Moveton is a bad taste and lack of good manners

Today, fashion is not so straightforward, conservative and strict. Everything is fashionable at once. There is no certain length in clothes,

moveton in clothes
some specific styles, and there are so many trends that you can please everyone. All that was considered unacceptable in clothes, in makeup or in hairstyle, today may be at the height of fashion. It even seems that popular trends are sometimes created contrary to or contrary to these rules.

Howeton is a relic of the past?

Sometimes people with conservative thinking cannot come to terms with what they see around them. Behavior, the manner of behaving in society, as well as the outfits of young people, they seem simply unacceptable. Previously, this would be defined as bad manners. In clothes, several decades ago, both women and men adhered to certain rules. Everything that went beyond these unshakable foundations was considered bad taste, and the owners of such an appearance could simply be ridiculed in the eyes. Such extraordinary people shunned, treated like white crows. Today, despite the fact that for many, the combination of clothing details of light green and pink, bright yellow and lilac colors is a bad manga, this combination is often found in the collections of some designers. Are all the established rules regarding the toilet and style left in the past, and now everyone wears what he likes and what is convenient for him? One gets the impression that many around do not know what Moveton means, and among them there are many famous fashion designers. For some of them, for some reason, it seems that by creating dresses and suits that do not meet the requirements of fashion, they will seem original and unique.

Moveton is
Whatton is what?

In fact, this word is considered obsolete. It is of French origin and means poor taste or bad taste. However, it characterizes not only a tastelessly dressed person, but also people who do not know how to behave in a decent society, who do not know the rules of etiquette. Their manners and behavior testify to bad manners. Of course, this word was commonplace in a class society, and representatives of the upper class differed in this from people of a lower origin. Noblemen from diapers were taught good manners, even the smallest details were taken into account. And to people whose behavior and appearance did not correspond to the norms accepted in society, there was no place among them.

What is bad manners in clothes?

Of course, times are changing, both fashion and taste criteria are changing. They say taste is an innate quality. He is either there or not.

what mean bad man
So today, such items of clothing become trends that a few years ago would be unacceptable to many women. For example, if it was previously considered indecent to wear dark underwear under a white translucent blouse, today it is no longer a bad manners - this is the trend of the season. Or another example: not so long ago, combining sports shoes with a maxi airy skirt would be considered ridiculous bad taste, but just a few years ago this combination was a fashionable trend. Nevertheless, there are certain rules, the inviolability of which even the most eccentric fashion designers will not dispute. For example, under no circumstances should you wear dresses several sizes smaller, especially a full figure, or you should not wear high-rise thongs that peek out from the waistband with pants that have a low waist. Too many cosmetics on the face, or a lot of shiny details in the outfit, are also considered bad taste. Often Moveton is a synonym for a lack of a sense of proportion. The person to whom it is inherent will never fall into a ridiculous situation, regardless of whether he has good taste and style or not.


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