Dog Breed Teddy Bears: An Overview

Dogs for a long period live next to people, performing many different functions. They can be great guards, hunters, rescuers, and good companions. And with all this, most of them also have an attractive appearance. Today's publication will provide brief descriptions of large and small dogs, similar to bears.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The formation of this breed took place in vivo, almost without human intervention. According to one version, it originates from the ancient dog-shaped dogs that lived on the territory of Urartu. According to another theory, the ancestors of these powerful animals were Tibetan etching dogs. They have long guarded sheep flocks from the attack of large predators and even served in the Turkish army.

dog breed like teddy bears

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a huge and shaggy breed. Dogs are like teddy bears, they only have impressive dimensions and remarkable physical strength. On a massive cheeky head with a slightly convex forehead there are short-cropped ears and oval, deep-set eyes. A proportional, slightly stretched case with a straight top line and a wide chest is covered with thick dense wool of almost any color.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a serious breed of dog. Like teddy bears, dogs exist only until the moment when no one encroaches on the territory entrusted to them. Despite the apparent phlegm, they are able to attack an alien with lightning speed, threatening the tranquility of the owner and members of his family. These dogs are not suitable for living in urban apartments and need special training.

Tibetan mastiff

This is one of the oldest breeds, whose history is shrouded in many secrets and legends. The first mention of similar animals was found in Chinese annals dated 1121 BC. e.

bear dwarf pomeranian

Tibetan mastiff is an impressive breed of dog. You can’t call such a dog a teddy bear. A massive, slightly stretched body with a deep chest, strong back and slightly raised croup is covered with thick shaggy wool of black, red, brown, gray or two-tone color. On a large voluminous head with a pronounced nape and a wide muzzle, there are small oval eyes and triangular drooping ears.

The Tibetan mastiff is a serious dog with developed security instincts. He is famous for his innate endurance and ability to intuitively distinguish the intentions of a stranger. It is desirable to keep it in a large area enclosed by a high, solid fence.


The birthplace of this breed is considered the Canadian island of the same name. According to one version, the ancestors of these animals were mastiffs imported from England. According to another theory, they came from French butcher dogs and black Scottish shepherd dogs.

Samoyed puppy

Newfoundland is a large and beautiful breed of dog. With teddy bears, they are similar except that a thick fur coat. The dimensions of these big guys are impressive. On average, they grow to 68-74 cm at the withers, and weigh between 55-70 kg. On a broad head with a well-defined square muzzle and a pronounced nape, there are triangular drooping ears and deep-set brown eyes. A harmonious, compact body with a strong top line and a long strong neck is covered with thick shaggy wool of brown or black color.

Newfoundlands are good-natured, sensitive dogs, endowed with a calm disposition. They get along well with other pets and cannot stand long loneliness. Despite the impressive dimensions, they are distinguished by their soft character and are not suitable for the role of a security guard.

Chow chow

The history of these animals dates back to two millennia. According to one version, they came from the northern wolves. According to another theory, the dogs, Tibetan mastiffs and even Spitzs participated in the formation of the breed.

little dog like a bear

Chow-chow is a medium-sized dog growing up to 45-57 cm at the withers. On a massive head with a pronounced stop and a dull short muzzle, there are oval deep-set eyes and small erect ears. A distinctive feature of these animals is a dark blue or purple tongue. And the resemblance to a bear gives them a dense shaggy coat, covering a compact strong body with a powerful chest and a strong top line.

Chow-chow - animals with an ambiguous character. On the one hand, these are calm and calm dogs. On the other - cunning creatures that can enter into a fight with their relatives. They are endowed with good protective qualities and can be aggressive towards outsiders.

Dwarf Pomeranian Spitz

The ancestors of these miniature dogs lived in Germany more than 500 years ago. In England, they were recognized in 1870 and quickly gained popularity around the world.

Pomeranian Spitz is a tiny dog ​​growing up to 18-22 cm at the withers. On a wedge-shaped short-faced head with a sloping forehead, there are oval brown eyes and neat rounded ears. The compact miniature body with a flat back and a wide chest is covered with straight two-layer wool of white, black, chocolate, orange, sable, zoning gray or black and tan color.

Pomeranian Spitz is a cheerful, hardy, neat dog, suitable for keeping in city apartments. At the same time, he is distinguished by a cocky disposition and has a tendency to vacillation.

Samoyed Like

These white dogs, similar to bears, appeared in the XI century BC. e. They descended from the domesticated polar wolf and were used as hunting assistants.

white dogs similar to a bear

Samoyed husky is not a very large dog, growing up to 50-60 cm at the withers and weighing between 15-30 kg. On a proportional wedge-shaped head with a tapering muzzle there are triangular erect ears and dark eyes. A strong, moderately stretched body with well-developed muscles is covered with thick long hair of a white color.

Samoyed huskies are hardy, unpretentious dogs that quickly adapt to any conditions. They are not prone to aggression and are not suitable for the role of a guard. Samoyed puppies are very good at training and in the presence of systematic classes grow into obedient and loyal dogs.


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