DIY broom amulet: step-by-step instructions, workshop and recommendations

A home for every person is the most important place on earth. And many believe that it should be stored not only with the lock and keys, regular cleaning and maintaining comfort, but also with the help of amulets. For example, a do-it-yourself broom made, is considered a good help for protecting family well-being in the house.

Conjure a little

Even if there is no faith in miracles, magic must be treated with caution! In fact, who knows, suddenly wizards and sorceresses are so cleverly hiding that ordinary people never catch the eye. Indeed, just in case, every person has some object that he is trying to preserve: for good luck, for happiness, for "let it just be." These are amulets and charms, which often do not have great material significance, but are valuable as a memory of something good and happy. You can make a broom amulet with your own hands if you want. He will become the talisman of love for his home, hard work, the ability to see beauty. And it can actually become a talisman of your beloved home and all your household.

do-it-yourself broom

The broom is not a broom!

If you set yourself the goal of making a broom amulet with your own hands, you should first make the original item. And one thing must be learned: a broom is not a broom. Streets sweep the brooms, and witches fly on them. And the broom cleans the house. He must be clean and tidy in order to cope with his work. And also, they say, it is in him that the brownie lives. And therefore, the broom became a charm for the house.

do-it-yourself broom preserver master class

The broom may be ...

So, there is a task - to make a broom amulet with your own hands. A master class of such work will certainly begin with the creation of the basis of a talisman. It can be made from a huge amount of materials, because in the talisman it is just a symbol, no one will be vengeance on them. To make a broom as the basis of the amulet, you can use:

  • sprigs of sorghum - buy a real household broom and choose neat, strong twigs from it;
  • straw - it is best to harvest straw yourself, but you can turn to craftsmen weaving pictures, baskets and so on from straw ;
  • cattail - this natural material can be found in abundance on the swampy shores of ponds and ditches, it can be prepared at any time of the year, even if it is frozen;
  • bast - gut a new paint brush made from this old material;
  • bamboo sticks - exotic material can also be used as a basis for amulets;
  • yarn - ordinary threads, of which craftswomen knit socks and sweaters, can also be taken as the basis for a broom.

how to make a broom amulet do it yourself

How to tie a broom?

Creative work - to create a broom amulet for the house with your own hands. The beginning is the most laborious. The selected material must be cut. The length and thickness of the broom are determined by eye. Usually it is about 20-30 centimeters in length, and the diameter of the handle depends mainly on the width of the main part. All twigs, straws, strings should be cut in length a few centimeters more than necessary. This is due to the fact that after the handle is connected, the lower part must be arranged in the shape of a fan, fixed and trimmed evenly. The handle is assembled with strong, tear-resistant threads or wire. Usually hauling is done in three places, arranging evenly. The lower part of the broom is formed by successively braiding small bunches of main branches.

do-it-yourself amulet for home broom

They are divided into rather thin locks and fixed with threads or wire. This division can be repeated several times, knitting the stitches in a checkerboard pattern. In some cases, for example, when a broom is made of bast or yarn, it is recommended to coat the material with PVA glue, allow it to dry almost, then form a fan and put it under the press for a day. This is done to fix the form. But the broom took the form of a fan, and it can be cut, making the bottom edge straight or semicircular, as desired.

preserved the broom do-it-yourself value

How to decorate?

Often decorative elements are used as talismans. What, for example, does the broom charm mean? It’s not enough to make an amulet for your home with your own hands and hang a handmade talisman on the wall, it’s important to supplement it with significant elements. They can be real items bought in the store, or they can be a stylization created independently from improvised materials. It is most convenient to fashion them from a suitable material and paint them. Plasticine will not work, since the amulet wreath often becomes an interior decoration in the kitchen, and it can be hot there and plasticine will flow. The easiest way, without running around the shops of materials for creativity, is to sculpt the necessary decor from salt dough. The broom handle and its edge can be decorated with patterned braid of suitable color.

protective broom and rules for its use

Mass for modeling

In order to sculpt small figures at home, there are a lot of materials. They make cold porcelain and clay mixture themselves. But there is the simplest material available - bioceramics. So called a mixture of flour, fine table salt and water. Here is a classic recipe for such a mass:

  • 200 grams of flour;
  • 200 grams of salt;
  • 125 grams of water.

You can improve the recipe a little by adding 100 grams of starch and another 50 grams of water. With such an additive, the dough is more plastic, and it is possible to make small parts from it. The mass is kneaded to a homogeneous consistency, stored in a refrigerator wrapped in cling film. Details from it are molded as necessary, left to dry in the open air. Finished items are painted with ordinary paints and covered with transparent varnish. You can also attract children to this lesson, help them sculpt figures of the appropriate size, shape, teach kids the names of various objects, telling stories and fairy tales about them. Such a charm will become a real keeper of the family, because joint pastime will forever remain in fond memories.

amulet for home do it yourself symbol meaning

What is this for?

In witchcraft, and talismans, amulets and charms in one way or another belong to the world of magic, each item has its own meaning. How to make a broom amulet with your own hands, so that it brings benefits to the house and to all household members? Use the correct decor details:

  • coins, best of all silver, mean success in business;
  • burlap sack promises wealth;
  • bay leaf portends fame;
  • the head of garlic will protect from evil spirits;
  • a loaf or pretzel speaks of hospitality;
  • sunflower seeds mean that there will be many children in the house;
  • red pepper means strong masculinity;
  • rose hips - feminine beauty and wisdom;
  • lapochki symbolize comfort in the house;
  • wheat grains or beans mean prosperity and well-being;
  • a figure in the form of a house with a roof, the window will protect the whole house as a whole.

All the elements in order to create a broom amulet with your own hands can be blinded, although real fruits and grains are more suitable as an amulet. Also for decoration you can use flowers, pet figures, ribbons and bows, pebbles. To make a home amulet with your own hands, to learn the meaning of the symbol of each, to prepare the necessary elements means to help your home become more beautiful and, if you believe it, give it protection.

do-it-yourself broom

Put together

When the broom is ready, and the decorative elements are selected, they need to be nicely placed on a broom-base. Experienced craftsmen and those who believe in magic do not recommend making a charm for the house with all the possible elements at a time. After all, a young family needs children, and those who already have children need stability and success in business. So do-it-yourself broom should be done in accordance with life circumstances. You need to fix all the elements evenly, their location relative to each other does not matter. You can fix the decor on glue, for example, "Titanium", or you can use thin wire. If the details are stucco, then the wire can be placed in advance in the body of the figure.

do-it-yourself broom preserver master class

Where to place a broom amulet?

For the amulet to work, you need to know not only how to make a protective broom, and the rules for its use. As a decorative element, it is undoubtedly hung inside the home. The best place for its location will be the kitchen - the heart of the house, all home people gather there, prepare delicious food to maintain strength and create joy. Inside the house, a handmade broom, created, is hung up with the handle and the main part down. This symbolically serves as a way to remove all the negative from the house, the broom as if sweeping away everything bad. It is also important to keep the talisman in a neat form, because, according to legend, it’s the brownie that lives in the broom, and in order for him to be happy, his home should always be comfortable, clean, and beautiful.

Well, creativity always gives joy - through its process of ideas and craftsmanship, and also the result. Do-it-yourself broom creation should be done for two reasons: to decorate your home and give it a cute amulet that keeps warm and comfortable, helps in fulfilling wishes. Good luck


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