton buds can be made on the basis of an iron cap, inside which we apply plasticine with a thick layer. First we make the legs of paper. Then attach the pre-made head. After that, we stick cotton buds tightly into each other in plasticine. The craft is ready.

Curly little sheep

It will turn out to be very curly a lamb from cotton buds with your own hands, if a cotton wool is glued to the prepared billet of the body, which must be removed from the cotton swab. Then we also add the head prepared in advance, decorate the bangs with a colored bow, attach the legs.

From salt dough

And here is another lamb from cotton buds. For its manufacture, prepare a cotton pad, a piece of salt dough and cotton buds. Getting to the manufacture of crafts. From salted dough you need to fashion the head of a lamb. Let us designate the eyes, nose, and mouth on it. We also fashion ears and hooves. Now we place everything in the center of the cotton pad and from the cut cotton buds we make a bang for the lamb. Here's a funny little animal turned out.

cotton swab lamb photo

Toy and plate

A very original lamb from cotton buds is obtained if it is decorated with decorative flowers or rhinestones. Such a toy can be hung on a Christmas tree. Only previously you need to make a loop for it. And if you decorate such animals in different ways, then the Christmas tree will look very elegant.

A cotton swab lamb can be used for the most unexpected purposes. For example, at your child’s birthday, you can put it next to a plate instead of a plate with the guest’s name. It will be interesting for those invited to look for a lamb with their name, and then you can pick it up as a memorabilia.

Little conclusion

Here are some interesting toys made from cotton buds. And if we take into account the fact that they are always in every house, then you can take a child at any moment. As a result, the toy will turn out to be funny, and the baby will acquire the necessary skills that will be useful in life.


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